Keep telling yourself that!

In Zen we learn to hear our feminine side, it is part of the training....VERY USEFUL!

You can keep in touch with your feminine side. Still doesn't mean you can decode women. Women are one of man's greatest mysteries.
You can keep in touch with your feminine side. Still doesn't mean you can decode women. Women are one of man's greatest mysteries.

How you can say that after you watch guys like Trump routinely get any woman we decide to get I dont know.
Why don't you protest by catching COVID and spreading it to all the Left Wing Loonies you know?

My SIL has cancer and is going through Chemo. Being cautious about catching COVID is to protect her. We'll know before Thanksgiving if the cancer is terminal or not. My wife has been caring for her and trying to limit her contact with others since COVID would probably kill her before the cancer does.

Thanksgiving will be limited to my wife, SIL, her son and his GF, all of whom do follow good precautions. I'm cooking and will spatchcock a Turkey with green bean casserole, mashed potatoes (SIL's favorite over sweet potatoes) and canned whole cranberries. The wife will bake a pumpkin pie or two.

And that's great. It works for you. People making individual decisions informed. That's how it should be, not some idiot asshole politician laying down one-size-fits-all dictates from some ivory tower surrounded by guards.
And that's great. It works for you. People making individual decisions informed. That's how it should be, not some idiot asshole politician laying down one-size-fits-all dictates from some ivory tower surrounded by guards.

How can a person make an informed decision when the President of the United States uses all of his powers to both hide information and deliberately spread misinformation?

Trump is still doing it along with sowing misinformation about the election.
How can a person make an informed decision when the President of the United States uses all of his powers to both hide information and deliberately spread misinformation?

Trump is still doing it along with sowing misinformation about the election.

I don't know about you but I don't get my information from the President (or any other idiot politician) on stuff 99.5% of the time...
I don't know about you but I don't get my information from the President (or any other idiot politician) on stuff 99.5% of the time...

You think the information from President Trump is unreliable? What are you top three sources of information?
You think the information from President Trump is unreliable? What are you top three sources of information?

I think the information from politicians is unreliable. Come on, they lie to get in office, lie to stay in office, why would you expect them to suddenly tell you the truth in between?
Why don't you protest by catching COVID and spreading it to all the Left Wing Loonies you know?

My SIL has cancer and is going through Chemo. Being cautious about catching COVID is to protect her. We'll know before Thanksgiving if the cancer is terminal or not. My wife has been caring for her and trying to limit her contact with others since COVID would probably kill her before the cancer does.

Thanksgiving will be limited to my wife, SIL, her son and his GF, all of whom do follow good precautions. I'm cooking and will spatchcock a Turkey with green bean casserole, mashed potatoes (SIL's favorite over sweet potatoes) and canned whole cranberries. The wife will bake a pumpkin pie or two.

I’m sorry about your wife’s sister. I hope you have a miracle for her and good news to be thankful for Thanksgiving Day.
I’m sorry about your wife’s sister. I hope you have a miracle for her and good news to be thankful for Thanksgiving Day.

Thanks. She's been under chemo for two months(?) and will have a CAT scan on Thursday. It should tell the tale. The doctors are generally not hopeful.
I think the information from politicians is unreliable. Come on, they lie to get in office, lie to stay in office, why would you expect them to suddenly tell you the truth in between?

No disagreement there. OTOH, some politicians are more honest than others. Agencies, when allowed to do their jobs, are more reliable since they more concerned with completing their mission than running for office.
When it comes to COVID the experts have not been much better.

What's the difference between a scientist and an engineer?

Scientists learn more and more about less and less until they know everything about nothing while engineers learn less and less about more and more until they know nothing about everything...
Thanks. She's been under chemo for two months(?) and will have a CAT scan on Thursday. It should tell the tale. The doctors are generally not hopeful.

Sorry to hear that, I know firsthand how difficult a cancer diagnosis can be. I lost my wife to lung cancer three years ago. Cancer sucks. Especially in these times. I hope you get good news.