I highly recommend T Day Leftovers Eggrolls....turkey, stuffing and gravy are damn near mandatory, with a cranberry dipping sauce.
We did Thanksgiving today with our daughter and her wife and my grandson and three hounds was pretty awesome.

I did have the giant French doors and the window over the pond open.... the fireplace on blast the whole time....the science is clear.....this is "best practice"
Inslee lowered the hammer today....almost back to total lockdown.......we can still get take-out and get pizza delivered....I suppose that is something.

Thanksgiving is most of the way cancelled.



We did Thanksgiving today with our daughter and her wife and my grandson and three hounds was pretty awesome.

I did have the giant French doors and the window over the pond open.... the fireplace on blast the whole time....the science is clear.....this is "best practice"
Sooo you don't have any other relatives and friends to invite over? Just the five of you? The way you've been posting I thought you'd throw a block party.
Didn't you claim COVID-19 is a hoax? That masks are a ruse? The pandemic overblown?

I have said that my wife and I are high risk, that we almost never have people over to the house now, that I almost never leave this oasis that I have built for myself, that I have not been to Seattle in over a year, that I was on the alarms about COVID starting Jan 25 over at DP (And I was pretty much the only one) ...that I came back for the sole reason of sounding the alarms, that I ordered 100 masks Jan 27, that we did a huge shopping trip the first week of Feb, that at the beginning of April we bought a freezer from a failed restaurant and filled it so that we can stay away from stores and be insulated from supply problems.
I have said that my wife and I are high risk, that we almost never have people over to the house now, that I almost never leave this oasis that I have built for myself, that I have not been to Seattle in over a year, that I was on the alarms about COVID starting Jan 25 over at DP (And I was pretty much the only one) ...that I came back for the sole reason of sounding the alarms, that I ordered 100 masks Jan 27, that we did a huge shopping trip the first week of Feb, that at the beginning of April we bought a freezer from a failed restaurant and filled it so that we can stay away from stores and be insulated from supply problems.

Yet you are a staunch Trump supporter. Are you admitting Trump has lied his ass off since January and the result is over 250,000 dead Americans?

It appears your posts say different.

Trump is sealed as one of the most consequential Presidents in history, and the only one ever selected for that honor that was a true political amateur, a stunning achievement .

Baked In.
Have you been paying any attention at all to how Trump has generally been treated by judges over the last four years?

The justice system is crap and it starts with the Judges all the way up to SCOTUS.

If you are counting on them to save America then you are lost.
We made the drive to Kentucky to the in-laws Friday. Went to worship services with them today. Spending the week with them ... Heading back to OK Saturday.