APP - Coronavirus Information

Do people take 'stupid pills' by accident or on purpose? Trump's cult has demonstrated beyond any doubt some Americans can be easily led even to their death.

Doctor warns Trump's Nevada rally is 'negligent homicide': 'People will die'

'study links 260K cases to Sturgis motorcycle rally'

'The first known Covid-19 death linked to the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally is in Minnesota'

"Mother Nature is the greatest bioterrorist of them all, with no financial limitations or ethical compunctions."
Listen at six minutes how Trump played his followers. From his own mouth.

'Voter to President Trump: Let me finish, sir'

Now that Trump has Covid will his followers wear masks as he did yesterday? Of course if they get sick they won't be flown to Walter Reed.

'Inequality and the Pandemic, Part 1: Luck'

"The Covid-19 pandemic has taught us several things about inequality, or rather, it has dramatically reinforced lessons we, as a society, have failed to learn. The first is the importance of luck in determining unequal outcomes."
This article will be posted in two threads as it demonstrates how our president and his administration have failed Americans.

'Dying in a Leadership Vacuum'

"Covid-19 has created a crisis throughout the world. This crisis has produced a test of leadership. With no good options to combat a novel pathogen, countries were forced to make hard choices about how to respond. Here in the United States, our leaders have failed that test. They have taken a crisis and turned it into a tragedy.

The magnitude of this failure is astonishing. According to the Johns Hopkins Center for Systems Science and Engineering,1 the United States leads the world in Covid-19 cases and in deaths due to the disease, far exceeding the numbers in much larger countries, such as China. The death rate in this country is more than double that of Canada, exceeds that of Japan, a country with a vulnerable and elderly population, by a factor of almost 50, and even dwarfs the rates in lower-middle-income countries, such as Vietnam, by a factor of almost 2000. Covid-19 is an overwhelming challenge, and many factors contribute to its severity. But the one we can control is how we behave. And in the United States we have consistently behaved poorly."
Jeez, we may fly sooner than we thought. Masks! "Watson. Come at once if convenient. If inconvenient, come all the same."

'Researchers concluded that, if passengers wear surgical masks continuously, very little of the virus spreads, because of how the air is circulated and filtered on the planes.'

'The Most Likely Way You’ll Get Infected With Covid-19'

'You don’t have to sanitize your apples anymore, but you do have to wear a mask'
A bit off topic for your enjoyment. Check out the choir versions of this song on YouTube they are super, our grandkids enjoy them. Stay safe.

'Toto - Africa 2020 COVID-19'

'Identify the Different Symptoms of the Flu and Covid-19'

"As influenza season approaches, some Americans, and especially parents, are worried that, if they or their children should become ill, it may not be easy to know which disease they have — the flu or Covid-19. They are correct. Most symptoms of the two diseases are so similar that, short of a test — or two or three tests — it won’t be possible to know for sure. But there are some clues. (And it is possible to have both infections at the same time; some patients in China this year were found to have both.)"

Sturgis Followup:

'State confirms 124 COVID-19 cases tied to Sturgis Rally, more out of state'

"As of Sept. 8, the South Dakota Department of Health reported 124 cases among South Dakota residents who got sick after attending the rally, the Argus Leader reported. State health officials have tracked those cases through contact tracing.

The Associated Press reported that at least 290 people in 12 states have also tested positive since attending the rally.

One person has died so far from COVID-19 who attended the rally, a Minnesota man in his 60s with underlying health conditions, Minnesota Department of Health Infectious Disease Director Kris Ehresmann said at a briefing on Sept. 9." USA Today
'Identify the Different Symptoms of the Flu and Covid-19'

"As influenza season approaches, some Americans, and especially parents, are worried that, if they or their children should become ill, it may not be easy to know which disease they have — the flu or Covid-19. They are correct. Most symptoms of the two diseases are so similar that, short of a test — or two or three tests — it won’t be possible to know for sure. But there are some clues. (And it is possible to have both infections at the same time; some patients in China this year were found to have both.)"

Sturgis Followup:

'State confirms 124 COVID-19 cases tied to Sturgis Rally, more out of state'

"As of Sept. 8, the South Dakota Department of Health reported 124 cases among South Dakota residents who got sick after attending the rally, the Argus Leader reported. State health officials have tracked those cases through contact tracing.

The Associated Press reported that at least 290 people in 12 states have also tested positive since attending the rally.

One person has died so far from COVID-19 who attended the rally, a Minnesota man in his 60s with underlying health conditions, Minnesota Department of Health Infectious Disease Director Kris Ehresmann said at a briefing on Sept. 9." USA Today

I recall reading that they were guesstimating 200,000+ infections from Sturgis. Oops. If the media would strive not to be so sensationalist at times, more ppl would trust them and #TRE45ON's "fake news" meme wouldn't resonate.
I recall reading that they were guesstimating 200,000+ infections from Sturgis. Oops. If the media would strive not to be so sensationalist at times, more ppl would trust them and #TRE45ON's "fake news" meme wouldn't resonate.

I don't remember a figure that high but given the current situation and the spread of the virus today it doesn't matter much. As for the use of 'fake news' that is a tough one as it is aimed at news you don't like. An example today is watching Fox, which I consider state media today, versus CNN or MSNBC. Fox doesn't cover Covid in the way the others do as they are Trump supporters, so then the question is which is fake news? (I may posted below before?)

"Chaos theory applies neatly to the spread of the coronavirus, in that seemingly tiny decisions or differences in reaction speed can have inordinate consequences. Effects can seem random when, in fact, they trace to discrete decisions made long prior. For example, the United States has surpassed 125,000 deaths from COVID-19. Having suppressed the virus early, South Korea has had only 289. Vietnam’s toll sits at zero. Even when differences from place to place appear random, or too dramatic to pin entirely on a failed national response, they are not."
Do you think this may help explain Trump's denial of reality, his election loss? Hard to say really as he seemed kinda insecure and inept even before Covid. What are your thoughts.

"Survivors of COVID-19 appear to be at increased risk of psychiatric sequelae, and a psychiatric diagnosis might be an independent risk factor for COVID-19. Although preliminary, our findings have implications for clinical services, and prospective cohort studies are warranted." The Lancet Psychiatry

'Nearly one in five Covid patients later diagnosed with mental illness'

'130 Secret Service Officers Are in Quarantine or Have COVID After Trump’s Reckless Campaign'
Happy Turkey Day and be safe so you can celebrate another Turkey day.

"There’s still hope that the mysterious origin of the coronavirus will be uncovered"

'Researchers Identify Melatonin as Possible COVID-19 Treatment'

I have sleep issues and already take Melatonin. It's good that it might be a "twofer".

Happy Thanksgiving! It'd be a better Thanksgiving if we could get all of the turkeys out of Washington DC. :D
Be safe mask up and face shield too if you feel it necessary. In a year or two it will be over, make sure you're there.

'The young die as well from COVID-19, even as many engage in denial'

'Face masks, handwashing, and vaccination do not weaken the immune system...'

Covid dates