Conservatives vs Republicans - A call to Liberals to be cool. Ok, guys?

I don't believe that. I think Republicans understand that Trump should be impeached, they just don't want to admit it because they're obsessed with OWNING DA LIBS. Most Republicans seem to hate Liberals more than they love their own children.

Nope. They understand people like you are full of shit. Calling a foreign leader and asking them to look into interference or potential criminal actions from 2016 is not impeachable. It is what the President SHOULD be doing. But you only want Trump investigated don't you?
I don't think any rational person takes you seriously. You're obviously just a Fascist who has been cucked by Trump.

It is funny that in a thread where you say we shouldn’t demonize and dehumanize others you do just that.

Where did you get your amulet that tells you who is and who isn’t a “conservative”?

Do you have the same powers for those on the left?
Nope. They understand people like you are full of shit. Calling a foreign leader and asking them to look into interference or potential criminal actions from 2016 is not impeachable. It is what the President SHOULD be doing. But you only want Trump investigated don't you?

Do I want Trump investigated for withholding money from a foreign government until said government agreed to try to get dirt on one of his political opponents over a debunked conspiracy theory as a personal favor for him? Yes. And I'd want the same for any other politician.
Let's not pretend this was just Trump trying to get Ukraine to crack down on corruption. He could have gone through the proper channels like Obama did. This was really about trying to get Biden out of the way.

Some Trumpsters here are saying Biden did something similar. There is no evidence of that, but hey, if there is, then I say investigate him too. Maybe he should be banned from running for president.
Do I want Trump investigated for withholding money from a foreign government until said government agreed to try to get dirt on one of his political opponents over a debunked conspiracy theory as a personal favor for him? Yes. And I'd want the same for any other politician.
Let's not pretend this was just Trump trying to get Ukraine to crack down on corruption. He could have gone through the proper channels like Obama did. This was really about trying to get Biden out of the way.

Some Trumpsters here are saying Biden did something similar. There is no evidence of that, but hey, if there is, then I say investigate him too. Maybe he should be banned from running for president.

Do you want to stop putting forth the lies the dems have told you? The above has been debunked over and over and over and over again.

Also, you are truly a partisan moron. BIDEN himself BRAGGED about doing the very thing you pretend Trump did.
Do I want Trump investigated for withholding money from a foreign government until said government agreed to try to get dirt on one of his political opponents over a debunked conspiracy theory as a personal favor for him? Yes. And I'd want the same for any other politician.
Let's not pretend this was just Trump trying to get Ukraine to crack down on corruption. He could have gone through the proper channels like Obama did. This was really about trying to get Biden out of the way.

Some Trumpsters here are saying Biden did something similar. There is no evidence of that, but hey, if there is, then I say investigate him too. Maybe he should be banned from running for president.

LMAO... also, do tell us what were the 'proper' channels Obama used?
LMAO... also, do tell us what were the 'proper' channels Obama used?

Obama went to congress and said that the people in charge of eliminating corruption in Ukraine wasn't doing their job.
This is another thing that Trumpcucks are lying about. It's not that Biden was trying to stop Ukraine from investigating a company his son was working at, it was almost the opposite. Biden was saying the Ukrainians should have been better at investigating corruption.
Hello StoneByStone,

I think it's safe to say the Republican Party is officially the party of treason. They're loyal to Trump and couldn't care less about America or Americans.
However, we need to make it clear that there is a difference between Conservatives, who are generally good people who just have wrong beliefs, and Republicans, who are amoral traitors.
I see a lot of Liberals on here using the terms interchangeably when roasting the Trumpsters. This is bad because it alienates the good Conservatives, who could still be won over, and it sinks to Trump's level. It reduces political discussion to "my team vs their team" instead of honestly looking at the issues.

So yeah, that's my soap box speech.

It is always the best policy to be like a Boy Scout:

Boy Scout Law

A Scout is:

and Reverent.

I live by all of those except that last, which I consider optional.

If everyone did the same, the world would be a much finer place!
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I would add that if there is any perception that liberals need more admonishing than conservatives, that would be a false perception.
Hello StoneByStone,

Let it begin by ending the name calling.

Name-calling shouldn't be done to people just because we disagree with them. However, Trumpcucks are traitors, plain and simple. There is no reasoning with them because they don't care about the country or other people.
Obama went to congress and said that the people in charge of eliminating corruption in Ukraine wasn't doing their job.
This is another thing that Trumpcucks are lying about. It's not that Biden was trying to stop Ukraine from investigating a company his son was working at, it was almost the opposite. Biden was saying the Ukrainians should have been better at investigating corruption.

link us up to the above.
Conservatives and/or Republicans can stand for the Constitution, America, Democracy, and our Way of Life ... if they want to.
Here at the Center of the Far Right Religious Conservative Hate Collective, it's difficult to find any independent thought.

Praise the Gods we have Moderates here that support Western Democracy:
1. archives.
2. Centerleftfl.
3. CharacterAssassin.
4. Cinnabar.
5. domer76.
6. Gonzomin.
7. Jarod.
8. Micawber.
9. reagansghost.
10. ... and the other Patriots.
Those are all frothing at the mouth, left wing moonbats.

The fringe.
There's a difference between pos traitors and good people we just disagree with.

No, you are a hypocrite. In no way are they traitors. You simply wish to spew your hate filled crap onto a group of people you don't like, precisely what you claim people shouldn't do.
No, you are a hypocrite. In no way are they traitors. You simply wish to spew your hate filled crap onto a group of people you don't like, precisely what you claim people shouldn't do.

If you stand by someone that colludes with other countries to undermine our democracy, then you're a traitor.
I can understand being ignorant when it comes to thinking Trump's economic policies have been good for America. But there is no way you're ignorant of what Trump did with Russia, Ukraine, Australia, and China.
These all seem 'middle-of-the-road' types that support the Constitution, America, and Western Democracy.

This is one of the ways Trump has been so harmful. He has people brainwashed into believing that anyone who doesn't fully support him is a RADICAL DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST.