Cornering a lefty

I really appreciate how you read the opening post and then carefully crafted a reply that would best illustrate what it was about. You have done an excellent job validating my op. The last sentence of my op that you quoted must have really stood out...


I predict Evmetro will post some babbling piece of bullshit and when people reply to point that out, he will respond with a juvenile “I told you so!”

Thank you in advance for proving me correct.”
They respond to an opening post like that the same way a dog responds to being told that it is not polite to lick his ass in front of people. I knew how the lefties would respond before I started the thread, but I enjoy reading the evasions.

Just as I predicted in June 2017. Never fails.


I predict Evmetro will post some babbling piece of bullshit and when people reply to point that out, he will respond with a juvenile “I told you so!”

Thank you in advance for proving me correct.”
I enjoy watching how lefties dodge, divert, redefine, or otherwise evade answering questions. One thing that I have learned tough, is that it is impossible to corner a lefty and squeeze an answer out of them. The laws of physics make it impossible to do this. It does not matter if you find a smoking gun that incriminates the left, because you cannot get them to answer any questions about it. If you start a thread that asks for evidence of Russian collusion, you can get pages of replies, but none will actually answer the question. You can ask them if it is ok that pocahontas lied about her ethnicity, or if it is appropriate to disrespect our flag, but lefties will evade. Even in this very thread, they will feel the need to use one of the examples I listed to evade what this thread is about.

Straw-manning. Sad!