
ButterMilk Man
What is your story?

Just us and a daughter and her wife and grandbaby. We were going to do a family Christmas but my boy who is an officer with the 101st Airborne just cancelled....he has to much to do really high speed cant get COVID....and he does not want us to wife and I are high risk.

Things are really blowing up here...2 of the last three days have been records, lots of people are dying because it has gotten into a lot of the human warehouses.
Corona Virus is increasing here in Oregon too. Governor announced restaurants and some other businesses must close indoor dining areas for two weeks starting next Wednesday.

Only about one-quarter of cases get reported, so I been told. That means if the news reports a thousand new cases a day, there are really four thousand.
Inslee lowered the hammer today....almost back to total lockdown.......we can still get take-out and get pizza delivered....I suppose that is something.

Thanksgiving is most of the way cancelled.


Corona Virus is increasing here in Oregon too. Governor announced restaurants and some other businesses must close indoor dining areas for two weeks starting next Wednesday.

Only about one-quarter of cases get reported, so I been told. That means if the news reports a thousand new cases a day, there are really four thousand.

Ya, I I know I listen to all of Bret and Heathers Darkhorse Podcasts they do together, they are in Portland, they talk a lot about COVID and the local idiot class public servant general response......stuff that the so called experts just now claim to be learning they were often talking about being likely way back in April/May. I also read the online version of the Portland paper most days. Years ago we used to spend a lot of time n we really loved Portland.....The Good Old Days were really awesome!
Inslee lowered the hammer today....almost back to total lockdown.......we can still get take-out and get pizza delivered....I suppose that is something.

Thanksgiving is most of the way cancelled.


Why don't you protest by catching COVID and spreading it to all the Left Wing Loonies you know?

My SIL has cancer and is going through Chemo. Being cautious about catching COVID is to protect her. We'll know before Thanksgiving if the cancer is terminal or not. My wife has been caring for her and trying to limit her contact with others since COVID would probably kill her before the cancer does.

Thanksgiving will be limited to my wife, SIL, her son and his GF, all of whom do follow good precautions. I'm cooking and will spatchcock a Turkey with green bean casserole, mashed potatoes (SIL's favorite over sweet potatoes) and canned whole cranberries. The wife will bake a pumpkin pie or two.

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My moms last husband would have almost certainly been here this year if not for is very unlikely that I will see him again....this makes me sad.
Not COVID related but for the first time in over a decade I am not smoking the bird on the Weber.

It will be cooked on the Weber however, juices retained for the gravy.

Stuffed with cornbread dressing as always.
Why don't you protest by catching COVID and spreading it to all the Left Wing Loonies you know?

My SIL has cancer and is going through Chemo. Being cautious about catching COVID is to protect her. We'll know before Thanksgiving if the cancer is terminal or not. My wife has been caring for her and trying to limit her contact with others since COVID would probably kill her before the cancer does.

Thanksgiving will be limited to my wife, SIL, her son and his GF, all of whom do follow good precautions. I'm cooking and will spatchcock a Turkey with green bean casserole, mashed potatoes (SIL's favorite over sweet potatoes) and canned whole cranberries. The wife will bake a pumpkin pie or two.

You sure added a lot to that post!

You made it better.

Thank You.
Don't go out to eat very often, but I think I will this year. A Seven-11 hot dog for Thanksgiving dinner sounds good. Heck, maybe I'll have two.
Don't go out to eat very often, but I think I will this year. A Seven-11 hot dog for Thanksgiving dinner sounds good. Heck, maybe I'll have two.

I will tell you this.....learning how to be an awesome cook turned out to be one of the best things I ever did.

Decoding women ranks right up there though!