Conservatives online are blaming Dem "rhetoric"

Exactly, Trump is the first, and probably only, President to use the Presidential pulpit for personally attacking individuals and groups, labeling other Americans as “dangerous,” “evil,” “traitors,” “dumb,” etc, and now the right is coming back and saying the left is responsible for hate speech?

So you're claiming the left doesnt engage in hate speech?
So there has been 3 assassination attempts coming from the left. Kavanaugh and TWO for Trump. Maybe it isn't because of the Left's hate fill dangerous rhetoric maybe that is because the left has a lot more crazy people.
Exactly, Trump is the first, and probably only, President to use the Presidential pulpit for personally attacking individuals and groups, labeling other Americans as “dangerous,” “evil,” “traitors,” “dumb,” etc, and now the right is coming back and saying the left is responsible for hate speech?

I swear - I feel like I'm losing my mind.

The cult has lost any sense of self-awareness, and I can't even explain how they view Trump. They really don't see him, or what he's about.
Trump's rhetoric has threatened many more, and resulted in January 6th.

Bullshit. So, telling people to march peacefully and make your voices heard" is the same as calling Trump and "existential threat?"

I don't think you morons on the left even comrehend what is meant by existential.

Let's try a different angle: are you okay w/ the rhetoric Trump uses? Would you really argue that it is not hateful & divisive?

I'm perfectly okay with it. It is far from hateful other than hurting lying leftists feelings.

Are you perfectly okay with your side claiming Republicans who support Trump and Trump himself are EXISTENTIAL threats?

He has called people vermin.

OMG!!!! They claim Trump and his supporters are EXISTENTIAL threats prompting two leftist lunatics to act and try to kill him so far.
Agreed. Same goes for Trump's recent declaration "I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT!" The irony is strong with Team Weird.

Leon Musk tweeted about assassinating "Biden/Kamala" before deleting it. What a fucking coward he is.

Has she been shot at? NOPE!
That's a great lesson when you're teaching young children how to accept blame for their own actions. Not so much when it's about adults pointing out hypocrisy.
:lolup: Leftist liars who are the biggest hypocrites whining about hypocrisy. You cannot fabricate the level of stupidity and lack of self-awareness it takes to make such claims.
Everybody with any sense knows that GEEKO is spelled G E E K O!

And you are an IDIOT AND HATEFUL TROLL- simply put. ENOUGH SAID! You have no idea about people's IQ's, nor are you an authority on IQ.

What I like about MSNBC, is they tell the truth, and if Donald Trump has a problem with anything said in their Broadcasts, and he has evidence to prove them wrong about anything said about him, he can file a law suit against them.

So, why take your POLITICAL miserableness out by trolling me?


I swear - I feel like I'm losing my mind.

You have. You're a fucking mental case.

The cult has lost any sense of self-awareness, and I can't even explain how they view Trump. They really don't see him, or what he's about.

That's just it, we do see what he is and what he will do. Meanwhile, mentally deranged leftist lunatics like yourself bloviate dumb lies as if they were fact and when called on it, whine like a bunch of little babies.

It takes a severe level of stupid to vote or support Kamala, you being the prime example.
Trump has dumbed down politics. He has also been an agent of division picking out groups and people to selectively hate. He has encouraged violence and plans more. When you agitate your crazies, you also stir up the crazies on the other side. Trump is getting the crops that he planted.
And the people on January 6th didn't seem crazy?
Only the response to it was insane. For the most part, it was peaceful, and the only people killed that day were unarmed protestors. \\

Unlike the violence and damage during the Floyd riots which all you leftist halfwits cheered on and stupidly claimed they were "mostly peaceful."

That's what hypocrisy is dumbfuck.