Conservatives online are blaming Dem "rhetoric"

The only border you care about is the one with Mexico. I wonder why.</sarcasm>

Migrant Encounters at US-Canada Border Rise More Than 1,000% in 3 Years​

You are wrong. I think we need to control ALL of our borders. The Northern the Southern and any coast (like Florida) that is illegally crossed. Anyone that wants to immigrate to the US fine just get vetted and do it legally.

So illegal crossing of the Northern border is up in the last 3 years. Remind me again how long as Harris our border Czar been in office.
And what of Trump's rhetoric? How is it ANY DIFFERENT?

We've told you. But you're too stupid and dishonest to comprehend the obvious. :palm:

I'd actually say it's worse. World War III. "You're not going to have a country anymore."

That's a far cry from calling someone an "existential threat" moron. :palm:

Hey, for all you leftist morons; how many attempts have there been on Biden/Kamala's life? Yeah, dumbfucks.
Saying that by calling Trump a fascist and saying he's a threat to democracy, it inspires what happened today.

It's a mystifying lack of self-awareness. I don't think I've heard Trump or his supporters go even a day without calling Harris a communist or "comrade," say that she will lead to WWIII and a Depression, and Trump's favorite "you're not going to have a country anymore" if she wins.

The rhetoric on both sides sucks. But no one out fear-mongers Trump. Ask Haitians. Ask Muslims. Ask election workers.

MSNBC Guest Said Trump Was ‘Exactly Like Hitler’ Day Before Second Assassination Attempt

A guest on MSNBC said Donald Trump was “exactly like” Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler just one day before a second assassination attempt was made against him.

Appearing on MSNBC’s The Saturday Show, the “Reverend” Dr. Jacqui Lewis said Trump’s campaign tactics were exactly like those used in Nazi Germany.

Of course it has last 3 years...we have had no border security last 3 borders
False. Note the reference to the year 2001.

"Border Patrol staffing on the Northern border has increased by over 650 percent – from approximately 340 agents in 2001, to approximately 2,200 agents today, and CBP leverages a multi-layered security posture that includes personnel, fixed and rotary-wing aircraft, sensor arrays, mobile and remote surveillance systems, and unmanned aircraft."

The MAGA mooks and the MAGA/Alt-Right media & politicians all have their talking mantras and they're sticking to it. They figure these shootings will be the tipping point in putting that orange POS back into the White House.

But the voter suppression tactics and attacks on civil liberties and personal freedoms will be their undoing .... at least in the popular vote anyway.
False. Note the reference to the year 2001.

"Border Patrol staffing on the Northern border has increased by over 650 percent – from approximately 340 agents in 2001, to approximately 2,200 agents today, and CBP leverages a multi-layered security posture that includes personnel, fixed and rotary-wing aircraft, sensor arrays, mobile and remote surveillance systems, and unmanned aircraft."

So we have more agents to catch and release them with a pinky promise to show up to court in 5 years or so

And when they are found out to be bad people they wont hold them for ICE
Can you define Hypocrite?

Yes, it's spelled G E E K O

Go ahead, take a minute and tell us [color]ceveything[/color] you know about hypocrites!

Well, you're extremely stupid, lack the IQ of a lemming, are extremely triggered and lack any common sense. But you're also a very dumb liar and parrot the dumbest narratives fed to you by MSNBC like a gullible little hack.

While you are at it, take a minute, and tell us everything you know about everything!

Well, with you that wouldn't even take a second. ;)
Agreed. Same goes for Trump's recent declaration "I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT!"

OMG!!! He said he hates!!! Not the same halfwit. :palm:

The irony is strong with Team Weird.

Indeed. You are one weird mother fucker. Stupid too.

Leon Musk tweeted about assassinating "Biden/Kamala" before deleting it. What a fucking coward he is.

OMG!!!! He deleted it before anyone could see it so now you make your bullshit up as you go! Moron, :palm:
MSNBC Guest Said Trump Was ‘Exactly Like Hitler’ Day Before Second Assassination Attempt

A guest on MSNBC said Donald Trump was “exactly like” Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler just one day before a second assassination attempt was made against him.

Appearing on MSNBC’s The Saturday Show, the “Reverend” Dr. Jacqui Lewis said Trump’s campaign tactics were exactly like those used in Nazi Germany.

No one has tried to kill Biden or Harris twice in last 2 months
trump already recovered from the scare and is back to using it for fundraising. He's not spending time with his family and thanking his lucky stars that he's still alive.

"Shortly after the incident, Trump sent a fundraising email saying that he was safe and well and that no one was hurt.

"But, there are people in this world who will do whatever it takes to stop us," he wrote.

In a follow-up fundraising email Sunday evening, Trump wrote, "My resolve is only stronger after another attempt on my life."

False. Note the reference to the year 2001.

"Border Patrol staffing on the Northern border has increased by over 650 percent – from approximately 340 agents in 2001, to approximately 2,200 agents today, and CBP leverages a multi-layered security posture that includes personnel, fixed and rotary-wing aircraft, sensor arrays, mobile and remote surveillance systems, and unmanned aircraft."

:lolup: MORON believes the border is secure. :laugh:
I think the Saints are this year's Cinderella team.

It's never pleasant for me to watch the Cowboys get their butts handed to them on a platter, but yesterday, the Cowboys were out-coached and outplayed on both sides of the ball.

The Cowboys are better than their performance yesterday, and they will be back in the contest as soon as next week, but you cannot take away the fact that New Orleans was the better team yesterday.

I have been a believer and huge fan of both Al Kamara and Derek Carr for years, so their performance yesterday was of no surprise to me. And I give offensive coordinator Klint Kubiac full credit for taking advantage of the Cowboys over-aggressive defense, and crediting Joe Woods (defensive coordinator) getting his defense up and taking advantage of some of the rookie mistakes on the Cowboys offensive line and putting the pressure on Dak.

And next week will be no picnic for the Cowboys either, as the Ravens are not as bad as their 0 and 2 start either.

But, not to worry, as the Cowboys are still one of the most respected teams in the league, and they are still loaded with talent at every position. They just have bad days and their game plans need to be more adjustable when they find themselves being out coached. They'll figure it out, because they have some great coaches at every position as well.
Landry would usually figure it out during the half time. Our defense showed some serious flaws. I hope they can be corrected. I have not watched the full game yet (I will) a heated game of Checkers with my 7 year old grandson took precedence. I was watching the game and made a couple of stupid moves and he beat me. :cry: So I paused the TV and kicked his butt the next game. :rofl2: