I guess I am, I missed anything in the article about bunker busters..
How did I take it out of context? I quoted what it said word for word and expressed my opinion on its credibilty.
Precisely, the article plays right into what you wanna believe, that's fin but it's not what I choose to.
Again I did'nt say it discredits the entire article, well more or less said that I don't find it to be very credible when the comment I quoted in question is even mentioned.
Not at all, I still fail to see the unrefutable evidence of this article. If you would like I can find a source to refute what was said in that article, and then you too would be all over it that it is just a bunch of bs!
Ok, last time now as I have already suggested this a few times within the thread. Find me an article that has gauranteed analysis, irrefutible evidence that iraq had never, nor at the time in question had wmd's...
Fact is you want to believe that it would be way off the wall for one of our soldiers to get sick from anything in iraq because was a swell guy, and we were lead to war on all lies.... I say present the evidence because I would tend to believe the intelligence before I would believe saddam, it's that simple!
Oh, and do you get a lot of your source of info from this site?