The CBO states in this report that the same number of people will not have insurance as before it passed. It didn't "fix" the problem that you say it fixed.
You guys keep saying that word, but apparently do not know what it means.
Obama promised "not one dime to the deficit or I won't sign it"... Now, Trillions added to the deficit per this report, and your dementia thinks it is a great "victory" when the same number of people won't have insurance, people will lose jobs because of this (per the CBO)... and your defense is: but the report says that they predict some health care jobs...
This idiot report says they can find no evidence of the shortened hours... took seconds to "find" that...
Yeah, "wonderful" piece of sh*... (did it again), I mean legislation.
go get the report and PROVE it says whats you claim.
No more right wing spin.