**Conspriacy Alert** This is what is being said now...

Unbelievable! This thing was put to rest months ago. It's hard to accept that a court still will conduct itself in this fashion.
Gotta admit, between Biden's guarantees of a "generated" international crisis, and Obama's coincidentally timed trip to the Islands, conspiracy theorists are wetting their pants in anticipation of 8 years worth of accusations, counter accusations, and "hidden camera" youtube movies.

Invest in companies that make tin foil. There's going to be a run on it.
It will be even worse than the "70 gabazillions were died unfairly by teh Clintons!" theories.
wasn't McCain born in Panama? LOL, the wing nuts have nothing so they're grasping at straws.

You are correct Desh, total bullshit.
Gotta admit, between Biden's guarantees of a "generated" international crisis, and Obama's coincidentally timed trip to the Islands, conspiracy theorists are wetting their pants in anticipation of 8 years worth of accusations, counter accusations, and "hidden camera" youtube movies.

Invest in companies that make tin foil. There's going to be a run on it.

ANd you'll be right there parroting the party line like a good little fascist.
About Barack's trip to Hawaii by those wont to believe in such things..

The court in PA orders the document (Birth Certificate) to be produced before they rule on the dismissal of the lawsuit.


Obama goes off to Hawaii to get a forged Certificate made, returns to PA and produces the "document" viola!

Seriously. I've read it.

I'm betting you read it on the internet, we all know that makes it true. Good job.
Time to change some old laws designed to keep men and women of color out of high office.