Conservatives online are blaming Dem "rhetoric"

No doubt I'd be imprisoned. But my sneaking in doesn't translate to "China is not going to have a country anymore."
Yeah China will have a defined country because it controls its border. When the US does not control its borders anyone can come in and it devalues American citizenship. That is destroying our country. Right now YOUR tax dollars are going towards people who are breaking our laws.
Yeah China will have a defined country because it controls its border. When the US does not control its borders anyone can come in and it devalues American citizenship. That is destroying our country. Right now YOUR tax dollars are going towards people who are breaking our laws.
The only border you care about is the one with Mexico. I wonder why.</sarcasm>

Migrant Encounters at US-Canada Border Rise More Than 1,000% in 3 Years​

No it isn't. It's reality.

No one individual spreads more hate, division and violent rhetoric than Trump. Why are you unable to acknowledge that?
More Whataboutism. Trump's rhetoric has not inspired assassination attempts the left's rhetoric has inspired 3 assassination attempts. One on Kavanaugh and TWO on Trump. In the lead up to WWII what kind of action against Hitler would have been justified? The left commonly calls Trump Hitler and a Nazi. LurchAdams here does it all the time. The left is trying to dehumanize Trump.
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More Whataboutism. Trump's rhetoric has not inspired assassination attempts the left's rhetoric has inspired 3 assassination attempts. One on Kavanaugh and TWO on Trump. In the lead up to WWII what kind of action against Hitler would have been justified? The left quit commonly calls Trump Hitler and a Nazi. LurchAdams here does it all the time. The left is trying to dehumanize Trump.

Trump's rhetoric has threatened many more, and resulted in January 6th.

Let's try a different angle: are you okay w/ the rhetoric Trump uses? Would you really argue that it is not hateful & divisive?

He has called people vermin.
Saying that by calling Trump a fascist and saying he's a threat to democracy, it inspires what happened today.

That is spot on. But you would need a fucking brain to comprehend the obvious. That would exclude morons like you.

It's a mystifying lack of self-awareness.

Irony from a douchebag that defines lack of self-awareness. :palm:

I don't think I've heard Trump or his supporters go even a day without calling Harris a communist or "comrade," say that she will lead to WWIII and a Depression, and Trump's favorite "you're not going to have a country anymore" if she wins.

BIG difference from claiming someone is an existential threat to Democracy and suggesting he would lock up his opponents or execute them.

But again, you would need a fucking brain to comprehend the OBVIOUS.

The rhetoric on both sides sucks.

I love it when leftist partisan hacks always resort to the "both" sides bullshit when their guys are the problem.

But no one out fear-mongers Trump. Ask Haitians. Ask Muslims. Ask election workers.

Wrong. But again, you lack any fucking brains making you incapable of comprehending the OBVIOUS. :palm:

Dismissed halfwit.