Critique of the Communist Manifesto


we basically do force people to use currencies. this is the basis of all wars.

all wars are bankers wars.

there's nothing more disgusting than fake libertarians who ignore the reality of bankers globalist fascism.

Oil is sold in many currencies, not just dollars.
No one is forcing anyone to use dollars to make international purchases of oil or any other commodity, unless they are buying from the States of America, since that is the currency we use here.

No one is even forcing anyone to use dollars here in the States of America for domestic purchases. You can buy stuff in bitcoin, gold, silver, or money printed by a corporation (coupons).

You obviously do not know what fascism is. Buzzword fallacy.

Fascism is government manipulation of markets. Bankers are not government, and they must compete with each other.
The current war being fought on the streets of America is based on racism, not on bankers. This is coming from Democrats, not bankers.
The wars in the Mideast are fought over religion, not banks.

Obviously you have never studied war or its history.
The offense contractors are the big winners. War is profitable, trillion$ were made.

No. War is not profitable. Military equipment has no purpose and is unwanted in the general market. War's goals include destroying this equipment. It's like you are saying that breaking a window is profitable. Sure you have to pay to replace it, and the glazier does make money from it, but wealth is not being created. It is being replaced.

War destroys wealth.
Oil is sold in many currencies, not just dollars.
No one is forcing anyone to use dollars to make international purchases of oil or any other commodity, unless they are buying from the States of America, since that is the currency we use here.

No one is even forcing anyone to use dollars here in the States of America for domestic purchases. You can buy stuff in bitcoin, gold, silver, or money printed by a corporation (coupons).

You obviously do not know what fascism is. Buzzword fallacy.

Fascism is government manipulation of markets. Bankers are not government, and they must compete with each other.
The current war being fought on the streets of America is based on racism, not on bankers. This is coming from Democrats, not bankers.
The wars in the Mideast are fought over religion, not banks.

Obviously you have never studied war or its history.

yes they forced people to buy oil from opec with american dollars.
yes they forced people to buy oil from opec with american dollars.

Nope. Oil sold by OPEC is sold in many different currencies. Iran favors being paid in gold these days. Saudi Arabia is pretty good about taking euros, dollars, juan, gold, or whatever. They can convert most of it through their banks they use.
You have proven that you have no understanding of either the study of history or of philosophy.
Inversion fallacy. Attempted proof in open functional system. Redefinition fallacy. Contextomy fallacies.
It is in your posts for everyone to read, and it is not in dispute.
You are describing yourself, not what's in my posts.
This is where I break out the insult fallacy, and say, based upon your ignorance, you must be retarded.
Inversion fallacy. Insult fallacies.
Can anyone explain capitalism in 100 words or less?

Sure. Capitalism is creation of wealth. It requires no government to implement.

It is the average schmoe finding a way to provide a service or product that people are willing to trade (or pay) for. It is, quite literally, service to others.
Providing that service or product is creating wealth.

60 words.

Examples of capitalism are the personal computer industry, created literally out of nothing but initiative and drive, the web and the cloud and all the wonderful things it's capable of, the automotive industry providing cars that people want, the baker on the street corner selling tasty treats to passerby, or guys like me, that make instrumentation for industrial, medical, and aerospace applications.

Each person providing that product or service may hire employees to help him. Each employee is also a 'business' in his own right, offering his service to his employer for an agreed upon price. The more skilled an employee is, the more he is worth in the market. Buyers (employers) want the best value for their dollar, just as you do.