Conservatives vs Republicans - A call to Liberals to be cool. Ok, guys?


It's OK to Be White
I think it's safe to say the Republican Party is officially the party of treason. They're loyal to Trump and couldn't care less about America or Americans.
However, we need to make it clear that there is a difference between Conservatives, who are generally good people who just have wrong beliefs, and Republicans, who are amoral traitors.
I see a lot of Liberals on here using the terms interchangeably when roasting the Trumpsters. This is bad because it alienates the good Conservatives, who could still be won over, and it sinks to Trump's level. It reduces political discussion to "my team vs their team" instead of honestly looking at the issues.

So yeah, that's my soap box speech.
Conservatives and/or Republicans can stand for the Constitution, America, Democracy, and our Way of Life ... if they want to.
Here at the Center of the Far Right Religious Conservative Hate Collective, it's difficult to find any independent thought.

Praise the Gods we have Moderates here that support Western Democracy:
1. archives.
2. Centerleftfl.
3. CharacterAssassin.
4. Cinnabar.
5. domer76.
6. Gonzomin.
7. Jarod.
8. Micawber.
9. reagansghost.
10. ... and the other Patriots.
Conservatives and/or Republicans can stand for the Constitution, America, Democracy, and our Way of Life ... if they want to.
Here at the Center of the Far Right Religious Conservative Hate Collective, it's difficult to find any independent thought.

Praise the Gods we have Moderates here that support Western Democracy:
1. archives.
2. Centerleftfl.
3. CharacterAssassin.
4. Cinnabar.
5. domer76.
6. Gonzomin.
7. Jarod.
8. Micawber.
9. reagansghost.
10. ... and the other Patriots.

Every single name you posted is a left-wing brainwashed moron. Congratulations.
Every single name you posted is a left-wing brainwashed moron. Congratulations.

Steve, Steve, Steve. (shaking head) There's only a small thin line, a sliver, a minority of True Patriots here, Real Americans that are standing up to the Forces of Evil here.
You have to admire their Bravery and Courage walking into the Den of Satan and trying to bring Light into their Dark Hearts.
I think it's safe to say the Republican Party is officially the party of treason. They're loyal to Trump and couldn't care less about America or Americans.
However, we need to make it clear that there is a difference between Conservatives, who are generally good people who just have wrong beliefs, and Republicans, who are amoral traitors.
I see a lot of Liberals on here using the terms interchangeably when roasting the Trumpsters. This is bad because it alienates the good Conservatives, who could still be won over, and it sinks to Trump's level. It reduces political discussion to "my team vs their team" instead of honestly looking at the issues.

So yeah, that's my soap box speech.
A distinction without a difference in my opinion

As far as I can tell, virtually every self-identified conservative on this forum pours their heart and soul into defending Trump, providing cover for him, making excuses for him.
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A distinction without a difference in my opinion

As far as I can tell, virtually every self-idetified conservative on this forum pours their heart and sources into defending Trump, providing cover for him, making excuses for him.

Most of the ones here are total Trumpcucks. But out in the real world, there are still Conservatives who care about the country.
A distinction without a difference in my opinion

As far as I can tell, virtually every self-idetified conservative on this forum pours their heart and sources into defending Trump, providing cover for him, making excuses for him.

I've come to a similar conclusion. The Far Right Religious Conservatives here seem to march in lockstep. Using 'Alternate Facts' to make their claims. Living in an Alternate Universe.
At the same time, there are a few conservative types that do have independent views. Cawacko and Bill come to mind.
Most of the ones here are total Trumpcucks. But out in the real world, there are still Conservatives who care about the country.

I think you are right about that. My stepmother is a lifelong Republican, culturally and politically conservative, and to my knowledge has never voted for a Democrat in her life.

She has belatedly reached the conclusion that Trump is not only a despicable and repulsive human being, but also a traitor to the nation. She actually even regrets giving credence to the suggestion that Hillary Clinton somehow would have been worse than Trump.
I think you are right about that. My stepmother is a lifelong Republican, culturally and politically conservative, and to my knowledge has never voted for a Democrat in her life.

She has belatedly reached the conclusion that Trump is not only a despicable and repulsive human being, but also a traitor to the nation. She actually even regrets giving credence to the suggestion that Hillary Clinton somehow would have been worse than Trump.

I think there are probably a lot of Conservatives like that, but they're scared to speak up because America has become so bogged down the the Left vs Right bullshit.
I think it's safe to say the Republican Party is officially the party of treason. They're loyal to Trump and couldn't care less about America or Americans.
However, we need to make it clear that there is a difference between Conservatives, who are generally good people who just have wrong beliefs, and Republicans, who are amoral traitors.
I see a lot of Liberals on here using the terms interchangeably when roasting the Trumpsters. This is bad because it alienates the good Conservatives, who could still be won over, and it sinks to Trump's level. It reduces political discussion to "my team vs their team" instead of honestly looking at the issues.

So yeah, that's my soap box speech.

The fact that you start off with pure nonsense, kinda stops the need for anyone to take you seriously.
A distinction without a difference in my opinion

As far as I can tell, virtually every self-idetified conservative on this forum pours their heart and sources into defending Trump, providing cover for him, making excuses for him.

The degenerate disgraced Cypress tries oh so hard to pretend he is a good person. Too bad everyone knows what a piece of shit he is.