Crazy Weather...

Its back to the beach for me this weekend. Temps in the 80's so I might not get into the water, but it will still be nice on the sand! And checking out the girls in bikini's.
mmmm lake trout,

ya i guess i am a lil spoiled up here, usaly where i go fishing there are about 450 diffrent lakes within 25 -30 mile radius.
Its back to the beach for me this weekend. Temps in the 80's so I might not get into the water, but it will still be nice on the sand! And checking out the girls in bikini's.

LOL... you dont see many bikinis around here this time of year, maybe parka's and snowmoble suits, but no bikinis... dam
Every tit is covered by two sweaters and a parka!

To quote "Revenge of the Nerds"!
I cannot escape this weather. Been unusually cold in CO the last few weeks with a ton of snow for Denver... that is actually sticking around rather than melting off...making me think I am back in WI.

Then I go to Portland and Seattle on business and yes.... they get an ice/snow storm for me to play with while up there. Come back to CO, get off the plane to zero degree weather.

Damn global cooling.

Side note: How many millions have died from SARS and the Avian flu now? I have lost track with the continuous deaths.
ANy idiot who reads about global warming will see that it causes excessive cold as well as heat... on net it results in a hoter climate.
There is a reason that they call it "Global Climate Change" rather than "Global Warming" nowadays. That is because current hypothesis on the subject states that the change would be global, not necessarily only warming. In some places causing Ice Age and famine, in others simply drowning many coastal areas because of the warming of the Oceans.
There is a reason that they call it "Global Climate Change" rather than "Global Warming" nowadays. That is because current hypothesis on the subject states that the change would be global, not necessarily only warming. In some places causing Ice Age and famine, in others simply drowning many coastal areas because of the warming of the Oceans.

Rush LInbaugh and his ilk pretend to have not heard this and lampoon global warming with stories of record cold and snowfall.
Rush LInbaugh and his ilk pretend to have not heard this and lampoon global warming with stories of record cold and snowfall.

i kinda get the feeling that 90 % of rush's audiance is from the left
i kinda get the feeling that 90 % of rush's audiance is from the left
Well, that's probably because nobody seems to mention him except the left. I have noticed this particular phenomena. The only time the right mentions him is when they are answering some post from the left accusing them of slavishly following him in some way or another.
Well, that's probably because nobody seems to mention him except the left. I have noticed this particular phenomena. The only time the right mentions him is when they are answering some post from the left accusing them of slavishly following him in some way or another.

a shock joc... just like savage
I do listen to Rush, I find him entertaining...

Not many cons mention him on this cite, but many do express the same arguments and points he makes. Often, if I am in my car and listening to Rush, I can come into the office turn on and see where someone made a post identical to one of Rush's arguments.
Jarod... yes, any idiot can see that calling something "global warming" and then saying that Cold can occur from global warming is idiotic. If you want to call it climate change, fine. Quit calling it global warming because it is not accurate.
It's freaky cold here right now in CO... It was -3F when I woke up this morning. It might get up to 5F this afternoon.

Welcome to my world almost every winter!

We went from -25 degrees to +32...but we are use to it.

We have to equipment to deal with it.
Jarod... yes, any idiot can see that calling something "global warming" and then saying that Cold can occur from global warming is idiotic. If you want to call it climate change, fine. Quit calling it global warming because it is not accurate.
Actually, locally colder conditions can indeed result from an overall increase in mean temperature. With more energy pumped into an intrinsically chaotic system, many effects are unpredictable. That's part of why it's called "chaos" you know.

Right now, it is global warming. The mean temperature of the atmosphere at the surface really is rising. It's been measured many times by many people. Because the system is so large and so chaotic, we don't just don't know exactly what this warming may trigger. Paradoxically, one group of theories suggest that short term warming may trigger a long term cooling episode: another "ice age" in the vernacular.

Sure, it's more accurate to say "abrupt climate change" instead of "global warming." It's also more accurate to say "constitutional republic" instead of "democracy" but almost no one does it.
Welcome to my world almost every winter!

We went from -25 degrees to +32...but we are use to it.

We have to equipment to deal with it.
We have equipment. But winters here are usually mild... So, it is unusual to have a long-term cold settle in like this. Snow usually melts 2 to 3 days after a snow and the cold-snaps usually only last a week or so... This has been one that reminds me of the snow-filled cold winters of the late 70s and of the 80s...