Confirm John Bolton

LOL Are you believing this Gaf? inspectors in iraq were shot upon when they came too close, yet they did a good job of keeping things in check?

I dunno, if this is the mindset of a younger generation to come I have to think the futre is looking mighty bleak!
John Bolton's an idiot who understands nothing about human nature. You have to cuddle up to people to slit their throats, going up to them and saying "I'm going to slit your throat" is just going to make them run away.
Yeah this is hilarious. She has to be young with her only news source as cnn. That's all i can figure. She actually believes we are going hunting for another country to go after and that little innocent iran is next. sheeesh
John Bolton's an idiot who understands nothing about human nature. You have to cuddle up to people to slit their throats, going up to them and saying "I'm going to slit your throat" is just going to make them run away.


That truly sounds like a politcal figure!

human nature, politics? I see little connection between the two. What is the real driving force behind the hatred for Bolton?
Let it move to Paris, and just have the US Person on the Council veto everything. France can feel all good about themselves and it will be just as much a waste of time as it is currently...
John Bolton's an idiot who understands nothing about human nature. You have to cuddle up to people to slit their throats, going up to them and saying "I'm going to slit your throat" is just going to make them run away.

human nature says if I tell you I'm going to slit your throat I better have a knife to do it with. If I want to slit your throat i will just do it. but if my purpose is to make you fearful and run away then by telling you and you running I have achieved what i wanted.

We don't need a cuddler in the un we need someone that has the balls to say I'm gonna slit your throat.
human nature says if I tell you I'm going to slit your throat I better have a knife to do it with. If I want to slit your throat i will just do it. but if my purpose is to make you fearful and run away then by telling you and you running I have achieved what i wanted.

We don't need a cuddler in the un we need someone that has the balls to say I'm gonna slit your throat.

Damn, I totally missed that point if it is indeed what he meant, but undoubtedly the proper response!
looks like Gaffer and Sir Evil are a "fox news" only type of crowd...the hell with CNN, Fox rules, right!?

The inspectors had free access....with no stumbling blocks or consequences, they wanted to continue doing their job, but were pulled out by the that the President could War with Iraq.

That is the truth.

The Inspectors went back in after the war had completed, with total free access and also confirmed there were no WMD's to be found.

Cheney said: Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us.


And you guys are still repeating this really believe the administration DID NOT manipulate their information to deceive the American People in to being so afraid of a mushroom cloud from Saddam hitting Americans?

I just don't get it?

What are you guys defending...your support for the lies that were given to you that you failed to recognize and see?

Does all the killing of innocent people weigh on you guys, in the least? Especially since you beat the war drums to death on the build up to war?

Ahhhhhhhhhh, this war in Iraq was justified...and that's the story and you all are sticking to it!!! that's it, right?

Well, let's just say, some of us, have seen the light, and disagree with your assessment of the situation.

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More than one long time government employee has stated that Bolton tried to bully intelligence analysts to change intelligence info.

Ring a bell?

Does "Iraq" mean anything to you?

This man Bolton deserved firing, not promoting imo.

go to archives and review the Senate confirmation hearing for Bolton, IF you really want to know something about Bolton and WHY he should not be confirmed by the Senate for this position....

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here....but go to the hearings on this at c-span if you want to know more...


Bolton Appears Headed for Confirmation
Bolton Appears Headed for Confirmation Despite Accusation He Abused Intelligence Officials
The Associated Press
Apr. 12, 2005 - John R. Bolton appeared a step closer to confirmation as ambassador to the United Nations despite scathing testimony Tuesday by a former State Department intelligence chief that he was a "serial abuser" of analysts who disagreed with his hard-line views.

A committee vote to send President Bush's nomination of Bolton, who has frequently dismissed the United Nations as irrelevant and misguided, to the full Senate could come as early as Thursday, depending on whether his Democratic foes request a few days to review State Department documents they sought to have declassified.

Carl Ford Jr., a former chief at the State Department's bureau of intelligence and research, denounced Bolton as a "kiss-up, kick-down sort of guy" who directed an abusive tirade at analyst Christian P. Westermann for questioning whether Cuba was developing biological and chemical weapons.

But the pivotal Republican on the Foreign Relations Committee, Sen. Lincoln Chafee of Rhode Island, said he was "still inclined" to vote to confirm Bolton, who is now undersecretary of state for arms control.

The Constitution gives Bush considerable leeway to name ambassadors and "I see the bar as very high" for rejecting his choices, Chafee told reporters after the hearing was adjourned.

Ford was the only witness called besides Bolton, who testified for more than seven hours Monday, although Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., told a reporter a "whole slew" of U.S. officials could have echoed Ford's accusations of harassment.

With Republicans in the majority, Bolton's nomination could be approved by the committee Thursday or early next week. Bolton was probably more vulnerable in the committee because Republicans outnumber Democrats there only 10-8. They have a safer margin, 55 to 44 with one independent, in the full Senate.

Democrats said Bolton's mistreatment of lower-level officials who would not bend to his hard-line views was underscored by Ford, who appeared voluntarily as a witness to support the accusations of harassment.

Praised by Sen. Paul Sarbanes, D-Md., for "standing up," Ford said that while he is a Republican conservative and a devout admirer of Vice President Dick Cheney, he "feels like a target" for challenging a senior Republican.

"I have never seen anyone quite like Mr. Bolton," Ford testified under oath. "He abuses his authority with little people."

Contradicting Bolton's assertion Monday that he never tried to have officials who disagreed with him discharged, Ford said Bolton tried to have Westermann fired. "I had my own confrontations with Bolton," Ford said, but added that abusing an official on a much lower level was a different matter.

Reflecting on the testimony, Dodd said in an interview, "If this isn't enough I don't know what you can do" to derail the Bolton nomination. But he said he had not been told that any Republican would oppose confirmation.

The chairman, Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., said the "paramount issue" was giving President Bush the nominee he wants to undertake reform at the United Nations. "Bluntness may not be very good diplomacy, but on occasion it may be required," Lugar said as the hearing drew to a close.

Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., who led the fight to block the nomination, responded angrily to Ford's accusation of mistreatment. Anytime a senior official abuses a lower-level one, he said, "that's just not acceptable."

Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., said it was not an isolated incident, since Bolton had harassed at least three officials who disagreed with the extent of threats he thought Cuba and other countries posed.

Calling Bolton a "bully," Boxer said, "I think Mr. Bolton needs anger management at a minimum and he does not deserve to be promoted" to the U.N. post.
looks like Gaffer and Sir Evil are a "fox news" only type of crowd...the hell with CNN, Fox rules, right!?

The inspectors had free access....with no stumbling blocks or consequences, they wanted to continue doing their job, but were pulled out by the that the President could War with Iraq.

That is the truth.

The Inspectors went back in after the war had completed, with total free access and also confirmed there were no WMD's to be found.

Cheney said: Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us.


And you guys are still repeating this really believe the administration DID NOT manipulate their information to deceive the American People in to being so afraid of a mushroom cloud from Saddam hitting Americans?

I just don't get it?

What are you guys defending...your support for the lies that were given to you that you failed to recognize and see?

Does all the killing of innocent people weigh on you guys, in the least? Especially since you beat the war drums to death on the build up to war?

Ahhhhhhhhhh, this war in Iraq was justified...and that's the story and you all are sticking to it!!! that's it, right?

Well, let's just say, some of us, have seen the light, and disagree with your assessment of the situation.


Care, you have two guys sitting around giggling over a "girl" because they still believe weapons of mass destruction were there!

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at such willful ignorance, but I do know that they look like the utter fools that they are.

Pathetic bastards...CNN...I watch very little television news. I'm actuallly literate, that's why I'm aware of what the rest of the literate world is aware of: THERE WERE NO WMDS.

And anyone who is still arguing that there were? They live in an alternate universe where the only reality is the bush/Hannity reality and they are best left there, drooling into their grape nehi and scratching their private parts...until the next episode of Hannity and the corpse we dug up and slapped a liberal tag. When I think of all the of the people who are dead, and whom are still yet to die because of drooling morons like these, and yet they continue to take up air...sad.
well darla I believe you need to read more than what moveondotorg has to say and the other left wingbloggers. But I know you won't, so no sense in arguing that with you.

c-span does have some interesing things on it. Of course if you pull out only what the democraps have to say and only look at the anti-Bush crowd you do get a one sided view.

I do watch FOX because I can get more factual news there than I can from the other media. but I use it as a point of referrence to research more on what they report. I am not a Hannity fan. personnally i think he's too nice to the liberals.

As for the wmds, they were there. The russians removed them. The documents are there and still being analyzed. Not by the government but by private organizations including FOX news. Bush has made a lot of mistakes and the captured documents I think was a major one. They also have satelite photos of columns of trucks crossing into syria just before the war began. Why the administration didn't follow up on this and release the info is beyond me. The interpreted documents are slowly being released and show that the russians moved the weapons. How many were returned to russia and how many ended up in syrian hands is unknown.

Whether Bolton is a prick or not does not concern me. Whether he can do the job in the un, a useless corrupt organization, does. All that is shown on c-span is the democrats and aformer underling telling what a prick he was. Nowhere do they talk about what he actually did in his job. In what way did he fail to do his job and not accomplish things. Not all bosses are loveable, you don't accomplish anything by being loveable and liked.

I'd rather see a prick representing us in the un than a pussy.
looks like Gaffer and Sir Evil are a "fox news" only type of crowd...the hell with CNN, Fox rules, right!?

The inspectors had free access....with no stumbling blocks or consequences, they wanted to continue doing their job, but were pulled out by the that the President could War with Iraq.
Holy shitbrick bonanza's, where do ya all get your info from? and ya claim us to be one sided fox watchers? how lame!:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

The Inspectors went back in after the war had completed, with total free access and also confirmed there were no WMD's to be found.
Negative, they were fired upon and asked to leave the country!

Cheney said: Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us.
Oh I see, Cheney now is where the intel derived from? Also, do you have some simply irrefutible evidence that they never did exists there, or is it they they have not been found to the grade and amount of your likings?

And you guys are still repeating this really believe the administration DID NOT manipulate their information to deceive the American People in to being so afraid of a mushroom cloud from Saddam hitting Americans?
No, I think they completely made it up do steal the oil! :rolleyes:

What are you guys defending...your support for the lies that were given to you that you failed to recognize and see?

Does all the killing of innocent people weigh on you guys, in the least? Especially since you beat the war drums to death on the build up to war?

Ahhhhhhhhhh, this war in Iraq was justified...and that's the story and you all are sticking to it!!! that's it, right?

Well, let's just say, some of us, have seen the light, and disagree with your assessment of the situation.


Ya seen the light huh? are you too going to start chanting the call for Gore?

LOL, you shitbricks have all the answers, unfortuantely none of them seem to answer the proper questions. Go ahead and see your light, see how the bush administration stole the oil, how they masterminded 911, how they are creating more terrorists, and all that good stuff.
Yeah this is hilarious. She has to be young with her only news source as cnn. That's all i can figure. She actually believes we are going hunting for another country to go after and that little innocent iran is next. sheeesh

Ohh so now that Rather is gone and couric is in charge the next target is CNN ?
Hmm if not for CBS we would still have Mcarthy in there. Bu then that seems to be just what the Busheeple would like, or at least think they would till it bites their butt :)