Could I have a list of the "Black Jobs" so I don't waste my time applying for the wrong ones?

Remember some years back when Alabama enacted tough anti-undocumented-worker regulations? Farm workers fled the state, and growers couldn't find "real Americans" to pick the crops, so they rotted in the fields.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could pass legislation providing a path to legal citizenship, or at least a way for these guys to legally work w/o fear of deportation? But nope -- Republicans won't allow that because it would take away one of the few remaining incentives they have to offer their base to get them to vote for them. Oh, and the employers who illegally employ these workers would have to pay more in taxes. Can't have that, can we?
Our nation needs immigration reform but neither party seems interested....especially the MAGAts. IMO, it's because immigration reform would cut into the profit margins of major MAGAt campaign donors.

Trump blames immigrants for taking ‘Black jobs.’ Top economists debunk long-held arguments like it​

It's racist in several ways but mainly because Trump thinks African-Americans are stupid enough to believe it.

Again, the solution here isn't a fucking wall but immigration reform.

From the link:
“It was insulting to me, as a Black labor economist, to hear the term ‘black jobs,'” she told Fortune. She added that the comment, which was supposed to appeal to Black voters, likely “backfired.”...

...There is “almost no evidence” of an influx of immigration displacing disadvantaged workers, Pritchett said. He pointed to the study UC Berkeley economist David Card won a Nobel Prize for, which analyzed the impact of the 1980 Mariel Boatlift that brought hundreds of thousands of Cubans to Miami in a manner of months. Card found “no effect on the wages or unemployment rates of less-skilled workers.” If anything, wages rose relative to their previous trend in Miami.

The result was so surprising that economists analyzed the study again and again, attempting to understand how the real-life result defied economic principles. Card replicated the study with different cities, and another time with different types of immigrants, and found the same conclusion. Other economists found the same results in their own studies.
Has anyine ask these places what a black job is?

View attachment 27405

African Amer

Has anyine ask these places what a black job is?

View attachment 27405

African American Jobs, Employment in Kansas City, KS

Indeed › q-african-american-l-kansas-ci...

7 African American jobs available in Kansas City, KS on Apply to Faculty, Art

5000+ African American jobs in United States (246 new)

LinkedIn › jobs › african-american-jobs

Today's top 5000+ African American jobs in United States.

ican Jobs, Employment in Kansas City, KS

Indeed › q-african-american-l-kansas-ci...

7 African American jobs available in Kansas City, KS on Apply to Faculty, Art

5000+ African American jobs in United States (246 new)

LinkedIn › jobs › african-american-jobs

Today's top 5000+ African American jobs in United States.
And trump's so stupid he thinks that people who created these agencies... because it's their mission to get more work for blacks... will suddenly screw over the people they're trying to help. Lay down the crack pipe, volsie. You don't have to defend every single freaking word that comes out of trump's big mouth.
They taking money from Americans in NYC and giving it them them

Close the border they wont be here
What Donald Trump Knew About Undocumented Workers at His Signature Tower

"...thousands of pages of documents from the case, including reams of testimony and sworn depositions reviewed by TIME, tell a different story. Kept for more than a decade in 13 boxes in a federal judiciary storage unit in Missouri, the documents contain testimony that Trump sought out the Polish workers when he saw them on another job, instigated the creation of the company that paid them and negotiated the hours they would work. The papers contain testimony that Trump repeatedly toured the site where the men were working, directly addressed them about pay problems and even promised to pay them himself, which he eventually did."
Can you imagine the shit that would rain down if there was a

I looked at the sites. They’re just standard job sites. Nothing special. I even typed in “white american” in the filter and it returned a list of jobs. Standard, nothing special, jobs.
That's a specific website developed for minorities.... Out of Columbus and San Diego as matter of that... there is no website...
I see your obsessed stalker finally crawled out from under the bed. :laugh:

Trump's schtick is grievance politics. Now he's trying desperately to drag minorities into the MAGAT Victim Club. Ever notice when they show him at one of his Nursemberg rallies, he's placed some tokens behind him to show they're charter members?
I'm sure she will slither away on the 11th also..
This whole debate over immigrants lowering wages isn't new. 100 years ago people made the same argument (and the immigrants were white). Unions have made this argument in the past as have civil rights leader during their era.

What is interesting is seeing the white collar people poo poo it while arguing that programs like H1-B visas bring immigrants here who companies pay less and take their jobs.
People who hire undocumented workers should be prosecuted.
Piggy backing off the prostitution example I'll throw something out. (You know what they say about making ASSumptions but I'll make two here.)

1) where I live if you go to a Home Depot or certain stores in particular areas in the morning you will often see large number of men, almost all of Mexican or Latino descent, sitting outside waiting hoping to get picked up for work - I'm going to assume this happens in many other cities as well

2) they're probably all not here legally or with work visas

Similar to police busting johns; should the police (of Feds or whoever would be responsible) scope these places out and bust those who attempt to pick up workers?

Of course this is more a black market deal (similar to people hiring domestic help) as opposed to small businesses or corporations hiring workers.