Why embarrassment? I don't need a ban or mandatory law to follow common sense or the advice of the CDC. If my friends and relatives don't get it, that's their fucking problem not mine. If they make a big deal about it, the upside is that my Christmas card list becomes much shorter from here on out.

Always look for the silver lining. :D


It's grandchildren that are the problem. The older ones are just the age to bring the infection, and I'd hate them to be saddled with later guilt, while the younger ones can't understand the problem. Never mind - we'll live - probably! :) Fair play, it had always been one of my ambitions to spend Christmas in Morocco, until I discovered that those good Muslims feel is it their duty to give any guests the full commercial treatment!
It's grandchildren that are the problem. The older ones are just the age to bring the infection, and I'd hate them to be saddled with later guilt, while the younger ones can't understand the problem. Never mind - we'll live - probably! :) Fair play, it had always been one of my ambitions to spend Christmas in Morocco, until I discovered that those good Muslims feel is it their duty to give any guests the full commercial treatment!

Guilt is a great teacher and proof of maturity. Children don't feel guilt, like Trump, they only feel "being caught". By definition, a person is mature when they consider the health and welfare of others. Females, being more naturally more nurturing than males, often mature faster than males by 5-10 years. Some men never mature. (e.g. Matt Dillon, Legion)

All we can do is our individual best and hope our friends and neighbors have the maturity and patriotism to do the same.
Guilt is a great teacher and proof of maturity. Children don't feel guilt, like Trump, they only feel "being caught". By definition, a person is mature when they consider the health and welfare of others. Females, being more naturally more nurturing than males, often mature faster than males by 5-10 years. Some men never mature. (e.g. Matt Dillon, Legion)

All we can do is our individual best and hope our friends and neighbors have the maturity and patriotism to do the same.

Come out of him

The world continues to try and conform the minds of man to reject the biblical narrative. Noah’s day was full with complete rejection of Adam and the promised Seed Son. The Nephalim were worshipped and Noah was ridiculously rejected for not wearing their mask.

CV19 is the evolutionary theory of our millennium. Men across the globe have chosen to reject God and wear the mask of CV19 signifying their rejection of God.

The current global death per one million population has dropped from 23 to 21 per million.

This my brothers is a great opportunity to proclaim the message of salvation and the coming Kingdom of Messiah on earth, the 1000 years of peace on earth. If you’re used to preaching heaven, please consider an update to your good news, the Tribulation is at hand and the kingdom of God that Israel yearned for will be implemented. Best of all, no masks there.


Joy unspeakable full of glory

Leftover Egg Rolls are All Net....Turkey, Cornbread dressing, veg, gravy with a cranberry strawberry dipping sauce.

You Should Celebrate Thanksgiving With Your Family
There are risks involved, and there are some family members you probably don’t want to hang around if you are at risk of exposing them to the virus (it could prove fatal for older relatives and relatives who have another serious illness). But, overall, the social and emotional effects the shutdowns and quarantines have had on us have been a lot for many Americans.

Right now is the time to be with those you love. If you can’t because of the virus, reach out to them via FaceTime, phone call, or some other means of communication. Take the time to talk to or be with your family. It’s important to get as much time with your loved ones as possible.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families.