Coolest Thing You Ever Did as an Adult

I don’t know...nothing spectacular. Getting published was cool. Getting pulled over for doing 35 mph over the speed limit on a bicycle was cool. Meeting Neil Armstrong was way cool. Having a gun pointed at me on three separate occasions in one night was definitely not cool but a bizarre story that’s pretty cool.

I got shot at by these Federales while trying to cross the Border back into the US with this Guatemala guy. I made it, ... he ended up in the Tijuana Jail.
Can't you for once leave your hate & politics outside?? :palm:

Republicans are like Pavlov's dogs, heavily conditioned. They're nailed to his tail anyway, I think!

I think the coolest things I've done were when I was working for the Samaritans, but we're not supposed to talk about those. I was quite proud of the fact that once, in my cups. I made up Italian out of the rusty bits of Latin and French lying about in my head, to the apparent satisfaction (over two hours or so) of a group of Italians. Perhaps, on the other hand, they were being incredibly polite and intelligent. It sticks in the head, whatever!
Raised two educated children who are now professionals , Seven grand-kids, 3 who completed college, 2 of those who finished grad school and one in Med school, the younger ones still in grade school , they will be going to college

Went sky diving at age 60

Congrats on your accomplished family!

How did you like skydiving? It's on my bucket list as well. Hopefully not the last thing. lol
Hey, standing back there rubbing shoulders aint as easy as it looks through teary eyes as you pushy pushy for a few hours......:)

lol Well really it aint.. For me I wanted so much to take away the pain, make it better but you can't~almost the same as having a baby :)

:thinking: Or maybe not;) .......:thup:

Men (at least those with empathy) have it rough during the birth experience. You feel all the pain and suffering but you don't get the wonderful emotional rush when the baby is first laid in your arms the same as moms do. In that instant all the previous hours are wiped away as though they never existed. Good thing too, or we'd all have only one kid. lol
Republicans are like Pavlov's dogs, heavily conditioned. They're nailed to his tail anyway, I think!

I think the coolest things I've done were when I was working for the Samaritans, but we're not supposed to talk about those. I was quite proud of the fact that once, in my cups. I made up Italian out of the rusty bits of Latin and French lying about in my head, to the apparent satisfaction (over two hours or so) of a group of Italians. Perhaps, on the other hand, they were being incredibly polite and intelligent. It sticks in the head, whatever!

LOL -- that's hilarious.
Off the top I would say it was climbing up Mt Whitney back in August 17...

It was my 6th hike, my first one in about 25 years or so was two months earlier @ Horsetail falls in Calif..

Kinda nuts, thinking about it now..

Nah, it sounds exhilarating!
I don’t know...nothing spectacular. Getting published was cool. Getting pulled over for doing 35 mph over the speed limit on a bicycle was cool. Meeting Neil Armstrong was way cool. Having a gun pointed at me on three separate occasions in one night was definitely not cool but a bizarre story that’s pretty cool.

Neil Armstrong! Wow. What was the occasion? It didn't involve you running over him going 35 mph over, on your bike, did it? lol
Attending the 500th anniversary festival of the founding of the ancestral village named after my family in eastern Europe was something i will never forget.

I met Gulag survivors, highly decorated ww2 red army vets, walked on the remnants of my grandfather's farm, found the gravestones of uncles and aunts, waliked the footsteps and felt the palpable prescence of 500 years of ancestors, saw the ruins of an ancestral castle destroyed by an invadiing Swedish army of the Great Northern War, and was consistently reminded that in the face of blood relations ,nationality, politics,geopolitical rivialries fade away into insignificance.
Neil Armstrong! Wow. What was the occasion? It didn't involve you running over him going 35 mph over, on your bike, did it? lol

It was a cold fall afternoon at the horse track in Lebanon, OH. He was sitting about three rows below me. After a few races I went up to the concession stand and got two cups of hot coffee. I walked up to him and asked him if he’d like a cup of coffee and he accepted it, thanked me and told me I was a nice young man. We then talked briefly about a local recycling program he was involved with and then talked about people we knew in our home town of Wapakoneta. We talked for about five minutes and then I left him alone. I didn’t once mention anything about his being the most famous astronaut ever cause I heard he doesn’t like the hero worship talk. Nice quiet private man.
It was a cold fall afternoon at the horse track in Lebanon, OH. He was sitting about three rows below me. After a few races I went up to the concession stand and got two cups of hot coffee. I walked up to him and asked him if he’d like a cup of coffee and he accepted it, thanked me and told me I was a nice young man. We then talked briefly about a local recycling program he was involved with and then talked about people we knew in our home town of Wapakoneta. We talked for about five minutes and then I left him alone. I didn’t once mention anything about his being the most famous astronaut ever cause I heard he doesn’t like the hero worship talk. Nice quiet private man.

How wonderful, and how lucky you were! Have always heard that about him as well, that he felt he was no one special and that but for the grace of the gods someone else could have been the first human to set foot on another world.
Attending the 500th anniversary festival of the founding of the ancestral village named after my family in eastern Europe was something i will never forget.

I met Gulag survivors, highly decorated ww2 red army vets, walked on the remnants of my grandfather's farm, found the gravestones of uncles and aunts, waliked the footsteps and felt the palpable prescence of 500 years of ancestors, saw the ruins of an ancestral castle destroyed by an invadiing Swedish army of the Great Northern War, and was consistently reminded that in the face of blood relations ,nationality, politics,geopolitical rivialries fade away into insignificance.

That's awesome, Cypress. I can't even imagine how that must have felt.
I don’t know...nothing spectacular. Getting published was cool. Getting pulled over for doing 35 mph over the speed limit on a bicycle was cool. Meeting Neil Armstrong was way cool. Having a gun pointed at me on three separate occasions in one night was definitely not cool but a bizarre story that’s pretty cool.

tell that story dude
Beyond the very human stories of Birth and such

a day snorkeling with my hubby and son was one of my favs