Crazy Weather...

I think we should prepare for it AND we should try to reverse it.

Finally the more enlightened conservatives are comming around to it, in 15 years they will claim they always knew Global Warming was real. Hopefully that will not be too late!

if we try to reverse global warming, it may just make it even worse, plus its probably not probable that we would be able too anyway, there are lots of things that cause global warming.
if we try to reverse global warming, it may just make it even worse, plus its probably not probable that we would be able too anyway, there are lots of things that cause global warming.
What's the first rule when you find yourself in a hole? Stop digging. Or, in this instance, stop throwing carbon into the atmosphere willy-nilly as if it need never concern us.

A better question is: why not try to rein in our carbon emissions? Since we know that it's likely they're contributing to the problem, why not be conservative and assume the worst?
I like the "more enlightened conservatives" comment. Translation: "conservatives who think more like democrats as it pertains to global warming." (insert any policy for italicized words) :)
if we try to reverse global warming, it may just make it even worse, plus its probably not probable that we would be able too anyway, there are lots of things that cause global warming.

In the ever-evolving reasons the denialists give for avoiding the problem of climate change, I never expected this one. I'll add it to the list:

Evolving Reasons Global Warming Denialists Give:

-Global warming is a hoax! It's not happening!
-Well, maybe it is happening, but it's natural! Its not caused by man!
-Well, maybe man has something to do with it, but there's nothing we can do!
-Well, anyway, global warming will be good for us!
-If we try to reverse global warming, it may just make it even worse!
Bob does have a point, when man messes around with mother nature we almost always wind up screwing things up worse.

Importing Cudsoe for erosion control, Australlian pines for swamp control, etc..
no no no.... i never said that we should keep on as we have been... i am all for better emmissions, and doing what we can to preserve our way of life as we know it... but all i was saing is that if you try to reverse global warming itself, your proably only going to create more problems regarding our climate. global warming isnt somthing that can be avoided its going to happen, we dont have a clue what would happen if would not let nature run its course. ice ages seem like they are one of earth's ways of "staying alive" .
This "ice age" that's blowing through my state right now is paying off pretty well for me. My wife and I are coming up with creative ways to stay warm's been fun.:)
So, leaning, you obviously have your power back; good! We never got the ice that had been threatened, but remained housebound until yesterday, nevertheless. That freezing fog I mentioned on Friday stayed around for about 3 days, thick and nasty, and coated everything in sight. I don't know what the percentages would be, but a very large proportion of those stupid enough to venture onto the roads under those conditions were involved in accidents (and those were just the ones that were reported!) and some people died as a result.

We stayed in with the dogs, who for brief periods found the icy conditions a lot of fun, enjoyed the fireplace, and just hunkered down for the duration. Obviously I didn't get to photograph that 80th birthday party, but most of the guests apparently couldn't make it either.

We're seeing forecasts of that next winter system you mentioned; given that those can change dramatically, I guess we'll wait until Friday to see.
LOL @ leaning ....
But others leaning......
some of this might be a good thing, imagine no TV and the family huddled together to keep warm with no electrotainment. They might actually have to communicate with each other :O
Then I can understand why the two of you aren't quite used to the freezing weather. We have been unusually cold this winter here as well. Definitely ready for the snow to melt in Denver.
Then I can understand why the two of you aren't quite used to the freezing weather. We have been unusually cold this winter here as well. Definitely ready for the snow to melt in Denver.
You think they're not used to it, how eo you think I feel? They were right: it was a cold day in hell when the Democrats took back Congress.
crap... if you get snow down their before we get it up here iam moving to alaska

Come on up, the weather is winter here and at least we know it is coming and are prepared for it.

You still have the dummies who want to play bumper cars though!