Coronavirus gone in 3 weeks.

Hello and welcome overall,

I have created personal rules for this forum which are more stringent than the forum rules.

Please make note of my Personal Ignore Policy PIP: I like civil discourse. I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Mouth off to me, or express overt racism, you will be PERMANENTLY Ignore Listed. Zero tolerance. No exceptions. I'll never read a word you write, even if quoted by another, nor respond to you, nor participate in your threads. ... Ignore the shallow. Cherish the thoughtful. Long Live Civil Discourse, Mutual Respect, and Good Debate! ps: Feel free to adopt my PIP. It works well.

If that is agreeable, and I hope it is, I hope we have many great discussions. If not, then we won't be talking long.

Great idea, but unrealistic. People who resent government will not comply.

This idea is doomed to failure.

But thanks for trying.

We need more creative ideas.

I appreciate the thought.

Keep trying.

It has to be something practical.

I would like to see more stringent enforcement.

Mask laws. Distancing laws. Limited numbers of shoppers in stores. Tickets for violators. Plainclothes cops writing people up.

Let me give you some advice. Never doubt what I have to say. Because if it wasn't true, I wouldn't have said it. I am the most intelligent person who had ever been at this or any other forum. Some others may be more knowledgeable in specific matters. But in challenging what I say, in 99.9% of cases, they fail. You also claim to have zero tolerance towards racism. Don't you know that having no tolerance towards "intolerance" is itself intolerance. And therefore hypocritical. That is a bad thing to be. Intolerance, racism or hatred wouldn't even exist unless there was a highly necessary and useful evolutionary reason for it. That is in at least 95% of the cases of the entire existence of life on this planet. And it is probably the same way on every life bearing planet throughout infinity. Even basically brainless coral will fight it out with other coral to protect their own turf. You are more intelligent than a basically brainless coral aren't you. If so, act like it. Though I didn't bring the topic up, you might be interested in seeing what I had to say in post #32, #40 and #44.

Next, do you know what would make my plan fail? People like you saying it won't work. Seeing how my plan has never been tried, you have nothing on which to cast your doubt. People can do anything. They built pyramids and a great wall. Humans in the past have done things that it is incredible to think was done without the intervention of extraterrestrials from another world. (And maybe some were) If people were told that at some future date a REAL lockdown was to happen, and they were given the time and means to prepare for it, only an idiot would refuse to do it. Especially when it was explained to them exactly why it would happen and what the outcome would be. Right now, there are indeed many people who have been driven stupid by Trump. But only a few of them could be immune to reason. For such people, there are ways to deal with them.
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Banks want their mortgage payments from landlords. School taxes were just paid, and property taxes are due in January. Not paying rent might help some, but harm others.

You know what people should want more than anything else? An END to the coronavirus! And if they aren't willing to make it happen, MAKE them do it! As for the banks, fuck'em. They got a big bailout in the 2008 housing crash. Going 3 weeks without a mortgage payment would be absolutely nothing compared to the pain they received from the 2008 meltdown. And what would 3 weeks of no property tax mean. There are 52 weeks in a year. With the other 49 weeks being paid, it just wouldn't make much difference. As for rent, I told in my thread how that should be handled.
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how will it end in 3 weeks that just not going to happen.Yes there will be a need for a vaccine , covid is just a form of the flu .Its spread around the world. Unless we totally close our boarders and let no one out or in again there can alway be another invection it only takes one person who may not even have symptons.

I apparently left that part out in my thread. To make it work better, we would need to get other nations on board with this approach. But whatever happens in the future, it would be best if we completely rid ourselves of the virus right now. From what I have heard, people who have the coronavirus are no longer contagious after 10 days of having it. My plan will give the population another 11 days to make sure it is good and gone. As for anybody entering this country, more strict measures will have to be used on them for a short time. What we need is time. I have heard that by the spring a test for the coronavirus that will give results in 30 minutes will be widely available. We need time to get to that point. My plan would buy us that time. As it is, even taking a future vaccine into consideration, it has been said that around 400,000 people will have died from the coronavirus by spring. But it could easily be far more. Also, just so you know, coronavirus is absolutely nothing like the flu. The flu is the flu. The coronavirus is SARS.
I apparently left that part out in my thread. To make it work better, we would need to get other nations on board with this approach. But whatever happens in the future, it would be best if we completely rid ourselves of the virus right now. From what I have heard, people who have the coronavirus are no longer contagious after 10 days of having it. My plan will give the population another 11 days to make sure it is good and gone. As for anybody entering this country, more strict measures will have to be used on them for a short time. What we need is time. I have heard that by the spring a test for the coronavirus that will give results in 30 minutes will be widely available. We need time to get to that point. My plan would buy us that time. As it is, even taking a future vaccine into consideration, it has been said that around 400,000 people will have died from the coronavirus by spring. But it could easily be far more. Also, just so you know, coronavirus is absolutely nothing like the flu. The flu is the flu. The coronavirus is SARS.

And just how would you get rid of it gone here Lock every one in their bath room for a month close the hospitals, power plants, every business in america etc. seriously you cant do that .
You know what people should want more than anything else? An END to the coronavirus! And if they aren't willing to make it happen, MAKE them do it! As for the banks, fuck'em. They got a big bailout in the 2008 housing crash. Going 3 weeks without a mortgage payment would be absolutely nothing compared to the pain they received from the 2008 meltdown. And what would 3 weeks of no property mean. There are 52 weeks in a year. With the other 49 weeks being paid, it just wouldn't make much difference. As for rent, I told in my thread how that should be handled.
I see you don't own property.
I put this here because fighting the coronavirus is a political issue. I hear they will soon be coming out with a coronavirus vaccine. But it has many problems. On the other hand, we could be completely free from the coronavirus in just 3 weeks. In a relatively painless way. Compare to that to 9+ months we have been dealing with this problem. And the way things are looking, vaccine or not, we will be facing another lock down. Here is my plan.

Hopefully there is going to be another round of $1200 dollar stimulus checks. (Though after so many months have passed since the last one, it should be more) People should be told to use this money to buy everything they might need with the money to last them for 3 weeks. (And not give the money to whoever they may owe money to) To avoid any shortages, give then 4 to 6 weeks to do it in. Then do one last lock down. A REAL lock down this time. Shut just about everything down. Except for highly necessary things like hospitals, water, electric and sewage plants. It might also be necessary to keep a few stores open. So people can buy emergency things or things not planned for. But just about everything else would close down. Also, stop any traffic between cities. Except for people working at the necessary places.

Also, to make this economically doable, any rent or mortgage payments should be suspended for 3 weeks. Neither would people have to pay for utility or cable bills for this period. In short, it would be 3 short weeks of socialism. Then we can get back to normal capitalism. Which because of the coronavirus hasn't been doing too well anyway. Then after these 3 weeks, people won't even have to look at another mask again. There will be no need for a coronavirus vaccine. There wouldn't be any need for a flu vaccine either. Teachers and children could safely go back to school. And bars or restaurants could pack in as many people as they could hold. Though to make all this work, we need to get other nations on board with it. Otherwise, in the long run, it won't do much good.

super gay.
I see you don't own property.

What has that to do with anything. And what if there were no rent payments for 3 weeks. What would the landlords be losing out on. 3 weeks of wear and tear on their property? Compare that to over 250,000 dead from the coronavirus. Let alone what it is doing to hospitals and the economy in general. You "see I don't own property." What I see is that you don't own a brain.
What has that to do with anything. And what if there were no rent payments for 3 weeks. What would the landlords be losing out on. 3 weeks of wear and tear on their property? Compare that to over 250,000 dead from the coronavirus. Let alone what it is doing to hospitals and the economy in general. You "see I don't own property." What I see is that you don't own a brain.
Silly boy. Given that you don't understand the way property taxes and mortgages work, it's obvious that you don't own property.

Ask your parents when you go upstairs for dinner.
I don't think it would work.
It wouldn't work because it isn't enforceable, and he thinks that masks won't be necessary after three weeks.

Too many holes in his plan. Keep some stores open for emergencies? I thought we were locked down? People who contracted the virus won't present with symptoms for 2 weeks. So they're still contagious after 3 weeks when this lockdown is over.

I'm not sure why I'm even discussing this?
Goodbye overall,

Let me give you some advice. Never doubt what I have to say. Because if it wasn't true, I wouldn't have said it. I am the most intelligent person who had ever been at this or any other forum. Some others may be more knowledgeable in specific matters. But in challenging what I say, in 99.9% of cases, they fail. You also claim to have zero tolerance towards racism. Don't you know that having no tolerance towards "intolerance" is itself intolerance. And therefore hypocritical. That is a bad thing to be. Intolerance, racism or hatred wouldn't even exist unless there was a highly necessary and useful evolutionary reason for it. That is in at least 95% of the cases of the entire existence of life on this planet. And it is probably the same way on every life bearing planet throughout infinity. Even basically brainless coral will fight it out with other coral to protect their own turf. You are more intelligent than a basically brainless coral aren't you. If so, act like it. Though I didn't bring the topic up, you might be interested in seeing what I had to say in post #32, #40 and #44.

Next, do you know what would make my plan fail? People like you saying it won't work. Seeing how my plan has never been tried, you have nothing on which to cast your doubt. People can do anything. They built pyramids and a great wall. Humans in the past have done things that it is incredible to think was done without the intervention of extraterrestrials from another world. (And maybe some were) If people were told that at some future date a REAL lockdown was to happen, and they were given the time and means to prepare for it, only an idiot would refuse to do it. Especially when it was explained to them exactly why it would happen and what the outcome would be. Right now, there are indeed many people who have been driven stupid by Trump. But only a few of them could be immune to reason. For such people, there are ways to deal with them.

You just 'mouthed off at me,' so I see no point in talking to you ever again.

If this is the kind of reply I can expect from you, Ignoring more of the same is an easy decision.

Have a good life.

My last post in this thread, or any other by you.
No muslim is innocent. If you heard them tell you something that makes you think otherwise, you were listening to LIES. I suggest that you not do that. There very religion tells them to tell you lies. I will give you a couple examples. In the koran 3:54 it says, "and Allah is the best of deceivers." In the koran 7:99 it says, "no one feels safe from Allah's deception except for those that shall perish." So if the god they worship is such a fucking liar, what do you think that makes his worshipers. Such lies have gotten those scum into Europe. I found a couple different statistics for what that has cost the people of Sweden. (for example) Neither one is good. One statistic says that 95.6% of the rapes in Sweden are committed my muslims. Another says that 77% of the rapes in Sweden are caused by their 2% muslim population. I will show you some pictures of White women assaulted by muslims.

View attachment 17993 View attachment 17994 View attachment 17995

If anybody around here is unhinged, it is YOU! Deal with it. Then change.

There are plenty of valid criticisms of Islam, but to suggest that "no Muslim is innocent" is utterly ridiculous. It goes beyond ridiculous in the context of this conversation, however. You literally are defending the actions of a mass murderer.

If Tarrant's victims had only been rapists and murderers themselves, then maybe I'd agree with you, but he killed random Muslims and others, ranging in ages 3 through 77. Are you really going to tell me a 3 year old Muslim isn't innocent?
Well my plan would work. Just as advertised. The proof is that lock downs or shut downs do put a dent in the spread of the coronavirus. Having a REAL shutdown, one that people would be prepared for and therefore be more accepting of, would wipe the virus right out. Next, Trump did make an effort about testing. An effort to stop it!!! The mass murdering scumbag.

Current testing is about 10% positive. That indicates many positive cases are going untested. Once a positive case is found, there is almost no effort to test those he came into contact with. We have no tracing system in America. There is not even much effort to quarantine those that have it.

Tracing is hard work, but trump could have at least tried. I see no effort being put into this.

A shutdown would definitely set the virus back. The more extreme the shutdown, the more it would set it back. But we can't even get a real shutdown in America, so trying for globally would be difficult.

I tend to see shutdowns as the last resort.
Current testing is about 10% positive. That indicates many positive cases are going untested. Once a positive case is found, there is almost no effort to test those he came into contact with. We have no tracing system in America. There is not even much effort to quarantine those that have it.

Tracing is hard work, but trump could have at least tried. I see no effort being put into this.

A shutdown would definitely set the virus back. The more extreme the shutdown, the more it would set it back. But we can't even get a real shutdown in America, so trying for globally would be difficult.

I tend to see shutdowns as the last resort.

tracing is totalitarian bullshit.
Current testing is about 10% positive. That indicates many positive cases are going untested. Once a positive case is found, there is almost no effort to test those he came into contact with. We have no tracing system in America. There is not even much effort to quarantine those that have it.

Tracing is hard work, but trump could have at least tried. I see no effort being put into this.

A shutdown would definitely set the virus back. The more extreme the shutdown, the more it would set it back. But we can't even get a real shutdown in America, so trying for globally would be difficult.

I tend to see shutdowns as the last resort.

yet your moron party sees them as the first line of defense.
Let me give you some advice. Never doubt what I have to say. Because if it wasn't true, I wouldn't have said it. I am the most intelligent person who had ever been at this or any other forum. Some others may be more knowledgeable in specific matters. But in challenging what I say, in 99.9% of cases, they fail. You also claim to have zero tolerance towards racism. Don't you know that having no tolerance towards "intolerance" is itself intolerance. And therefore hypocritical. That is a bad thing to be. Intolerance, racism or hatred wouldn't even exist unless there was a highly necessary and useful evolutionary reason for it. That is in at least 95% of the cases of the entire existence of life on this planet. And it is probably the same way on every life bearing planet throughout infinity. Even basically brainless coral will fight it out with other coral to protect their own turf. You are more intelligent than a basically brainless coral aren't you. If so, act like it. Though I didn't bring the topic up, you might be interested in seeing what I had to say in post #32, #40 and #44.

Next, do you know what would make my plan fail? People like you saying it won't work. Seeing how my plan has never been tried, you have nothing on which to cast your doubt. People can do anything. They built pyramids and a great wall. Humans in the past have done things that it is incredible to think was done without the intervention of extraterrestrials from another world. (And maybe some were) If people were told that at some future date a REAL lockdown was to happen, and they were given the time and means to prepare for it, only an idiot would refuse to do it. Especially when it was explained to them exactly why it would happen and what the outcome would be. Right now, there are indeed many people who have been driven stupid by Trump. But only a few of them could be immune to reason. For such people, there are ways to deal with them.


I'll bet you're double jointed and can bend over and kiss your own ass, can't you?