APP - Coronavirus Information

Hello midcan5,

Be safe mask up and face shield too if you feel it necessary. In a year or two it will be over, make sure you're there.

'The young die as well from COVID-19, even as many engage in denial'

'Face masks, handwashing, and vaccination do not weaken the immune system...'

Covid dates

Distancing is the most effective method of defending from the coronavirus.

If two individuals never come within close proximity or exchange anything physical upon which the virus particles might be carried, then it is impossible for transmission to occur.

Naturally, it is impossible to remain safely distant and never touch anything that someone else has recently touched.

So the challenge becomes a trade-off between maximizing safety and living your life.

The danger is the risk of becoming complacent.

It would be dangerous thinking to say: "Well I did [such and such] and it didn't result in me getting sick, so that action can be safely repeated."

That is incorrect.

Every instance carries a risk.

Don't let your guard down. Ever.

Even when others do, even when other people around you are acting like there is no risk, that does not mean there is no risk.

Protect yourself, protect others around you.

Together, we can fight this war between all humans on one side, and a virus on the other, and together we can win it.

Those who are being diligent are to be commended.
Not good news even if you survive covid.

'Texas trauma surgeon Dr. Brittany Bankhead-Kendall says it’s a rarity that any of her COVID-19 patients X-rays come back without dense scarring.'

How do people come to believe something, what factors contribute to their knowing, can facts be facts for some and not others? Covid and the election have demonstrated one fact: people believe things that are not true and they believe them so strongly they will die or invade our capitol over lies. Why has a nation with so much information become so dumb and so easily managed by various media sources.

'Can Shocking Images Persuade Doubters of COVID’s Dangers?'
More info for the interested reader.

'Here's why some test positive for Covid-19 after being vaccinated'

"COVID-19 and eyesight: Myopia on the rise during lockdown'

"Due to coronavirus lockdowns, less time outdoors and more time on screens is leading to significantly more people suffering from myopia, especially children."
"We're tracking the latest on the coronavirus outbreak and the global response. Sign up here for our daily newsletter on what you need to know."

'When Will Life Return to Normal?'

Thanks Trump!


Playing catch up is always hard.
'US could have averted 40% of Covid deaths, says panel examining Trump's policies'

"Almost 470,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus so far, with the number widely expected to go above half a million in the next few weeks. At the same time some 27 million people in the US have been infected. Both figures are by far the highest in the world."

'Science Scientists study whether immune response wards off or worsens Covid'

'20 of the worst epidemics and pandemics in history'

Thankfully infection rates and hospitalizations are going down. More work to be done but thank goodness the doofus is gone.

'Trump Is Guilty of Pandemicide'

"History will show the former U.S. president was staggeringly negligent during the pandemic’s deadly third wave."

"Rather, the path of pandemicide was paved in pursuit of the president’s reelection and his relentless, all-consuming post-election campaign to refute his opponent’s victory, claiming election fraud and even theft. Despite the summer surge in COVID-19 infections nationwide, Trump abandoned virtual campaigning in favor of crowded, largely maskless gatherings of his supporters, knowingly risking that each rally would become a superspreader event. According to a study by Stanford University, 18 campaign rallies held between June 20 and Sept. 22, 2020, spawned in excess of 30,000 COVID-19 cases, likely leading to more than 700 deaths."
Politics makes you sick! Who knew. Think about that for a second. Just amazing.

'A political petri dish' 'Congress’ COVID-Positive Party'

'After two million deaths, we must have redress for mishandling the pandemic'

'Covid-19: Social murder, they wrote—elected, unaccountable, and unrepentant'

For the reader:

'Deadliest Enemy: Our War Against Killer Germs' Michael T. Osterholm, Mark Olshaker

"Mother Nature is the greatest bioterrorist of them all, with no financial limitations or ethical compunctions."
Vaccine reluctance.

Trump and Melania got their vaccine, but hide it from the public. Why? Odd don't you think.

"While the numbers have been improving among some demographic groups, skepticism has stayed stubbornly high among one big cohort: Republicans. As of Monday, 42 percent of Republicans said they did not intend to get vaccinated, according to polling by Civiqs. Only 28 percent said they planned to. These numbers have grown slightly worse since the polling began in November.

By contrast, only 6 percent of Democrats said they would not get vaccinated, versus 66 percent who said they would. Among independents, 43 percent planned to get vaccinated; 30 percent didn’t. Breaking it down by race, 56 percent of African-Americans and 57 percent of Hispanic and Latino respondents said they planned to get their shots, compared with only 44 percent of whites."

'Pace of U.S. Vaccinations vs. the World'
More info for the interested reader.

"More than 2,000 deaths a day are already being recorded in Brazil, largely as a result of this new strain.More than 2,000 deaths a day are already being recorded in Brazil, largely as a result of this new strain."

'How dangerous are the new COVID variants?'

'Some long-haul covid-19 patients say their symptoms are subsiding after getting vaccines'

'Face Masks Are In'
The proof my friends is in the pudding. Our second vaccine is tomorrow and according to many the second has more negatives for a few days. We'll put up with that to be safe and so America can return to normal. Many friends and family have already had both shots, one brother has had the J&J single shot. Science isn't always right but it is a better guide than online conspiracy and fake news. Hopefully you all stay safe.

An example of fake news:

"In short, the FunVax rumor originated largely with a filmmaker who sought to create a documentary of the same name about the “FunVax conspiracy.” The only evidence supporting the rumor is a YouTube video of questionable veracity and an unsourced document that purportedly describes the project. The entire concept of FunVax (which was supposedly already secretly developed, produced, and tested on unwitting Americans) hinged on a “God gene” theory that has yet to pass peer review or yield any known applications. Furthermore, this unproven gene theory supposedly inspired a wide-scale vaccination program involving technologies heretofore unseen in all other areas of working medical science. None of these related technologies (including vastly simplified and effective dispensation of vaccines) has ever been applied or even piloted in any areas of science or medicine before, and are so covert they are virtually unknown in documented pharmaceutical technology. Taken alone, these objections would cast the rumor into the territory of science fiction; all together, it’s pretty clear the claim is impossible on many levels."