Could there ever be a worse take than this one?

So it's really weird to me that you accuse Biden of being a liberal when he checks off all the boxes of what YOU PRETEND TO BE.

He is almost nothing that I support (except repealing a few of the regulations) except he is not Trump.
Flash has apparently never heard of abortion before.

Or gay marriage.

Or immigration.

Abortion was law was made out of thin air by the supreme court. There is no reason it couldn't have been left to the states to decide. That one state might ban it and another allow it is how it should be rather than a judicial fiat making it federal law.

Gay marriage is the same thing. It was pushed by the LGBTPDQRSTUV bunch who were claiming at the time they'd let the people decide by Democratic vote. When 35 states turned it down, the same bunch went to court, shopped judges, and got those laws overturned because they couldn't get their way by popular vote.

Immigration is a federal issue, but one states should have some right to enforce under federal law. If you are here illegally you should be looking at not being able to get a job, employers being libel to criminal and civil penalties for knowingly hiring you, and you should be deported ASAP.