Conservatives online are blaming Dem "rhetoric"

trump already recovered from the scare and is back to using it for fundraising. He's not spending time with his family and thanking his lucky stars that he's still alive.

"Shortly after the incident, Trump sent a fundraising email saying that he was safe and well and that no one was hurt.

"But, there are people in this world who will do whatever it takes to stop us," he wrote.

In a follow-up fundraising email Sunday evening, Trump wrote, "My resolve is only stronger after another attempt on my life."

It was just a "scare" don'tchyaknow. What a fucking asshat.

trump already recovered from the scare and is back to using it for fundraising. He's not spending time with his family and thanking his lucky stars that he's still alive.

"Shortly after the incident, Trump sent a fundraising email saying that he was safe and well and that no one was hurt.

"But, there are people in this world who will do whatever it takes to stop us," he wrote.

In a follow-up fundraising email Sunday evening, Trump wrote, "My resolve is only stronger after another attempt on my life."

Why don't you just admit you cockroaches want trump killed. We couldnt possibly think and less of you. Plus if you admitted it you wouldn't have to keep on pretending to care about the shit you claim to care about but is obvious to everyone but you morons that you don't.
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I was stunned listening to Megyn Kelly's podcast yesterday. She & her guest where talking about how the left kept saying Trump would destroy democracy - so why wouldn't someone take up arms to save democracy?

Trump routinely says we're NOT GOING TO HAVE A COUNTRY ANYMORE if Harris wins. How in the world is that any different?
Claiming that Trump will end it is not merely moronic, but requires the willful suspension of common sense and decency. :palm:
Yes, it's spelled G E E K O

Well, you're extremely stupid, lack the IQ of a lemming, are extremely triggered and lack any common sense. But you're also a very dumb liar and parrot the dumbest narratives fed to you by MSNBC like a gullible little hack.

Well, with you that wouldn't even take a second. ;)
Everybody with any sense knows that GEEKO is spelled G E E K O!

And you are an IDIOT AND HATEFUL TROLL- simply put. ENOUGH SAID! You have no idea about people's IQ's, nor are you an authority on IQ.

What I like about MSNBC, is they tell the truth, and if Donald Trump has a problem with anything said in their Broadcasts, and he has evidence to prove them wrong about anything said about him, he can file a law suit against them.

So, why take your POLITICAL miserableness out by trolling me?

So, what do you think of Trump's rhetoric then?

It's pretty typical political rhetoric. Nothing like "Trump is an existential threat to Democracy" which has promulgated two attempts on Trumps life by leftist lunatics.

It takes some serious mental retardation to not comprehend the extreme differences.

Do you think he sets a good example for the left?

Do you think Biden/Kamala do? Moron. :palm:

EDIT: and it's not "they do it too." It's "they do it more, and it has had a negative impact on MANY more people."

Republican political rhetoric doesn't even come close. As exemplified by two extreme leftist lunatics attempting to kill Trump so far with less than two months to go.
Saying that by calling Trump a fascist and saying he's a threat to democracy, it inspires what happened today.

It's a mystifying lack of self-awareness. I don't think I've heard Trump or his supporters go even a day without calling Harris a communist or "comrade," say that she will lead to WWIII and a Depression, and Trump's favorite "you're not going to have a country anymore" if she wins.

The rhetoric on both sides sucks. But no one out fear-mongers Trump. Ask Haitians. Ask Muslims. Ask election workers.
It's funny how you cockroaches want to excuse you're deadly rhetoric by claiming trumps is worse. My kids did that when they were 3 years old

Exactly, Trump is the first, and probably only, President to use the Presidential pulpit for personally attacking individuals and groups, labeling other Americans as “dangerous,” “evil,” “traitors,” “dumb,” etc, and now the right is coming back and saying the left is responsible for hate speech?