Congressional Budget Office On Obama-Care

The above is merely the PERSONAL OPINION of another partisan Rightie who is angry that he couldn't badger the American people into accepting his nonsensical talking points about ObamaCare.

Maybe if Republicans had tried to discuss ObamaCare HONESTLY, people might have listened, but with your side constantly tossing outlandish fabrications like Palin's "death panels" at the American people, they saw through the idiotic lies the Right tried to pass off as fact.

But you DIDN'T say only your insurance went said EVERYONE'S insurance did, and you simply cannot prove that statement.

In fact, I DISPROVED it by pointing out my family's insurance didn't go up at all this year.

Therefore we must instead acknowledge you don't know what you are talking about and merely supplementing YOUR OPINION by repeating tired RightWing talking points.

Well now let’s expose another fucking leftist lie here, shall we? The following quote of mine is ACTUALLY WHAT I SAID. Take note of the bolded section.

Well for your information Goober, since the ACA kicked in 2 years ago with some of its mandates like “coverage for preexisting conditions” & “keeping your children on your insurance coverage until Obama can figure out how to implement Single Payer,” my cost for Medicare and secondary coverage went up 30%.

You damned lefties have no logical explanation of how Obama-Care can possibly lower the cost of health insurance or even keeping it at current levels by adding government mandated coverage to every policy in America. One size fits all is a fucking guarantee of added cost for everybody except those being covered by taxpayer’s subsidies.

So, lefty liar, how much government subsidy are you going to get from Obama-Care? Oh! That’s right lefties lie, so whatever you say has no credibility, huh Zappy?
Nonsense...don't try to tell me what my family's plan did or didn't CANNOT know.

The fact is, this year my family's premiums dropped a couple bucks a month, and we earn FAR too much to claim some subsidy, so go spread your lies somewhere else.
Prove it.

As usual.

Right is W-R-O-N-G.

He can't prove our Rights came from God, but I can prove the Declaration of Independence was WRITTEN BY WEALTHY LAND OWNERS.

It's NICE he that he's willing to take the word of the Founding Fathers and believes the fairy tale they spin about the origin of our Rights, but without proof I'm afraid the more rational amongst us will just have to continue pointing out he's got NOTHING that proves his claim...NOTHING!
As usual.

Right is W-R-O-N-G.

He can't prove our Rights came from God, but I can prove the Declaration of Independence was WRITTEN BY WEALTHY LAND OWNERS.

It's NICE he that he's willing to take the word of the Founding Fathers and believes the fairy tale they spin about the origin of our Rights, but without proof I'm afraid the more rational amongst us will just have to continue pointing out he's got NOTHING that proves his claim...NOTHING!
So you consider the Declaration of Independence to be a fairy tale.
Yes. You said: "[Right is] willing to take the word of the Founding Fathers and believes the fairy tale they spin about the origin of our Rights..."


I said the fairy tale was the story the Founding Fathers spun regarding the origin of our Rights.

I said the fairy tale was the story the Founding Fathers spun regarding the origin of our Rights.

Actually the founder’s claim was that human rights were inalienable because they came free of charge from our ”CREATOR.” That of course is latitudinal and longitudinal to the human imagination to opine however whoever your individual creator is according to you, your God, your parents your dog or whatever. Human rights are a gift for being human but only if you’re willing to defend them to the death. Otherwise government will dictate your rights or surely the abolition thereof.

Noteworthy, it is fact that now in America you no longer have the human right to select your own tactical healthcare plan, ,BIG DADDY Obama has shoved his fucking socialist wealth redistribution healthcare abomination up our asses to the cheers and adoration of the idiot left that promote the un-American neo-commie fucking insanity that all rights come from authoritarian BIG government.
I quoted you directly. You can't change what you said now.

It's another Dy post, therefore it's just another DY LIE.

As usual.

Right is W-R-O-N-G.

He can't prove our Rights came from God, but I can prove the Declaration of Independence was WRITTEN BY WEALTHY LAND OWNERS.

It's NICE he that he's willing to take the word of the Founding Fathers and believes the fairy tale they spin about the origin of our Rights, but without proof I'm afraid the more rational amongst us will just have to continue pointing out he's got NOTHING that proves his claim...NOTHING!

CLEARLY, I made no claim anywhere about the Declaration being a "fairy tale", but DY knew that and this was just the latest in a long line of pitiful attempts to divert the discussion away from the fact he's got NOTHING to corroborate his claims regarding our "rights".
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