Creationist child abusers close doors

You seem to have avoided this question, Baxter.
I wonder why that is.

Since this seems to be based on Noah's world being flooded, how big do you think Noah's world was?
You seem to have avoided this question, Baxter.
I wonder why that is.

Since this seems to be based on Noah's world being flooded, how big do you think Noah's world was?

When was this question asked?

A localized flood is clearly not what is claimed by the bible. All flesh.... face of the earth.... the covenant that never again would the lord flood the world as he had. It clearly intends a worldwide flood or it's still in error, since we have had many localized floods.

How big is God's world?
When was this question asked?

A localized flood is clearly not what is claimed by the bible. All flesh.... face of the earth.... the covenant that never again would the lord flood the world as he had. It clearly intends a worldwide flood or it's still in error, since we have had many localized floods.

How big is God's world?

Post #716:
Since this seems to be based on Noah's world being flooded, how big do you think Noah's world was?

You're response did not answer my question, seeing as how it is possible that the Bible passages were talking about Noah's world; so how large do you think Noah's world was?

We can start there and begin to clarify some of your confusion. :)
Common descent is part of the accepted theory. You deny it based on nothing but the fact that it disagrees with your book of fairytales and offer no clear alternative.

It is part of Your Accepted Theory......I deny it because unlike what is actually demonstrated about evolution through scientific study, it carries no evidence......
It is part of Your Accepted Theory......I deny it because unlike what is actually demonstrated about evolution through scientific study, it carries no evidence......

There is evidence, the fossil record and genetic similarities. You reject it because it threatens your emotional investment in fairy tales.
So your purpose isn't to convince him of anything; but instead is just you finding a way to spend your time. :palm:
And you appear to be the only one "pissing and moaning"; which is prevalent with your swearing and name calling. :)

You're right, and that's what I've been saying about Baxter all along. He's the abusive one trying to prove something to soothe his ego.