**Conspriacy Alert** This is what is being said now...

Again, I believe there are vacating committees under such circumstances.

Either way, if the Electoral College couldn't settle it, then there would be a Congressional Vote with each State getting one vote.
Probably what would end up with is no one getting the 270 EC majority. From there it would go to the US House, and result in a 27-23 ote for whomever the democrats come up with.

In any case, it would be real ugly.

If the .0000000000000000000001% chance that the conspiracists are correct, then all KINDS of crap will be tossed left and right about cover ups and why the dems didn't vet their candidate better, etc. etc. etc.

Just what we need on top of everything else.

I truly wish Obama would simply get the original birth record - not a copy of a cert of live birth, but the original birth certificate showing him to have been born in Hawaii - and invite a dozen counterfeit detection professionals to examine it closely, and get the whole thing over with. He really does NOT need (nor do we as a nation) a continual conspiracy accusation to be waged against him for the next 4-8 years.
Well, today Berg's case is on the docket for their consideration. Who wants to bet that it will be thrown out but this will continue to dog him throughout at least the 4 years of his first term?
Well, today Berg's case is on the docket for their consideration. Who wants to bet that it will be thrown out but this will continue to dog him throughout at least the 4 years of his first term?

That's not really much of a bet. Of course it will be thrown out and of course there lunatic nutters will continue with their lunacy. Berg et al. aren't suddenly going to be stricken with sanity.