Coolest Thing You Ever Did as an Adult


Leftist Vermin
Tell us your stories.... and pics if you have 'em.

I have extreme fear of heights, but I've flown small planes (Cessna) a few times. When my late husband passed, one of the guys at the local VFW offered to take me up in a rented 152 to scatter his ashes over the rivers and woodlands that he loved. Every time I would open the window to fling some out, and start crying again, he would take his hands off the controls and tell me to fly her. I met that guy many decades ago when we both worked at McDonnell-Douglas. He is a USAF veteran. He knew my late husband because of the local VFW hall we supported. He knew how to comfort a widow in the best way.

Despite my sorrow, that windy stormy March day in 2005 gave me the love of flying in small craft. It was absolutely terrifying. I'm glad I did it anyways! I took flying lessons at that airport (which is no more) for a year, but never did get my license. Also did parasailing which is even more scary.

Your stories?

Me! lol

One thing i guess im proud of was rescuing a couple kids caught in a rip tide on a barrier island off South Carolina.

I had been watching these two brothers messing around in the surf and getting further and further away from shore.

I knew it was just a matter of time before they drifted into a rip tide and sure enough i saw the panic hit them that they were no longer in control.

I had found myself in that position many years earlier and was fortunate that my oldest brother noticed and drug me back to safety.

I went out since mom and dad were not paying attention. I got to the older one and got him back under control and sent him off to his parents and went for the other. It was worse by that time and I was struggling to keep us both afloat while trying to get away from the rip tide. Daddio finally showed up and I got his kid to him and myself back under control.

Scary but I was glad to return the favor my brother had lent me.

Two days later my idiot sister-in-law was headed out to sea in a rather more vigorous tide. I drug her back as well. Prolly a bad idea given my history since but who knew.

Moral of the story: respect the ocean. She is powerful and you are no match. I was lucky more than once. I wont be so foolish again.
One thing i guess im proud of was rescuing a couple kids caught in a rip tide on a barrier island off South Carolina.

I had been watching these two brothers messing around in the surf and getting further and further away from shore.

I knew it was just a matter of time before they drifted into a rip tide and sure enough i saw the panic hit them that they were no longer in control.

I had found myself in that position many years earlier and was fortunate that my oldest brother noticed and drug me back to safety.

I went out since mom and dad were not paying attention. I got to the older one and got him back under control and sent him off to his parents and went for the other. It was worse by that time and I was struggling to keep us both afloat while trying to get away from the rip tide. Daddio finally showed up and I got his kid to him and myself back under control.

Scary but I was glad to return the favor my brother had lent me.

Two days later my idiot sister-in-law was headed out to sea in a rather more vigorous tide. I drug her back as well. Prolly a bad idea given my history since but who knew.

Moral of the story: respect the ocean. She is powerful and you are no match. I was lucky more than once. I wont be so foolish again.

Love your story, Hero Dude!
Tell us your stories.... and pics if you have 'em.

I have extreme fear of heights, but I've flown small planes (Cessna) a few times. When my late husband passed, one of the guys at the local VFW offered to take me up in a rented 152 to scatter his ashes over the rivers and woodlands that he loved. Every time I would open the window to fling some out, and start crying again, he would take his hands off the controls and tell me to fly her. I met that guy many decades ago when we both worked at McDonnell-Douglas. He is a USAF veteran. He knew my late husband because of the local VFW hall we supported. He knew how to comfort a widow in the best way.

Despite my sorrow, that windy stormy March day in 2005 gave me the love of flying in small craft. It was absolutely terrifying. I'm glad I did it anyways! I took flying lessons at that airport (which is no more) for a year, but never did get my license. Also did parasailing which is even more scary.

Your stories?

Me! lol


What else would I say besides travel? Well, I did use to make my own hand-kneaded bread.
Raised two educated children who are now professionals , Seven grand-kids, 3 who completed college, 2 of those who finished grad school and one in Med school, the younger ones still in grade school , they will be going to college

Went sky diving at age 60
Raised two educated children who are now professionals , Seven grand-kids, 3 who completed college, 2 of those who finished grad school and one in Med school, the younger ones still in grade school , they will be going to college

Went sky diving at age 60

Old as dirt and still voting Democrat. Pitiful life...
Tell us your stories.... and pics if you have 'em.

I have extreme fear of heights, but I've flown small planes (Cessna) a few times. When my late husband passed, one of the guys at the local VFW offered to take me up in a rented 152 to scatter his ashes over the rivers and woodlands that he loved. Every time I would open the window to fling some out, and start crying again, he would take his hands off the controls and tell me to fly her. I met that guy many decades ago when we both worked at McDonnell-Douglas. He is a USAF veteran. He knew my late husband because of the local VFW hall we supported. He knew how to comfort a widow in the best way.

Despite my sorrow, that windy stormy March day in 2005 gave me the love of flying in small craft. It was absolutely terrifying. I'm glad I did it anyways! I took flying lessons at that airport (which is no more) for a year, but never did get my license. Also did parasailing which is even more scary.

Your stories?

Me! lol


AWESOME!!!! I (presently) would like my kinds to spread my ashes down @ the river I have kayaked on over 500 times... They could do it off the bridge but that might be to easy for them...

I would love to hear more.:)
Had kids. That was pretty cool.

First thing I thought of, but it sounded boring, & you made it sound even more so.....:laugh::laugh:

But it is a great gift, often over looked & under appreciated until it is late or to late.:dunno:
One thing i guess im proud of was rescuing a couple kids caught in a rip tide on a barrier island off South Carolina.

I had been watching these two brothers messing around in the surf and getting further and further away from shore.

I knew it was just a matter of time before they drifted into a rip tide and sure enough i saw the panic hit them that they were no longer in control.

I had found myself in that position many years earlier and was fortunate that my oldest brother noticed and drug me back to safety.

I went out since mom and dad were not paying attention. I got to the older one and got him back under control and sent him off to his parents and went for the other. It was worse by that time and I was struggling to keep us both afloat while trying to get away from the rip tide. Daddio finally showed up and I got his kid to him and myself back under control.

Scary but I was glad to return the favor my brother had lent me.

Two days later my idiot sister-in-law was headed out to sea in a rather more vigorous tide. I drug her back as well. Prolly a bad idea given my history since but who knew.

Moral of the story: respect the ocean. She is powerful and you are no match. I was lucky more than once. I wont be so foolish again.

:hand: :hand: :hand: great job!!!
Like... gave birth? Damn, impressive!

Hey, standing back there rubbing shoulders aint as easy as it looks through teary eyes as you pushy pushy for a few hours......:)

lol Well really it aint.. For me I wanted so much to take away the pain, make it better but you can't~almost the same as having a baby :)

:thinking: Or maybe not;) .......:thup:
Off the top I would say it was climbing up Mt Whitney back in August 17...

It was my 6th hike, my first one in about 25 years or so was two months earlier @ Horsetail falls in Calif..

Kinda nuts, thinking about it now..
I don’t know...nothing spectacular. Getting published was cool. Getting pulled over for doing 35 mph over the speed limit on a bicycle was cool. Meeting Neil Armstrong was way cool. Having a gun pointed at me on three separate occasions in one night was definitely not cool but a bizarre story that’s pretty cool.
I don’t know...nothing spectacular. Getting published was cool. Getting pulled over for doing 35 mph over the speed limit on a bicycle was cool. Meeting Neil Armstrong was way cool. Having a gun pointed at me on three separate occasions in one night was definitely not cool but a bizarre story that’s pretty cool.

Just admit that you still can't actually answer the question as written. I am probably in the same boat as you.