Could Germany have won the war?

So, if a US soldier in say, WW 2 shoots some SS German troops that are POW's that's okay, but if those same SS troops shoot some American prisoners that's evil and wrong hum?

Thanks for proving you really are around the bend, Terry.

Thanks for proving you think you should abide by the Geneva Convention if the US collapsed and the Chinese invaded. Talk to Tink: she’ll tell you it’s easy for American guerrillas to erect a POW camp for their Chinese POWs. :)

Thanks for proving you really are around the bend, Terry.

Thanks for proving you think you should abide by the Geneva Convention if the US collapsed and the Chinese invaded. Talk to Tink: she’ll tell you it’s easy for American guerrillas to erect a POW camp for their Chinese POWs. :)

Guerillas and other types of resistance movements are NOT equal to conventional armed forces. They are treated as "spies and saboteurs" under the Genevia convention and subject to different rules and penalties. Troops fighting in uniform, with distinguishing badges and such are considered combatants covered by the laws of war and subject to proper treatment.

It's easy for you to blather on at length about a subject you know shit about and foist your thoroughly amateur and ill-informed opinion on having no military experience and having never studied war in the least.
The Dark Secret of America’s WWII German Death Camps

So, what do you think about that Dutch? Do you think that was okay?

(warning: I've already done my homework on this and debated the guy that wrote it)
No, Terry, but thanks again for proving you really are having problems. This isn’t the first time I’ve mentioned that you were too emotionally invested in a topic to see reason.

The subject wasn’t the wrongness of committing atrocities, but that there’s is a difference in levels. You equate raping and shooting schoolgirls with shooting SS officers. I do not.

Furthermore, while I don’t condone it, I can understand why Ukrainians in the field might not have time to deal with POWs and would simply execute them. You want to treat them the same as the Russians murdering and raping civilians. I disagree.
No, Terry, but thanks again for proving you really are having problems. This isn’t the first time I’ve mentioned that you were too emotionally invested in a topic to see reason.

The subject wasn’t the wrongness of committing atrocities, but that there’s is a difference in levels. You equate raping and shooting schoolgirls with shooting SS officers. I do not.

Furthermore, while I don’t condone it, I can understand why Ukrainians in the field might not have time to deal with POWs and would simply execute them. You want to treat them the same as the Russians murdering and raping civilians. I disagree.

I'm a published military historian. I have an interest in making sure history is correct. You, on the other hand, foist your ill-conceived opinions on something you know NOTHING about expecting people to just buy your bullshit. It is you that is emotionally invested in supporting one side of the Ukraine conflict, while I support neither.
I'm a published military historian. I have an interest in making sure history is correct. You, on the other hand, foist your ill-conceived opinions on something you know NOTHING about expecting people to just buy your bullshit. It is you that is emotionally invested in supporting one side of the Ukraine conflict, while I support neither.
Your argument from authority aside, Terry, I’m hoping you calmed down, sobered up or otherwise eased your mind enough to see you are barking up the wrong tree.

The fact remains you equate SS officers raping and murdering school girl with a combat unit in the field who shoots a prisoner because they can’t turn them loose or take them back. I agree both are war crimes, but unlike you, I see a different level of culpability.
Your argument from authority aside, Terry, I’m hoping you calmed down, sobered up or otherwise eased your mind enough to see you are barking up the wrong tree.

The fact remains you equate SS officers raping and murdering school girl with a combat unit in the field who shoots a prisoner because they can’t turn them loose or take them back. I agree both are war crimes, but unlike you, I see a different level of culpability.

That wasn't an argument from authority. My second sentence made clear why I find it important, because I write and publish on history. On the other hand, you continue to equivocate making special exceptions for those you agree with having the right to commit war crimes without consequence while saying those you disagree with should be held criminally libel for doing the same thing.
That wasn't an argument from authority. My second sentence made clear why I find it important, because I write and publish on history.

On the other hand, you continue to equivocate making special exceptions for those you agree with having the right to commit war crimes without consequence while saying those you disagree with should be held criminally libel for doing the same thing.
Terry, you've been an emotional hot mess for the past few weeks. What's going on? Pain pills ain't working? You see the light at the end of the tunnel and it's a train? Lost a friend?

The fact, despite all of your previous accomplishments and qualifications, that you can't follow the conversation is a significant indication of cognitive impairment. Is it just stress, meaning temporary? Or is it a permanent deterioration?

The bolded is an example of your thought processes departing from reality. No one can quote me supporting such a fantasy as you are imagining. Ergo, cognitive impairment on your part.
Germany could have won the war in Continental Europe-- west of Russia --
had they not invaded the USSR and decolored war on us.
That was pure megalomania.
Their Reich might have lasted about fifty years or so.

The mighty Soviet Union only lasted 75 years from beginning to end,
and Germany would not have access to as many natural resources as the USSR did.

The Germans are an intelligent people.
Hitler only succeeded in taking power because of the global depression
and the ability to blame it on Jews and their WWI adversaries.
He got them when they were already reeling.

Fifty years, tops, but they could have had a longer run than they actually did.
MIT and Cal Tech and the rest would have had the bomb and the missiles and the whole nine yards without the German engineers very soon.
They were nearly there anyway.
I thought you wrote that you were a flooring contractor.

He uploaded an article to a Navy website so he's "published". He also thinks the election was stolen, that Biden is a pedophile and 1/6 was a peaceful protest disrupted by BLM and Antifa activists.
He uploaded an article to a Navy website so he's "published". He also thinks the election was stolen, that Biden is a pedophile and 1/6 was a peaceful protest disrupted by BLM and Antifa activists.

Is that all it takes? I am a co-author on a couple of papers in obscure journals, and have around a dozen reports posted on the interwebs, so I guess I can call myself a published scholar. : )
Is that all it takes? I am a co-author on a couple of papers in obscure journals, and have around a dozen reports posted on the interwebs, so I guess I can call myself a published scholar. : )

Yes, so now you're a published author too! It's not a matter of money, but whether some group published your writings.
That's what you get for thinking. You don't do it very well, so maybe you should try something else...

Translation: Yes, Cypress, that's what I've said.

That's from doing the contractor thing for a long time.
I was just considering an example using the commercial side work I do for a general contractor. Setting aside using a wholesaler, I often go into a Home Depot or Lowe's and spend $1000 to $5000 on materials at a shot, say $10,000 to $20,000 in a month.