The right wing is very selective about what is in the Constitution. They believe "A well regulated Militia" in the 2nd Amendment is a meaningless phrase and can be ignored.
2nd Amendment said:
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
It is not a meaningless phrase. It is simply referring to a right of any State to defend itself. It uses militias for that.
YOU believe that 'the right of the people to keep and bear Arms' is a meaningless phrase and can be ignored.
YOU believe that 'shall not be infringed' is a meaningless phrase and can be ignored.
The 2nd amendment discusses the right of self defense.
1) The right of a State to defend itself using militias that it organizes for the purpose (well regulated).
2) The right of an individual to defend himself by keeping and bearing Arms (weapons...ANY type of weapon).
NEITHER shall be infringed.
This restraint applies to the States as well as to the Federal government. Each State agreed to it when they joined the Union.
Since then, of course, they have violated their own agreement.
It's so bad in some former States they have effectively left the Union. They no longer recognize the Constitution of the United States nor the constitution of their own State. Two of note are the SOTC (formerly California) and the SOTNY (formerly the State of New York). Both of these have become oligarchies. The SOTC is moving towards dictatorship.
Like Democrats everywhere, they:
* dictate who can and who cannot make a political opinion (ignoring the 1st amendment).
* dictate what gun you can carry or make so you cannot carry a gun at all (ignoring the 2nd amendment).
* snoop into your private papers, spy on citizens, and make use of 'scarlet letters' (ignoring the 4th amendment).
* convict people, take their private property, etc without due process (ignoring the 5th amendment).
* convict without trial (ignoring the 6th amendment).
* deny trial by jury (ignoring the 7th amendment).
* want to kill people for their beliefs (ignoring the 8th amendment).
* try to use the constitution as an instrument that grants rights (ignoring the 9th amendment and the purpose of a constitution).
* try to use the federal government to bully states, and attributing to the federal government powers and authorities it does not have (ignoring the 10th amendment).
* intervene using the Supreme Court lawsuits by citizens of one State to file lawsuits against another State (ignoring the 11th amendment).
* want to bring slavery back to the States in the form of 'inner city plantations' (ignoring the 13th amendment).
* do not want equal protection of the laws (ignoring the 14th amendment).
* describe 'blacks are too stupid to get voter id' (ignoring the 15th amendment).
* want to 'tax the rich' (ignoring the 16th amendment).
* want to claim 'special rights' for the gays, for women, for lesbians, etc. while denying rights to 'white oppressors' (ignoring the 19th amendment).
* want to impeach over and over, dictating to the Senate conditions for trial (ignoring Article I, $2-3).
* claim the President originates spending (ignoring Article I, $7).
* coerce foreign nations by intimidation for personal gain, such as Biden's son benefiting from intervention by Obama (ignoring Article I, $9).
* stole the gold and silver from citizens, and replaced it with fiat currency (ignoring Article I, $10).
* attribute the choices of electors to administrative or executive branches of governments instead of with the legislatures of each State (ignoring Article II, $1).
* violate their own oath of office by failing to defend the Constitution of the United States (as evidenced here, and ignoring Article II, $1).
* ignore their own treason, such as when Biden's Handlers gave weapons to the enemy in a time of war (ignoring Article II, $4 and Article III, $3).
* attempt to usurp the authority to change the Constitution from the States through the use of a court (ignoring Article V).