**Conspriacy Alert** This is what is being said now...

How's this for a counter conspiracy theory:
The courts are deliberately moving slowly to wait until the last possible moment, then make a demand and set a deadline impossible for Obama to react to. On the day before the EC meets, SCOTUS declares all votes for Obama null and void because he did not prove his citizenship in time, thus handing the election to McCain.

Of course, there will be an uproar from such an act, with rioting and general chaos. Bush will enact emergency plenipotentiary powers, suspend congress and declare marshal law to quell the violence while simultaneously declaring all election results null and void. The democratic party will be outlawed and troops will be sent into the larger cities, curfews imposed, and constitutional protections suspended in the interest of domestic tranquility.
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BTW - The Supreme Court of the United States of America is deciding today on whether this will be heard.
Just say we're in fairyland and a court decided Obama was one of them foreigners after all. What would happen?

Would McCain "win" by default?

Would there be another election?

Is there a camera in existence with a wide enough lens to capture Hillary's smile?

These are questions a fellow foreigner needs to know.
Just say we're in fairyland and a court decided Obama was one of them foreigners after all. What would happen?

Would McCain "win" by default?

Would there be another election?

Is there a camera in existence with a wide enough lens to capture Hillary's smile?

These are questions a fellow foreigner needs to know.
The Electoral College would actually have to vote in whomever was going to be the next President.

I think there is a vacating committee assigned during the Conventions that would decide who would replace Obama at the head of the ticket. I don't think Biden would be their first choice, but heck.

And no, McCain would not suddenly be the President Elect.
The Electoral College would actually have to vote in whomever was going to be the next President.

I think there is a vacating committee assigned during the Conventions that would decide who would replace Obama at the head of the ticket. I don't think Biden would be their first choice, but heck.

And no, McCain would not suddenly be the President Elect.
What the electoral college can do is guided by the laws of their individual states. Some states have provisions stating they must cast their votes according to the state's popular vote. Since no one voted for Biden for President (or Clinton) then even if the delegation were to put him up in Obama's stead, or any other candidate, there are many college delegates who could not vote for them. I do not know exactly how many electoral college votes are tied up by state provisions, but I believe it is enough to cause a real solid constitutional mess if Obama's votes are declared invalid because he is ineligible to be a candidate.
What the electoral college can do is guided by the laws of their individual states. Some states have provisions stating they must cast their votes according to the state's popular vote. Since no one voted for Biden for President (or Clinton) then even if the delegation were to put him up in Obama's stead, or any other candidate, there are many college delegates who could not vote for them. I do not know exactly how many electoral college votes are tied up by state provisions, but I believe it is enough to cause a real solid constitutional mess if Obama's votes are declared invalid because he is ineligible to be a candidate.
Again, I believe there are vacating committees under such circumstances.

Either way, if the Electoral College couldn't settle it, then there would be a Congressional Vote with each State getting one vote.