capitalism is in direct opposition to democracy.Sure. Capitalism is creation of wealth. It requires no government to implement.
It is the average schmoe finding a way to provide a service or product that people are willing to trade (or pay) for. It is, quite literally, service to others.
Providing that service or product is creating wealth.
60 words.
Examples of capitalism are the personal computer industry, created literally out of nothing but initiative and drive, the web and the cloud and all the wonderful things it's capable of, the automotive industry providing cars that people want, the baker on the street corner selling tasty treats to passerby, or guys like me, that make instrumentation for industrial, medical, and aerospace applications.
Each person providing that product or service may hire employees to help him. Each employee is also a 'business' in his own right, offering his service to his employer for an agreed upon price. The more skilled an employee is, the more he is worth in the market. Buyers (employers) want the best value for their dollar, just as you do.
capitalism is corporate socialism dependent on bailouts.
capitalism turns humans into commodities to be bought for the cheapest price.
How many words is that?