Conservatives online are blaming Dem "rhetoric"

Saying that by calling Trump a fascist and saying he's a threat to democracy, it inspires what happened today.

It's a mystifying lack of self-awareness. I don't think I've heard Trump or his supporters go even a day without calling Harris a communist or "comrade," say that she will lead to WWIII and a Depression, and Trump's favorite "you're not going to have a country anymore" if she wins.

The rhetoric on both sides sucks. But no one out fear-mongers Trump. Ask Haitians. Ask Muslims. Ask election workers.
trump offers vision and needful policy.

you offer hatred and status quo globalist traitorism.
So when you cockroaches incite violence it's ok because others do? More three old "logic"

What a load of
🐂 💩 from the broken fire hydrants of rhetoric.

If you pussies can't take the heat, GTFO of the kitchen and quit her bitchin'.

Trumper dumper hypocrite shit bags. 🖕🏼
Saying that by calling Trump a fascist and saying he's a threat to democracy, it inspires what happened today.

It's a mystifying lack of self-awareness. I don't think I've heard Trump or his supporters go even a day without calling Harris a communist or "comrade," say that she will lead to WWIII and a Depression, and Trump's favorite "you're not going to have a country anymore" if she wins.

The rhetoric on both sides sucks. But no one out fear-mongers Trump. Ask Haitians. Ask Muslims. Ask election workers.
The left inciting violence

Watch from about 4:45 onward.

How many people have tried to kill Biden or Kamala? Has Trump called either of them Hitler. or a Nazi? If you ignore the border do we really have a country? Remind me who started WWII? Hasn't Putin been threatening nukes and threatening NATO if American weapons are allowed deep into Russia? Sounds like that could ignite WWIII to me.
"You're not going to have a country anymore" is one of trump's most stupid, meaningless comments ever.
"You're not going to have a country anymore" is one of trump's most stupid, meaningless comments ever.

I was stunned listening to Megyn Kelly's podcast yesterday. She & her guest where talking about how the left kept saying Trump would destroy democracy - so why wouldn't someone take up arms to save democracy?

Trump routinely says we're NOT GOING TO HAVE A COUNTRY ANYMORE if Harris wins. How in the world is that any different?
I was stunned listening to Megyn Kelly's podcast yesterday. She & her guest where talking about how the left kept saying Trump would destroy democracy - so why wouldn't someone take up arms to save democracy?

Trump routinely says we're NOT GOING TO HAVE A COUNTRY ANYMORE if Harris wins. How in the world is that any different?
this is why you're losing.

bugfuck insanity.
Well, THAT is whataboutism.

I said in the OP - and again later - that both sides suck on this topic. You're the only one trying to absolve one side.
Whataboutism? :laugh: The SUBJECT of your thread is the rhetoric of the left that can incite violence. Those are examples of that dangerous rhetoric. Your "but but but....both sides suck" is a febrile attempt at Whataboutism. :laugh: