Could there ever be a worse take than this one?

Very little conservative about Donald Trump

So you would have us believe there is a difference between the Republicans and Conservatives, but you don't make those distinctions and differences yourself because you can't.

So instead, you rely on authority that you gave to yourself to paper over the distinctions and differences you refuse to make.
Because my point (which I stated clearly in the post) was that conservatives favored state action on gay marriage and they used states to define marriage as they favored. A state has to have some laws regulating marriage and they have a more limited view than liberals.

This is a lot of words to say "Republicans are religious bigots."
You don't like hypotheticals because you know you can't make them fit your explanations of what is liberal and conservative.

No, I don't like hypotheticals because they universally have a standards that you unilaterally set, and will unilaterally adjust.

You rely on hypotheticals in order to enact your bad faith and hijack the thread away from reality to a playing field of imagination, where you are clearly more comfortable playing make believe than you are confronting actual reality.

Yet, you fail to answer whether Obama and Hillary were conservative when they opposed gay marriage.

No, I did answer that Flash...right here in fact...

A Conservative one. Because who still opposes it? Conservatives.
Conservatives favor policies protecting life which they like; so, they are using government regulation supporting life. They are willing to use regulation to support things they see as important.

This is a "big lie" on par with "Trump won the election."

Republicans are "pro life" right up until people are born. They oppose embryonic stem cell research that would save lives. They oppose welfare and early childhood education. They oppose universal healthcare. They support wars of choice. They oppose amnesty for immigrants facing murder back home.

You all care NOTHING for life. You care only for embryos.
This is a "big lie" on par with "Trump won the election."

Republicans are "pro life" right up until people are born. They oppose embryonic stem cell research that would save lives. They oppose welfare and early childhood education. They oppose universal healthcare. They support wars of choice. They oppose amnesty for immigrants facing murder back home.

You all care NOTHING for life. You care only for embryos.

"You all"? You are making erroneous assumptions. I was trying to explain the conservative position. I never said I supported it.

You agree being anti-abortion is a conservative position? That was my only point.

Because they don't favor government taking care of all those people after birth is a separate issue.
"You all"? You are making erroneous assumptions. I was trying to explain the conservative position. I never said I supported it.

You don't know anything about it, but that doesn't stop you from trying to Flashsplain it to everyone.

You agree being anti-abortion is a conservative position? That was my only point.

Yeah, it's ONE Conservative position among hundreds of others, most of which were articulated by Trump and the GOP the last 4 years.

Like the 2018 Tax Cut that you loved so much.

Because they don't favor government taking care of all those people after birth is a separate issue.

Don't favor would also mean "don't like", right?

So they pass laws on stuff they don't like...

You said they don't do that. But then you said they did.

It doesn't seem like you really have thought your position through.
Flash, what annoys me about you more than anything is that you shit forth bullshit opinions, that you spent no time developing, as if they were objective facts.

Oh, Please. You are such a hypocrite. You claim I am too lazy to research topics yet I have proven you wrong on so many factual issues I have lost count.

--Trump was going to cancel the election (before it occurred)
--the stimulus check had to be repaid
--that some primaries are automatically cancelled if they have no competition
--that Americans can assault or kill people in a Nazi uniform because they are a threat
--that the U. S. can ban a Confederate flag or Swastika

You base you opinion on emotion. If the facts don't fit your emotion, you become hostile and begin with personal insults and ad hominem attacks like a juvenile.

Try to be a big boy and stick to actual political debate. Because somebody disagrees with you does not mean they are an evil person. Because you are a liberal does not make you smarter, more moral, or right about everything. And, it certainly does not mean you did a better job of researching your topic.
Oh, Please. You are such a hypocrite. You claim I am too lazy to research topics yet I have proven you wrong on so many factual issues I have lost count.

No, Flash, your habit is to lean on your personal authority and judgment to establish ad hoc standards in any debate...standards you end up moving later on, shamelessly.

--Drumpf was going to cancel the election (before it occurred)

He certainly tried. Thank God he wasn't able to.

--the stimulus check had to be repaid

Yeha, I was wrong about that. But the stimulus payroll tax cut from the Fall of 2020..that had to be repaid.

--that some primaries are automatically cancelled if they have no competition

Right, but there was competition in the GOP nomination for 2020. There were at least 2 other candidates (Joe Walsh and the other guy...forgot his name)

--that Americans can assault or kill people in a Nazi uniform because they are a threat

Yes, you can do this and not face any jailtime. Self-defense and stand your ground.

--that the U. S. can ban a Confederate flag or Swastika

Yes, they can, and they have. The military just did it last year. NC did it this week on their license plates.

You base you opinion on emotion.

No, I base my opinion on the facts. You base your opinion on just make it up as you go.

If the facts don't fit your emotion, you become hostile and begin with personal insults and ad hominem attacks like a juvenile.

The only reason I get hostile with you, Flash, is because you are disrespectful. You're a liar. You exaggerate things about yourself. You're incredibly lazy. And all of that is condescending to me. You put in absolutely no effort or work into your opinions, and then you exercise sophistry and hypotheticals because reality is not something you're brave enough to confront.

Oh and you're lazy as shit...did I already say that? Yeah. Well, it bears repeating because it is your biggest flaw.

Try to be a big boy and stick to actual political debate.

You're the one who went on hypothetical tangents here, Flash, not me.

Because somebody disagrees with you does not mean they are an evil person.

Depends what we disagree on, and it also depends on the level of contempt you have for people.

You hold a lot of contempt for people because you have an entitlement about you that is completely unearned.

Age doesn't always bring wisdom, as we see with you.

Because you are a liberal does not make you smarter, more moral, or right about everything.

It kinda does, though....

And, it certainly does not mean you did a better job of researching your topic.

I sure did a better job than you did. You couldn't even talk in the realities of the topic of this had to go to a hypothetical because speaking in real terms would not work out for you or your argument, or whatever you're trying to accomplish here.

Fuck, you ignorantly thought that marriage is traditionally between a man and woman, forgetting that same sex marriages and unions predates Christianity by about 5,000 years.
"You all"? You are making erroneous assumptions. I was trying to explain the conservative position. I never said I supported it.

You agree being anti-abortion is a conservative position? That was my only point.

Because they don't favor government taking care of all those people after birth is a separate issue.

Lol only a conservative would say that. A govt that demands that all women carry children to term and then refuses to help people pay for raising those children is totalitarian, not conservative. Although I'm beginning to think they're the same thing as applied by your conservative "friends."
Lol only a conservative would say that. A govt that demands that all women carry children to term and then refuses to help people pay for raising those children is totalitarian, not conservative. Although I'm beginning to think they're the same thing as applied by your conservative "friends."

Only a kneejerk liberal would fail to recognize sarcasm.

You also obviously do not understand the term totalitarian.
Nothing conservative about tariffs, increased spending, deficits, and debt, government regulations on prices, increased government power using emergency powers and executive orders...

Ummm...where have you been the last 50 years?

Because all of that shit is Movement Conservatism.

All of it.

Nixon, Reagan, Bush the Elder, Bush the Dumber, Trump...all of them did all of those things.
Only a kneejerk liberal would fail to recognize sarcasm.

Oh, so you were being sarcastic, not serious? OK. Maybe let people know because you're not very good at being sarcastic.

You also obviously do not understand the term totalitarian.

Do you?

Because you're the ultimate totalitarian, Flash.

You use hyperbole and exaggerations to lump people into two distinct groups, upon which you draw false equivalences, so you can appear above the partisan fray while not contributing anything yourself.

It's the ultimate in contempt because it's so ego-centric and selfish...and it's designed purely for self-satisfaction.

Flash gets off on blaming both sides because it's so easy to do, and it releases the dopamine to which he's addicted.
Yes, you can do this and not face any jailtime. Self-defense and stand your ground.

I'm glad your long hours of preparation only to reach false conclusions have been corrected about the previous issues.

But, you still fail to understand free speech. Unless the guy in the Nazi uniform is going to harm you or take your life unless you take defensive actions, you cannot do anything.A person simply wearing a Nazi uniform, Klan hood, white supremacy badge, BLM or Antifa outfit cannot be (illegally) threatening without threatening actions.

I explained this to you before with supporting court cases.

Yes, they can, and they have. The military just did it last year. NC did it this week on their license plates.

Again, you misunderstand free speech law. A person doesn't have the same free speech rights on a military base for obvious reasons. It cannot be banned in most other place. NC cannot ban the Confederate flag in that state. But, that does not mean the state has to convey that symbol on its license plates.

Only fascists would want to restrict uniforms, flags, or any other form of political expression.
Ummm...where have you been the last 50 years?

Because all of that shit is Movement Conservatism.

All of it.

Nixon, Reagan, Bush the Elder, Bush the Dumber, Trump...all of them did all of those things.

But none of those policies fits conservative ideology. What Republicans say to attract voters and the policies they pass are two different things. I'm sure we will hear many liberals disappointed in Biden's actions because they don't think he is adhering to liberal ideology.

Again, ideology is not what a person or political party chooses to call it.
I'm glad your long hours of preparation only to reach false conclusions have been corrected about the previous issues.

Stand your ground and self-defense are legitimate against Nazis.

But, you still fail to understand free speech.

Is it that I don't understand it, or is it that you've established post-hoc standards for it?

Because it kinda feels like the latter, since that's your pattern and habit.

You submit your sloppy, rushed, subjective judgment as some kind of objective standard.

So you've already started from a place of bad faith there, and there's nowhere to go but further down the bad faith rabbit hole...and that rabbit hole? Hypotheticals. Sophistry. Deliberate Obtuseness. Basically, bad faith.

Unless the guy in the Nazi uniform is going to harm you or take your life

That is inherent in Nazis, though. So, no matter what, putting that uniform on is an act of aggression and intimidation. I won't be intimidated.

A person simply wearing a Nazi uniform, Klan hood, white supremacy badge, BLM or Antifa outfit cannot be (illegally) threatening without threatening actions.

Sure they can because of the inherent violence those things all represent (except for BLM and antifa which don't have a history of violence even as recent as this past summer).

They are simultaneously a call to action and a threat. The law is actually quite clear on that. You can't wear a shirt in public that says "kill all white people" because that is technically incitement. Which isn't protected speech.

So if you're wearing a Nazi uniform, the sole message you are sending is that you seek to exterminate people, which is inherently a violent threat. Because that is inherent to Nazism, isn't it?

I explained this to you before with supporting court cases.

No, you really actually didn't do that. What you did was bring up tangential cases, but none of them actually supported your claim that Nazis aren't an inherent threat.

Again, you misunderstand free speech law.

No, Flash, you keep changing the standard whenever it becomes inconvenient for you, and then you say I don't understand the law when it's you who keeps changing what you think the law means.

You're not consistent because you're too lazy and sloppy to know what you're talking about.

But you think you're entitled to this opinion, which -I'm sorry to say- you're not.

A person doesn't have the same free speech rights on a military base for obvious reasons.

Why not? It's literally government property, so the 1A should be way more applicable there.

It cannot be banned in most other place.

This is what I mean when I talk about how you move the bar, post-hoc. This is the clearest example of it. This is you literally qualifying your previous statement. You changed what you meant because you sloppily rushed through a response without thinking.

So that kind of shitty behavior isn't the kind that puts you in my good graces.

In fact, that behavior really just reinforces my belief that you're a total piece of shit.

NC cannot ban the Confederate flag in that state

Well, they banned it on license plates, so....

But, that does not mean the state has to convey that symbol on its license plates.

What about free speech, Flash? Are license plates not subject to free speech? And if not, then is free speech not absolute?

See, these are the questions you should have asked yourself before going down this path.
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Only fascists would want to restrict uniforms, flags, or any other form of political expression.

Then I guess our military is fascist.

I guess the state of NC, with its Republican majority State Legislature, is fascist.

But I'm happy to watch you explain how they're not, thereby undermining your own argument.

I've set you up to fail on your own here.
But none of those policies fits conservative ideology.

Yes, they do. They ARE Conservative ideology, Flash.

What Republicans say to attract voters and the policies they pass are two different things.

They're the same things, not two different things. They SAY they will increase military spending, and they do. They SAY that they will increase the deficit and debt, and they do. They SAY all these things, Flash.

Why aren't you listening to them? Because you don't listen. You just hear what you want to hear.

I'm sure we will hear many liberals disappointed in Biden's actions because they don't think he is adhering to liberal ideology.

Again, you weren't listening last year because you don't listen to people.

No one - I REPEAT NO ONE- thought of Biden as a liberal in any regard.

Bernie covers that. Warren too.

The criticism of Biden has always been that he's Establishment, Centrist, and Moderate.

So it's really weird to me that you accuse Biden of being a liberal when he checks off all the boxes of what YOU PRETEND TO BE.
Stand your ground and self-defense are legitimate against Nazis.

Wrong. Self-defense and stand your ground against anybody only apply if that is the only way to prevent death or serious injury to yourself. Those principles are no different for Nazis than for anybody else.

Is it that I don't understand it, or is it that you've established post-hoc standards for it?

Because it kinda feels like the latter, since that's your pattern and habit.

You submit your sloppy, rushed, subjective judgment as some kind of objective standard.

It is not my standard. It is the U. S. Constitution's 1st Amendment freedom of speech as interpreted by the federal courts and applied through numerous court decisions.

We have been through this explanation before but either your memory is poor or you don't accept explanations which deviate from your emotional proclivities.

I even cited court cases proving these points. You came up with a case about "banning a Confederate flag" which really was just requiring the flag be flown 200 feet from the neighbor's residence. And, that was only because the guy had been harassing the neighbor; otherwise, they could not have made the 200 feet requirement.

That is inherent in Nazis, though. So, no matter what, putting that uniform on is an act of aggression and intimidation. I won't be intimidated.

LV, you are starting that crap again. There is no such legal concept of "inherent threat" that applies to free speech. If I am not about to impose harm on you can't deny my free speech because it makes you feel intimidated. How you "feel" is not the issue.

Sure they can because of the inherent violence those things all represent. They are simultaneously a call to action and a threat. The law is actually quite clear on that. You can't wear a shirt in public that says "kill all white people" because that is technically incitement. Which isn't protected speech.

Total BS. You can't show me a single prosecution or court case that upheld or banned a person's freedom of expression due to "inherent violence." You can't wear a T-shirt that says "I'm going to kill all white people" (if I am serious and capable). A t-shirt that says "kill all white people" is mere advocacy and is protected. You are free to advocate anything you want.

So if you're wearing a Nazi uniform, the sole message you are sending is that you seek to exterminate people, which is inherently a violent threat. Because that is inherent to Nazism, isn't it?

That is not the way the law works. You don't get to decide what message a person is sending by his actions or attire. No such thing as "inherently a violent threat" by a uniform.

No, you really actually didn't do that. What you did was bring up tangential cases, but none of them actually supported your claim that Nazis aren't an inherent threat.

There has to be some legal doctrine that says something is an "inherent threat," but there is no such doctrine. Try the ACLU or some other source to show you cannot suppress speech you don't like. It is easy to do.

No, Flash, you keep changing the standard whenever it becomes inconvenient for you, and then you say I don't understand the law when it's you who keeps changing what you think the law means.

You're not consistent because you're too lazy and sloppy to know what you're talking about.
But you think you're entitled to this opinion, which -I'm sorry to say- you're not.

Again, not my opinion. This is established constitutional law which you are apparently too lazy to learn about even after I have explained it to you. Luckily, the country allows much greater freedom of expression than liberal fascists would like.

You are arguing from a position of ignorance. You are arguing against constitutional law and attribute those opinions to me. And it is very hypocritical to accuse me of being sloppy when you are the one making up stuff and I am just citing established law.

Why not? It's literally government property, so the 1A should be way more applicable there.

Security concerns. Same thing applies to protests and demonstrations.

In fact, that behavior really just reinforces my belief that you're a total piece of shit.

Your argument is with the federal courts, not me. Rather than spending your time calling me lazy do some reading and inform yourself about free expression.

Well, they banned it on license plates, so....What about free speech, Flash? Are license plates not subject to free speech? And if not, then is free speech not absolute?

See, these are the questions you should have asked yourself before going down this path.

My free speech does not mean you have to allow me to convey that speech on your lawn, car, license plate, etc. Use some logic.

No, free speech is not absolute. But that involves types of speech, not where I choose to express it.

You are making this up as you go along. Try reading.