Confederate Statues

So...a couple things:

1. Tearing down the statues doesn't rewrite anything.

2. You point out that the statues are of Democrats, who you demonize, but then in the very same breath you defend the monuments to them.

So square that circle; you say Democrats are bad because they used to support slavery, but you are defending monuments to them. So you're not making any sense. You're just a partisan hack and fraud, aren't you?

Totally brilliant! Your logic is irrefutable.
They? Everyone that fought for the Confederacy?

Feigning obtuseness isn't going to carry your argument today, pal.

They fought for the Confederacy for the same reason you fight for tax cuts for the rich today; you're a gullible duped idiot who wants to feel your entitlement has been accommodated.
Spoiler Alert: I'm already wealthy in many ways.

Yeah, you're rich in stupidity and racism.

Additional Spoiler Alert: You won't ever be anything but a nigger.

One day you are going to slip and reveal a personal detail about yourself that can be used to trace who you actually are. And when that day comes I'm going to be right there, like a predator in waiting, ready to ruin your entire life with a few keystrokes.
The scenarios aren't identical, but they both represent examples of breaking the law in order to fight the efforts of a racist regime.
Uh-uh. Only Anne Frank was the one fighting a racist regime. The vandals are brain dead hooligans.

Shitty comparison. ;)
This is how he absconds responsibility for defending treasonous racist spend your time here defending Confederate traitors, but then you shirk accountability for defending them.

Chump move, coward.

You're the one defending slavery. In fact, you support SLAVE states having been exempted from the Emancipation Proclamation because they didn't secede. Appears to me as if you determined whether slavery is bad or not based on where it existed not what it was.


You're welcome. ;)
You're the one defending slavery. In fact, you support SLAVE states having been exempted from the Emancipation Proclamation because they didn't secede.

I "support them", how?

You're the one who's literally defending monuments to slavery, not me. You're the one who is literally defending the Confederacy, not me.

Appears to me as if you determined whether slavery is bad or not based on where it existed not what it was.

Slavery was bad and those border states abolished it. But most importantly, they didn't secede.
Feigning obtuseness isn't going to carry your argument today, pal.

They fought for the Confederacy for the same reason you fight for tax cuts for the rich today; you're a gullible duped idiot who wants to feel your entitlement has been accommodated.

To go based on YOUR words isn't being obtuse.

Unlike your kind, I don't feel entitled. No one owes me anything.
Uh-uh. Only Anne Frank was the one fighting a racist regime. The vandals are brain dead hooligans.

Shitty comparison. ;)

Those who chose to break the law to shelter Frank were standing up to the right-wing racists who had taken over Holland. I applaud that law-breaking.
Dig them up. Burn whatever remains. Smash the headstones. Piss on the flags.

Please let us know when you do this as we will really enjoy watching the cops throw your sorry ass in the back of a police car for destroying government property. Fucking blow hard you will do nothing but sit on your fat ass and shoot your mouth off.
When do you plan on getting started?

So this is another tactic of the cowardly right.

They know that we're debating topics on the when they reach the end of the debate, and lose it, the next tactic becomes...well, go ahead and do it then.

So you're conceding the debate.

My ancestors weren't even in the country until the early 20th century, so you're barking up the wrong tree here, assface.

Do society a favor and drink a gallon of antifreeze.

I bet if you do, someone might actually give a shit.

Then you have no dog in the fight fuck face!
Yeah, you're rich in stupidity and racism.

One day you are going to slip and reveal a personal detail about yourself that can be used to trace who you actually are. And when that day comes I'm going to be right there, like a predator in waiting, ready to ruin your entire life with a few keystrokes.

Since those things don't determine wealth, you, once again, talk out your asshole.

You can't run that fast.
To go based on YOUR words isn't being obtuse

Nothing you post here is based on anyone's words. You're just mashing your keyboard and spraying as much trash as you can to try and sneak some of it through. It's Trump's strategy of lying every second in the hopes that at least one of those lies will go unchallenged. You employ that same strategy here, but it's way, way dumber.

Unlike your kind, I don't feel entitled. No one owes me anything.

Exactly. No one owes you a thing; including letting you have an opinion.
Please let us know when you do this as we will really enjoy watching the cops throw your sorry ass in the back of a police car for destroying government property. Fucking blow hard you will do nothing but sit on your fat ass and shoot your mouth off.

So rather than debate the merits of the traitors whose monuments you defend, you shift the debate to the grounds of physical action.

So thanks for conceding your arguments are bullshit.
Yes, it literally does.

You are defending statues that honor the traitors and the cause they fought for. So you might think you're being clever by being self-contradicting, but you're not. You're just being an idiot who doesn't want to admit you're a racist piece of shit that shares the values of the traitors and turncoats who lost their war.

I see right through it. My Conservative-Bullshit detector is going crazy right now.

Right...particularly those who think the Civil War wasn't about slavery. You seem to be waffling on that position. It's obvious why.

So you admit you agree with the Nazi's. I bet Hitler would have loved you.
I'm not defending any thing except the rule of law fuck face. It's idiots like you that think only your opinions count.
Since those things don't determine wealth, you, once again, talk out your asshole.


You're not rich "in any way" other than being wealthy in stupidity and racism.

I think you just posture about yourself on these boards, and that you're terrified of everyone here finding out your true identity. I think you have a lot to be ashamed of, but you pretend you don't here to make yourself feel better.

My ultimate goal is to give you that little push over the edge. And all I have to do is be patient. Because you're a sloppy person who is going to slip up eventually. Your most closely-guarded secret, your identity, is the thing I'm gunning for here. Because I know just as well as you do, that if your identity were revealed, you wouldn't be posturing like you do.

Not my first rodeo.