Conservatives vs Republicans - A call to Liberals to be cool. Ok, guys?

I think it's safe to say the Republican Party is officially the party of treason. They're loyal to Trump and couldn't care less about America or Americans.
However, we need to make it clear that there is a difference between Conservatives, who are generally good people who just have wrong beliefs, and Republicans, who are amoral traitors.
I see a lot of Liberals on here using the terms interchangeably when roasting the Trumpsters. This is bad because it alienates the good Conservatives, who could still be won over, and it sinks to Trump's level. It reduces political discussion to "my team vs their team" instead of honestly looking at the issues.

So yeah, that's my soap box speech.

nice concern trolling.
I think you are right about that. My stepmother is a lifelong Republican, culturally and politically conservative, and to my knowledge has never voted for a Democrat in her life.

She has belatedly reached the conclusion that Trump is not only a despicable and repulsive human being, but also a traitor to the nation. She actually even regrets giving credence to the suggestion that Hillary Clinton somehow would have been worse than Trump.

fake news.

if she actually said these things to you (she didn't), it was just to get rid of you because she was tired of your shit, and send you back to the drum circle because you were distracting her with your bad breath and body odor.
Nope. They understand people like you are full of shit. Calling a foreign leader and asking them to look into interference or potential criminal actions from 2016 is not impeachable. It is what the President SHOULD be doing. But you only want Trump investigated don't you?

democrats want to impeach the guy trying to expose a crime, and elect the guy that committed the crime, you cant make this shit up :laugh: