Critical thinking.

Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Get a dictionary and look up the definition of hypothetical, you simpleton. What you proposed HAS NOT HAPPENED AND IS NOT HAPPENING. As usual, you're trying to pass off your opinion, supposition and conjecture as fact. Ask any high school debate squad instructor and they'll tell you that dog of yours won't fly no matter how much you believe it will or times you repeat yourself.

Like I said, the only moron here is YOU in 3D!

So, we've never banned speech in this country? No Sedition Acts under Adams and Wilson, for example?

The Sedition Act and the Alien Friends Act were allowed to expire in 1800 and 1801, respectively.

Congress repealed the Sedition Act on December 13, 1920.

And since Obama has NOT pushed for any such legislation (nor did Slick Willy, for that matter. The closest thing would be the Shrub's Patriot Act.), your blathering just goes up in smoke.

Like i said, the only moron here is YOU in 3D
in fucking lies

why not just get some Ideas that are based in FACTS instead of fucking partisan lies?

Shut the fuck up you fucking racist, why do you hate black people? Why do you love the racist Democrat party? The Democrat party is the party of racists and they always have been. Stop spreading your hate, racist partisan Democrat racist
Obviously, you're just being insipidly stubborn, as you left out the following: and if I respond in kind and point out who threw the first stone, I'M AT FAULT? Sorry, but in the real world that doesn't fly.....3d and his ilk are hypocrites because they initiate personal attacks and insults, then whine like stuck pigs when they get better than what they give, acting innocent while vilifying their targets.

The chronology of the posts shows I don't do other words, I don't start by personally attacking folk. You may not like my OP, but you'll note that it's not filled with invective. I called you "son" because you seem intent upon lumping me in with the aforementioned group. Like I said, don't start none, won't be none. Now if you're just going to repeat your opinion, then we have nothing further to discuss.

YOU can respond to others insults and condescending attitudes anyway you like....THAT'S YOUR BUSINESS. Don't tell others what to do.....and since YOU can't take the hint, let me blunt....don't accuse me of something that I did not do and then blow smoke about it. Essentially, you're exercising the right to do something that YOU are telling me NOT to do....a bit hypocritical, that.

Don't drag this out with a repeat of your previous assertions. Either let it go or IA me. Or if you just want the last word, I'd say we're done and I won't bother responding to you further.

I'll tell you do do whatever I want to tell you to do. This is a message board. You don't like it, go play with yourself. But you want to be a flaming hypocrite and whine to high heaven about insults while constantly insulting people then you will get called on it. Grow up