Conservatives vs Republicans - A call to Liberals to be cool. Ok, guys?

Yet the Dems here consistently put party before country.

While that's wrong too, it's not nearly as common. You might disagree with liberal policies, which is one thing, but there is no Democrat equivalent of Trump.
I don't like Obama or Hillary, but I understand lots of people honestly think they're good leaders and don't only support them because they're Democrats.
I think you are right about that. My stepmother is a lifelong Republican, culturally and politically conservative, and to my knowledge has never voted for a Democrat in her life.

She has belatedly reached the conclusion that Trump is not only a despicable and repulsive human being, but also a traitor to the nation. She actually even regrets giving credence to the suggestion that Hillary Clinton somehow would have been worse than Trump.

LMAO sure she does. Clinton is an unethical piece of self entitled shit. She was a horrid Sec State and Senator. But you are a party above people degenerate douchebag. You always think the idiots leading your party are super fantastic and you will defend them with your last breath... because you are an idiot and lemming.
Nope. Just calling you out on your nonsense. Unless of course you would care to list why you think Republicans are treasonous?

Because they support Trump. I know there are a few Republicans who stand up to him, but it's in the single digits. The sad truth is that he's taken over the RNC.
While that's wrong too, it's not nearly as common. You might disagree with liberal policies, which is one thing, but there is no Democrat equivalent of Trump.
I don't like Obama or Hillary, but I understand lots of people honestly think they're good leaders and don't only support them because they're Democrats.

Wrong. It is every bit as common. You simply put on your own partisan blinders and pretend not to see.

No, they were not good leaders. They were horrid leaders. Hillary especially. You can pretend all you like, but they were failures.
Wrong. It is every bit as common. You simply put on your own partisan blinders and pretend not to see.

No, they were not good leaders. They were horrid leaders. Hillary especially. You can pretend all you like, but they were failures.

Did you even read my comment? I said I don't like Obama or Hillary. I agree that they're not good leaders. You have partisan blinders, so you assume everyone else does too.
Because they support Trump. I know there are a few Republicans who stand up to him, but it's in the single digits. The sad truth is that he's taken over the RNC.

Support him? Or acknowledge the Dems have put forth one bullshit claim after another? Russian collusion was nonsense. Now you have the stupidity of the 'calls' and Dems running around without facts AGAIN screaming impeachment.
Did you even read my comment? I said I don't like Obama or Hillary. I agree that they're not good leaders. You have partisan blinders, so you assume everyone else does too.

Yes, did you read your comment? You said you didn't like them. you did not say they were bad leaders (until the above). You said you understood why people thought they were. You are also wrong in that those that supported them did so because they were (1) Democrats and (2) The First Black President (sorry Bill, you were not) and the presumed First Woman President.
Support him? Or acknowledge the Dems have put forth one bullshit claim after another? Russian collusion was nonsense. Now you have the stupidity of the 'calls' and Dems running around without facts AGAIN screaming impeachment.

If you're going to lie about Trump's collusion with Russia and attempted collusion with Ukraine and Australia, then your loyalty is with the unhinged retard, not America.
Yes, did you read your comment? You said you didn't like them. you did not say they were bad leaders (until the above). You said you understood why people thought they were. You are also wrong in that those that supported them did so because they were (1) Democrats and (2) The First Black President (sorry Bill, you were not) and the presumed First Woman President.

I'm sure some people only liked them for that reason. But there are also plenty of people who honestly believe they are good leaders. With Trump, it's obvious his supporters are lying, sometimes to themselves.
If you're going to lie about Trump's collusion with Russia and attempted collusion with Ukraine and Australia, then your loyalty is with the unhinged retard, not America.

Thanks for proving you are a partisan hack. Mueller spent two years investigating... he concluded no one in the Trump admin colluded or coordinated with Russia.

Please deny that.
I'm sure some people only liked them for that reason. But there are also plenty of people who honestly believe they are good leaders. With Trump, it's obvious his supporters are lying, sometimes to themselves.

Again, you are simply projecting your bias. There are areas Trump has done well for Republicans and reason to support him. There are also moronic things Trump has done that he should be called out for. But you and other liberal morons that continue to pretend he should be impeached are the reason so many of the Reps support Trump no matter what. They simply assume you are lying because you do it so much.
Again, you are simply projecting your bias. There are areas Trump has done well for Republicans and reason to support him. There are also moronic things Trump has done that he should be called out for. But you and other liberal morons that continue to pretend he should be impeached are the reason so many of the Reps support Trump no matter what. They simply assume you are lying because you do it so much.

I don't believe that. I think Republicans understand that Trump should be impeached, they just don't want to admit it because they're obsessed with OWNING DA LIBS. Most Republicans seem to hate Liberals more than they love their own children.
You already know about everything from the secret meeting with the Russian government to the "perfect" phone call with the Ukrainian president.

LMAO... you truly are a fucking idiot. Mueller concluded the exact opposite of you, yet you continue to pretend Trump colluded with Russia. Party over country is YOUR mantra... no wonder you try to project it onto others. Similar to the brain dead degenerate Cypress.