Creationist child abusers close doors mean vague bullshit like "there is proof of common descent"?.......

Its been pointed out multiple times that genetic data showing provides proof.

Now can you provide some specifics on this age of the flood event or are you always going to attempt to change the subject, divert attention or just disappear from the thread when pressed.
as for preserving life....given what we know today about genetics and breeding techniques.....if we foresaw a disaster and need to prepare an ark to preserve the wildlife of earth, how many genomes would we have to gather to recover life as we know it over the following 20k to 50k years.....

So it was 20 to 50 thousand years ago?
???......actually, its because I don't know what the answer one does.....the Bible doesn't say......though four chapters later we find the words " From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.", which would imply that at the time of the flood everyone lived pretty much in the same place......

It does.

We know the answer. It's a fairy tale and it never happened.

Everyone lived in the same place, including men, tigers, platypus and t rex? Are you sure that's not poetry? Or all humans?

I am not asking you to give the year or an exact date. A ballpark figure will do.

You are demanding from evolution specifics on how, what and when life began and have shown your hand that you would then demand proof of the same on the components. You have been given way more details and provide none.
???......actually, its because I don't know what the answer one does.....the Bible doesn't say......though four chapters later we find the words " From there the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.", which would imply that at the time of the flood everyone lived pretty much in the same place......

Bawahahahaha, yes, because of the limited knowledge of the story tellers about the other inhabitants of the Earth.
So, which parts are literal and which are poetry?

Simple! Anything that is impossible to be truth has to be considered poetry. Unfortunately that takes us all the way back to the beginning and the poetry about creating Eve with a rib from Adam.

Nice dodge though. I wonder who thought it up?

Let's try to fix it a little for 21st. century consumption by fools. God took a few stem cells from Adam and then implanted them in a chimp's uterus. Hence, Eve! Pure poetry!

This is a fool's debate and it always will be as long as their are Christians who promote their religious beliefs which are based on their bible. But take heart, religion is evolving quite rapidly these days and more up-to-date scenarios are being imagined and invented. Rapidly in the sense that Christianity really hasn't been around all that long and the changes that are taking place are happening over perhaps a mere 100 or 200 years. With luck, it will be sidelined so badly in 50 years that it will be nothing more than a noise in the background with maybe just a few thousand followers still hanging in there.