Hopefully the young people are carrying on the traditions and the old and/or unhealthy are abstaining this year. Of the 45 people who power claims died of COVID in my county only 2 were under 60.
There has been just 21 per one million deaths since December that the weak croaked from C[emoji16]19. The air is clean man. Take a hit.

Legion, your claim that over 250,000 American deaths is just the price of doing business is anti-American.
The deaths per world population are 21 per million.
Last I checked Africa was 1 death per 2 million population.
Australia was 1 per 400,000.

Get a life. Really.

That’s not the world count idiot.


So you can't read a chart then. The United States has 792 deaths per 1 million population. It's right there. Maybe remedial reading would help you? It isn't that hard to figure out. 250,000 deaths in a country of 350,000,000 people. Math not your strong suit either I guess. Carry on.

The Transportation Security Administration reported that more than 1.04 million people went through airport security checkpoints Sunday, the most since mid-March, and about 1 million more went through TSA checkpoints each day on Friday and Saturday.

The numbers are still less than half those for travelers who flew last year on commercial airlines the weekend before Thanksgiving, but this year's figures suggest airports are more crowded and planes fuller than they've been at any time since the pandemic began.

$100 says Christmas is going to suck for most Americans who are ignoring common sense.

$100 says Christmas is going to suck for most Americans who are ignoring common sense.


We are working on herd immunity very quickly long as the hospitals keep up and our front line medical people dont quit because they were betrayed by leadership that did not prepare for a pandemic and did not organize an effective response to this pandemic very well (somewhat iffy at this point) this is fine.

We are also depending on the Chinese and the Indians to keep sending those medical supplies and not demanding a kings ransom in return.

The kill rate of this bug is plummeting, now is the time to bite the bullet so that we can get to the job of saving America.
We are working on herd immunity very quickly long as the hospitals keep up and our front line medical people dont quit because they were betrayed by leadership that did not prepare for a pandemic and did not organize an effective response to this pandemic very well (somewhat iffy at this point) this is fine.

We are also depending on the Chinese and the Indians to keep sending those medical supplies and not demanding a kings ransom in return.

The kill rate of this bug is plummeting, now is the time to bite the bullet so that we can get to the job of saving America.

Not to mention speeding up the inheritance rate. Maybe a lot of 20-40 year olds figured Thanksgiving was their last shot before vaccines fixed the COVID problem.
Not to mention speeding up the inheritance rate. Maybe a lot of 20-40 year olds figured Thanksgiving was their last shot before vaccines fixed the COVID problem.

Wealth is getting eliminated at an astonishing rate, the coming crash of America's standard of living is getting even worse, fast.

We have to get moving, we cant let the fear of a bug with a kill rate on par with the seasonal flu continue to prevent us from putting up a fight to keep America from completely Argentina for example.

I dont think we can save ourselves now, it is too late, but I feel a moral duty to try.
Wealth is getting eliminated at an astonishing rate, the coming crash of America's standard of living is getting even worse, fast.

We have to get moving, we cant let the fear of a bug with a kill rate on par with the seasonal flu continue to prevent us from putting up a fight to keep America from completely Argentina for example.

I dont think we can save ourselves now, it is too late, but I feel a moral duty to try.

It is what it is. :)

Even better is the Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.
So you can't read a chart then. The United States has 792 deaths per 1 million population. It's right there. Maybe remedial reading would help you? It isn't that hard to figure out. 250,000 deaths in a country of 350,000,000 people. Math not your strong suit either I guess. Carry on.

The reason deaths are measured per one hundred thousand is because the raw data is irrelevant to what’s important, the global numbers on the virological surveillance grid.
The global “decimation” is at 21 per one million population.
You realize you’re argument is as follows; We have $10000000. in our possession. We find that somehow we are missing $792.00 because of this horrible event we make the decision to hide like a little btcih that you are. Nigger please

It is what it is. :)

Even better is the Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can;
And wisdom to know the difference.

Since April I’ve made $200k which is half of what it was in 2019. I’m not suffering. At all.

Since April I’ve made $200k which is half of what it was in 2019. I’m not suffering. At all.


A few weeks ago I heard someone (cant recall who) say that in America now anyone with both talent and drive can clean up economically, the work never runs out and skill is well compensated, because the quality of the average American is in steep decline.

I found myself nodding.
A few weeks ago I heard someone (cant recall who) say that in America now anyone with both talent and drive can clean up economically, the work never runs out and skill is well compensated, because the quality of the average American is in steep decline.

I found myself nodding.

There are recession proof industries that are among the most desirable investments for Americans still. I really feel bad for anyone suffering at the hands of the leftist tyranny
