Cornering a lefty

Warrens heritage was checked and found inconclusive, however her family said they were part Indian. How is that a lie? Do you understand the term inconclusive? Pretty direct wasn't that. Nobody is disrespecting the flag. They are protesting police violence to blacks. Can you possibly understand that has nothing to do with the flag or the military? No evading, just showing how misinformed or stupid you are.

Thank you for illustrating what I was referring to in the last sentence of the opening post.
Is English your second language? Third or 12th. Are you that unable to follow logic? Your stupid immature premise has been taken apart by the evidence, again and again. But the ability to learn seems to be eluding you.
Want evidence, read the responses. You have lots of it showing Trump and his family have a long history of racism. From his dads KKK leaning, to his weak kid claiming Latino judges are unable to render a fair judgement in court. His stupid and childish remarks against Warren are just more proof of his immaturity and bigotry. However the right side response it to chat back and forth about how they won. That was done by offering no defense, just name calling. So It is apparent why you are Trump voters, or will be when you get old enough. I suppose his bigotry agrees with yours.
I enjoy watching how lefties dodge, divert, redefine, or otherwise evade answering questions. One thing that I have learned tough, is that it is impossible to corner a lefty and squeeze an answer out of them. The laws of physics make it impossible to do this. It does not matter if you find a smoking gun that incriminates the left, because you cannot get them to answer any questions about it. If you start a thread that asks for evidence of Russian collusion, you can get pages of replies, but none will actually answer the question. You can ask them if it is ok that pocahontas lied about her ethnicity, or if it is appropriate to disrespect our flag, but lefties will evade. Even in this very thread, they will feel the need to use one of the examples I listed to evade what this thread is about.

If "lefties" don't bother to answer your stupid bullshit questions, it's because you ask stupid bullshit questions.

If you want your stupid bullshit questions answered, stop asking such stupid bullshit questions.

Nobody wants to waste their time playing stupid word games and answering stupid bullshit questions.
If "lefties" don't bother to answer your stupid bullshit questions, it's because you ask stupid bullshit questions.

If you want your stupid bullshit questions answered, stop asking such stupid bullshit questions.

Nobody wants to waste their time playing stupid word games and answering stupid bullshit questions.

When you stop making excuses and simply say you aren't intellectually capable of answering even the most simple questions, let us know.

I have a few for you.

1) Why do blacks produce so many bastard children?

2) Why, when voter ID is discussed are whites not mentioned as being affected by such laws when the requirements for having that ID are the same for everyone? Are you saying minorities are incapable of doing what whites can do?

3) When are you lefties going to expect people to accept responsibility for their choices in life and stop demanding someone else pay for the negative results of someone else's bad choices?

We'll start with those and see how you do.
When you stop making excuses and simply say you aren't intellectually capable of answering even the most simple questions, let us know.

I have a few for you.

1) Why do blacks produce so many bastard children?

2) Why, when voter ID is discussed are whites not mentioned as being affected by such laws when the requirements for having that ID are the same for everyone? Are you saying minorities are incapable of doing what whites can do?

3) When are you lefties going to expect people to accept responsibility for their choices in life and stop demanding someone else pay for the negative results of someone else's bad choices?

We'll start with those and see how you do.

The more of an ignorant piece of trash one is, the more often one must repeat themselves.

So I'll repeat.... If you want your stupid bullshit questions answered, stop asking such stupid bullshit questions.

Nobody wants to waste their time playing stupid word games and answering stupid bullshit questions.

Your stupid, false premise, bullshit strawman questions are not worthy of anything more.
I don't play word games with stupid redneck peckerwood PCM trash.

Go find someone else to beg to for attention.

I don't play games. I asked you simple questions you have shown you're intellectually incapable of answering.

Go study up and maybe some day you can do simple tasks.
I don't play games. I asked you simple questions you have shown you're intellectually incapable of answering.

Go study up and maybe some day you can do simple tasks.

Your questions are moronic bullshit based on premises that are questionable at best, if not outright false.

Typical right-wing bullshit word games which is all dullards like you fucks have.

Go graduate from GED class before you try to match with with your superiors, peckerwood.
Your questions are moronic bullshit based on premises that are questionable at best, if not outright false.

Typical right-wing bullshit word games which is all dullards like you fucks have.

Go graduate from GED class before you try to match with with your superiors, peckerwood.

I'm your superior and all I had to do was be born.
I'm your superior and all I had to do was be born.

Really? That's odd.

Because after looking at this picture of your mother giving "birth" to you....


....I don't see what you think is so "superior" about you.

Really? That's odd.

Because after looking at this picture of your mother giving "birth" to you....


....I don't see what you think is so "superior" about you.


My mother's not a darkie. You must have me confused with some coon.

That's your momma squeezing YOU out of her slut-mutt whore chute.

Since that dog is dark, it must be a baby picture of you when you were born. Sad part is even as a piece of shit, you don't who your baby daddy is.