Coolest Thing You Ever Did as an Adult

It was a cold fall afternoon at the horse track in Lebanon, OH. He was sitting about three rows below me. After a few races I went up to the concession stand and got two cups of hot coffee. I walked up to him and asked him if he’d like a cup of coffee and he accepted it, thanked me and told me I was a nice young man. We then talked briefly about a local recycling program he was involved with and then talked about people we knew in our home town of Wapakoneta. We talked for about five minutes and then I left him alone. I didn’t once mention anything about his being the most famous astronaut ever cause I heard he doesn’t like the hero worship talk. Nice quiet private man.

Hey Mott, tell us about the gun incident(s) too!
You're a loaf or two ahead of me.... I've never made hand-kneaded bread!

It's something I did in winter to keep busy and stave off Seasonal Affective Disorder. It got replaced with cookies since those are easier to give away. It's not good to make bread because there is nothing like warm from the oven bread. I'd eat most of it right then and there
Men (at least those with empathy) have it rough during the birth experience. You feel all the pain and suffering but you don't get the wonderful emotional rush when the baby is first laid in your arms the same as moms do. In that instant all the previous hours are wiped away as though they never existed. Good thing too, or we'd all have only one kid. lol

lol. Yep..

After my last one (we were both up all day & middle of the night per usual) my wife was walking around an hour or two later & the Dr told me "you look like shit, you need to go home & take a nap, we'll call you around 10AM"............ :laugh::laugh:

Great advice which I immed followed but was so wired I hardly slept..

its was spectacular

I did manage to get a full day in Maui before the feeding ban & I was surrounded by beautiful tropical fish od many kinds & when I finally ran out of food I was surrounded by about 20 ppl who had followed the fish to me......:rofl2:
It's something I did in winter to keep busy and stave off Seasonal Affective Disorder. It got replaced with cookies since those are easier to give away. It's not good to make bread because there is nothing like warm from the oven bread. I'd eat most of it right then and there

Especially the ends, which we fight over. Good thing each loaf comes with two. lol
Especially the ends, which we fight over. Good thing each loaf comes with two. lol

I always save the ends for Mom, they're her favorite. When I was a kid I hated crust for some reason and I just continued the trend. Now when we are talking the processed ready-made breads the ends often suck. I love me the strawberry loaf or cinnamon bread but the ends are too scarce to make good toast. I actually throw them in with the slice next to them and treat the two as one slice.
I always save the ends for Mom, they're her favorite. When I was a kid I hated crust for some reason and I just continued the trend. Now when we are talking the processed ready-made breads the ends often suck. I love me the strawberry loaf or cinnamon bread but the ends are too scarce to make good toast. I actually throw them in with the slice next to them and treat the two as one slice.

Have you ever made sourdough bread? That's a lot of fun.
Hey Mott, tell us about the gun incident(s) too!

This will be like the third time I’ve retold this story. Grind had me retell it several times so you can check with him for consistency. You know the Dayton area so you’ll probably relate.

This was in the summer of 2001 and a couple of months before the 911 attacks and about 9 months after I met Neil Armstrong. I was living in a small village of Red Lion just between Middletown and Lebanon, OH.

It was a nice summer night and I was driving home from Wapakoneta after visiting my Uncle who lives there.

I was traveling down I-75 through Dayton and being hungry decided to jump off on West Third St to get some BBQ at Old Hickory. They are in a little tiny strip mall with parking in the back. I went in, ate, and left the Waitress what little cash I was carrying as a tip.

So I go out to leave and there’s a young man sitting on the front fender of his car which was pulled off to the side of the lane of the parking lot. He didn’t look harmful and it looked like he was having car trouble so I made the big mistake of pulling up next to him and asking him if he needed help? Big mistake. He walked up to the passenger side window that I had rolled down to talk to him and pulled a gun on me..

He then opened up the passenger door and got in while keeping the gun pointed at me and told me to give him my money. Gulp! I didn’t have any. So I told him I was going slowly pull my wallet out and give it to him. Which I did and while handing it to him said “I don’t have any cash. Take my plastic the pin is ****.

He opened the wallet, saw no money and pistol whipped me three time rapidly. That cut me at the hair line and I started bleeding like a stuck pig. He started rummaging through my glove box and demanded my money. I repeated I don’t have any take my plastic the pin is ****. He then piston whipped me with a couple of more wacks and demanded money. He’s pointing the gun at my head and by now I was pissed and told the punk if he hit me one more time he’d better shoot me. He pulled the hammer back. I stared at him in the eyes and said, again, I don’t have any money. Take my plastic the pin is ****.

He then ordered me to get out of the car. I started taking my car keys and he told me to leave them. I proceeded to get out the car while he kept the gun pointed at me. He then walked around to my side of the car and told me to walk over to his car that he was taking me to an ATM.

As we were about halfway to his car a pedestrian comes walking around the corner and starts walking down the driveway we’re in. The mugger stupidly dropped the gun by his side to keep the pedestrian from seeing and when he did I hit the punk with a shoulder block with every ounce I had and he went flying.

Unfortunately the little prick held on to the gun so I turned and hauled ass (I was a pretty good runner back then). I hauled ass to BP station a few blocks away, covered in blood and screamed for the attendant to call the cops. I got lucky as the cops got there in about a minute.

Well the cops secured the situation and started taking a report while I stood there covered in blood. They then took me back to my car but that little prick had taken my keys. We discussed what to do and I told them to call a wrecker and I’d have it towed and would pick it up at the tow lot when I could get my spare set of keys.

So they did and we walked back to the BP and finished the report and then they just left me there. Told me to call a cab. I asked how as the mugger took my wallet with my plastic. They told me that was my problem and they couldn’t give me a lift and left me standing there covered in blood.

Did I mention the little asshole took my cellphone too? So I couldn’t call anyone.

Well about this time a couple of Bubbas pulled into the BP saw me, stopped and asked me what had happened?

So I told them that I had been mugged and asked them to give me a ride home and I would give them $20.

They said get in and I got into the back seat of their truck. Another big mistake. We started driving to my place and where chatting when the guy in the passenger seat wanted to know what they were up to? I said no and like out of Pulp Fiction the guy reaches under his seat, pulls out a sawed off shotgun, points it casually over the seat in my direction and said we were going rob a store. I calmly reached over, gently pushed the gun away from me and said “ Dude...I just got mugged. This is the last thing I want to see. He laughed and put the gun back under the seat.

We then get to my place with no further incident. When I try to get in my house and get them the $20 I discovered that my door was locked (duh) and I had no key. Well I wasn’t about to stiff two Bubbas with a sawed off shot gun so I knew kicked in my front door, went inside and got $20 and sent them on their way.

Well I broke the lock and latch on my door but was able to reinsert the latch so I could at least close the door.

So I go inside and get cleaned up. Wash the blood off me and changed my clothes. I then called my sister who lived just nort of Dayton to explain what happened and to have her or her husband come down the next morning so I could get my car out of the tow lot.

As I was talking to here two cops come charging through my door with guns drawn and screaming at me to drop to the floor...which I did immediately.

The neighbor saw a blood soaked dude kicking in my door and called the cops. The cops did their thing and I told them my story and they called the Dayton police who verified my story at which point they left.

And that’s how I had a gun pointed at me three times, in three separate incidents, in one night.

I will never forget how the Dayton Police treated me like a piece of shit after being the victim of a violent crime.

They even called me the next day to report to the detectives division to speak to a detective. The detective was more concerned that I had taken my car out of the tow yard without their permission than about finding the perpetrators. I had to explain to him three times that I had my car towed so it would be taken to a safe place. I left completely disgusted and never heard from them again.
This will be like the third time I’ve retold this story. Grind had me retell it several times so you can check with him for consistency. You know the Dayton area so you’ll probably relate.

This was in the summer of 2001 and a couple of months before the 911 attacks and about 9 months after I met Neil Armstrong. I was living in a small village of Red Lion just between Middletown and Lebanon, OH.

It was a nice summer night and I was driving home from Wapakoneta after visiting my Uncle who lives there.

I was traveling down I-75 through Dayton and being hungry decided to jump off on West Third St to get some BBQ at Old Hickory. They are in a little tiny strip mall with parking in the back. I went in, ate, and left the Waitress what little cash I was carrying as a tip.

So I go out to leave and there’s a young man sitting on the front fender of his car which was pulled off to the side of the lane of the parking lot. He didn’t look harmful and it looked like he was having car trouble so I made the big mistake of pulling up next to him and asking him if he needed help? Big mistake. He walked up to the passenger side window that I had rolled down to talk to him and pulled a gun on me..

He then opened up the passenger door and got in while keeping the gun pointed at me and told me to give him my money. Gulp! I didn’t have any. So I told him I was going slowly pull my wallet out and give it to him. Which I did and while handing it to him said “I don’t have any cash. Take my plastic the pin is ****.

He opened the wallet, saw no money and pistol whipped me three time rapidly. That cut me at the hair line and I started bleeding like a stuck pig. He started rummaging through my glove box and demanded my money. I repeated I don’t have any take my plastic the pin is ****. He then piston whipped me with a couple of more wacks and demanded money. He’s pointing the gun at my head and by now I was pissed and told the punk if he hit me one more time he’d better shoot me. He pulled the hammer back. I stared at him in the eyes and said, again, I don’t have any money. Take my plastic the pin is ****.

He then ordered me to get out of the car. I started taking my car keys and he told me to leave them. I proceeded to get out the car while he kept the gun pointed at me. He then walked around to my side of the car and told me to walk over to his car that he was taking me to an ATM.

As we were about halfway to his car a pedestrian comes walking around the corner and starts walking down the driveway we’re in. The mugger stupidly dropped the gun by his side to keep the pedestrian from seeing and when he did I hit the punk with a shoulder block with every ounce I had and he went flying.

Unfortunately the little prick held on to the gun so I turned and hauled ass (I was a pretty good runner back then). I hauled ass to BP station a few blocks away, covered in blood and screamed for the attendant to call the cops. I got lucky as the cops got there in about a minute.

Well the cops secured the situation and started taking a report while I stood there covered in blood. They then took me back to my car but that little prick had taken my keys. We discussed what to do and I told them to call a wrecker and I’d have it towed and would pick it up at the tow lot when I could get my spare set of keys.

So they did and we walked back to the BP and finished the report and then they just left me there. Told me to call a cab. I asked how as the mugger took my wallet with my plastic. They told me that was my problem and they couldn’t give me a lift and left me standing there covered in blood.

Did I mention the little asshole took my cellphone too? So I couldn’t call anyone.

Well about this time a couple of Bubbas pulled into the BP saw me, stopped and asked me what had happened?

So I told them that I had been mugged and asked them to give me a ride home and I would give them $20.

They said get in and I got into the back seat of their truck. Another big mistake. We started driving to my place and where chatting when the guy in the passenger seat wanted to know what they were up to? I said no and like out of Pulp Fiction the guy reaches under his seat, pulls out a sawed off shotgun, points it casually over the seat in my direction and said we were going rob a store. I calmly reached over, gently pushed the gun away from me and said “ Dude...I just got mugged. This is the last thing I want to see. He laughed and put the gun back under the seat.

We then get to my place with no further incident. When I try to get in my house and get them the $20 I discovered that my door was locked (duh) and I had no key. Well I wasn’t about to stiff two Bubbas with a sawed off shot gun so I knew kicked in my front door, went inside and got $20 and sent them on their way.

Well I broke the lock and latch on my door but was able to reinsert the latch so I could at least close the door.

So I go inside and get cleaned up. Wash the blood off me and changed my clothes. I then called my sister who lived just nort of Dayton to explain what happened and to have her or her husband come down the next morning so I could get my car out of the tow lot.

As I was talking to here two cops come charging through my door with guns drawn and screaming at me to drop to the floor...which I did immediately.

The neighbor saw a blood soaked dude kicking in my door and called the cops. The cops did their thing and I told them my story and they called the Dayton police who verified my story at which point they left.

And that’s how I had a gun pointed at me three times, in three separate incidents, in one night.

I will never forget how the Dayton Police treated me like a piece of shit after being the victim of a violent crime.

They even called me the next day to report to the detectives division to speak to a detective. The detective was more concerned that I had taken my car out of the tow yard without their permission than about finding the perpetrators. I had to explain to him three times that I had my car towed so it would be taken to a safe place. I left completely disgusted and never heard from them again.

Worse day EVER. Did they ever get the jerk who took your wallet and phone and keys?