Hello and welcome overall,
I have created personal rules for this forum which are more stringent than the forum rules.
Please make note of my Personal Ignore Policy PIP: I like civil discourse. I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Mouth off to me, or express overt racism, you will be PERMANENTLY Ignore Listed. Zero tolerance. No exceptions. I'll never read a word you write, even if quoted by another, nor respond to you, nor participate in your threads. ... Ignore the shallow. Cherish the thoughtful. Long Live Civil Discourse, Mutual Respect, and Good Debate! ps: Feel free to adopt my PIP. It works well.
If that is agreeable, and I hope it is, I hope we have many great discussions. If not, then we won't be talking long.
Great idea, but unrealistic. People who resent government will not comply.
This idea is doomed to failure.
But thanks for trying.
We need more creative ideas.
I appreciate the thought.
Keep trying.
It has to be something practical.
I would like to see more stringent enforcement.
Mask laws. Distancing laws. Limited numbers of shoppers in stores. Tickets for violators. Plainclothes cops writing people up.
Let me give you some advice. Never doubt what I have to say. Because if it wasn't true, I wouldn't have said it. I am the most intelligent person who had ever been at this or any other forum. Some others may be more knowledgeable in specific matters. But in challenging what I say, in 99.9% of cases, they fail. You also claim to have zero tolerance towards racism. Don't you know that having no tolerance towards "intolerance" is itself intolerance. And therefore hypocritical. That is a bad thing to be. Intolerance, racism or hatred wouldn't even exist unless there was a highly necessary and useful evolutionary reason for it. That is in at least 95% of the cases of the entire existence of life on this planet. And it is probably the same way on every life bearing planet throughout infinity. Even basically brainless coral will fight it out with other coral to protect their own turf. You are more intelligent than a basically brainless coral aren't you. If so, act like it. Though I didn't bring the topic up, you might be interested in seeing what I had to say in post #32, #40 and #44.
Next, do you know what would make my plan fail? People like you saying it won't work. Seeing how my plan has never been tried, you have nothing on which to cast your doubt. People can do anything. They built pyramids and a great wall. Humans in the past have done things that it is incredible to think was done without the intervention of extraterrestrials from another world. (And maybe some were) If people were told that at some future date a REAL lockdown was to happen, and they were given the time and means to prepare for it, only an idiot would refuse to do it. Especially when it was explained to them exactly why it would happen and what the outcome would be. Right now, there are indeed many people who have been driven stupid by Trump. But only a few of them could be immune to reason. For such people, there are ways to deal with them.
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