To answer your question first....
I watched the hearing very closely....I am now a home maker so, I have the time to do such...
I did not think that he was the type of person that would represent me well, based on the way he treated the people below him....which you can read a little about in the article that was posted but honestly this article did not do justice in describing the situation.
Another head, testified against Bolton and how he treated his emplyees that came to a different conclusion than Bolton in their intelligence analysis and Bolton tried to get them to change their view or he wanted them fired...
Maybe it is because I am a female, but I was extremely turned off by him and his answers and the testimony against him by several other subordinents.
I also was concerned with his willingness to CHANGE intelligence reports to suit HIS needs....
In addition to this, I heard about his comments in the past regarding the UN.
I thought they were very juvenile and did not represent what I would expect someone of this high level in gvt to be like. I would have expected him to keep his MOUTH SHUT on what his goals for the UN and NOT HAVE SHOWN HIS CARDS the way he did and cause the controversy that was caused regarding his statement...basically, more diplomatic...
I agree that the UN needs repair, but I don't agree that John Bolton is the best man to get the UN working in our favor again, as it once did....when it was our "tool" to use....
Certainly President Bush can pick a better man for the job, that appears to be more diplomatic and sympathetic towards the UN....EVEN IF he really is not....this administration has stuck their foot in their mouth more than once and have shown their cards before the game is done, one too many times imo, and this is just another one...
I watched the hearing very closely....I am now a home maker so, I have the time to do such...
I did not think that he was the type of person that would represent me well, based on the way he treated the people below him....which you can read a little about in the article that was posted but honestly this article did not do justice in describing the situation.
Another head, testified against Bolton and how he treated his emplyees that came to a different conclusion than Bolton in their intelligence analysis and Bolton tried to get them to change their view or he wanted them fired...
Maybe it is because I am a female, but I was extremely turned off by him and his answers and the testimony against him by several other subordinents.
I also was concerned with his willingness to CHANGE intelligence reports to suit HIS needs....
In addition to this, I heard about his comments in the past regarding the UN.
I thought they were very juvenile and did not represent what I would expect someone of this high level in gvt to be like. I would have expected him to keep his MOUTH SHUT on what his goals for the UN and NOT HAVE SHOWN HIS CARDS the way he did and cause the controversy that was caused regarding his statement...basically, more diplomatic...
I agree that the UN needs repair, but I don't agree that John Bolton is the best man to get the UN working in our favor again, as it once did....when it was our "tool" to use....
Certainly President Bush can pick a better man for the job, that appears to be more diplomatic and sympathetic towards the UN....EVEN IF he really is not....this administration has stuck their foot in their mouth more than once and have shown their cards before the game is done, one too many times imo, and this is just another one...
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