Sir Evil
Megalocon, The Evil Dick
Care, you have two guys sitting around giggling over a "girl" because they still believe weapons of mass destruction were there!
I don't know whether to laugh or cry at such willful ignorance, but I do know that they look like the utter fools that they are.
Pathetic bastards...CNN...I watch very little television news. I'm actuallly literate, that's why I'm aware of what the rest of the literate world is aware of: THERE WERE NO WMDS.
And anyone who is still arguing that there were? They live in an alternate universe where the only reality is the bush/Hannity reality and they are best left there, drooling into their grape nehi and scratching their private parts...until the next episode of Hannity and the corpse we dug up and slapped a liberal tag. When I think of all the of the people who are dead, and whom are still yet to die because of drooling morons like these, and yet they continue to take up air...sad.
Darla please explain the post then of one of yer fellow shitbricks here on how soldiers in iraq are getting sick from the depleted uranium, then explain what uranium is used for, then tell me how you can have it both ways.
So you are a literate, impressive! do you do most of your reading on blogs or what, where is all this factual info coming from?
Simply provide a link from a reputable source giving unrefutable eveidence that WMD's never existed in iraq, and I will eat crow here as long as you want!
Fact is that many like yourself here wanna accuse me, and Gaffer of being one sided fox watchers when simply we are not. Seems quite the opposite if anything as you all keep implying that we are something that you have no clue about. You all very narrow mindedly hate bush, and automatically classify us as major supporters because we have a different point of view.
It's all obvious to see who the one sided people are here.....