Crowd defies Obama shutdown theater

You will NOT be allowed to kill this country with your FAKE concern about debts.

this whole burn it down If you don't get to own it shit has outed your true intentions for all to see.

enjoy that last mouthful of tar on the way down into the pit Dinos

Over and again Republican propaganda outlets have cited (Senator) Obama's vote against raising the debt ceiling as proof of his duplicity or hypocrisy. When he was a Senator, they assert, he voted against Bush and the Republicans raising the debt ceiling, so what they want to do now is no different.

It is different, very different.

If Bush and the Republicans had not passed a massive tax cut, then launched a completely unnecessary war in Iraq, there would have been no need for a debt ceiling hike.
It was a protest vote to highlight the completely Irresponsible act of cutting taxes and starting a war at the same time.
what kind of an INSANE party would cheer an idiot they made president for starting a war while hacking taxes way back?

not a fiscal party that is for sure.

It would much more likely be one that wants to destroy the country by making it insolvent
Just what we need; a lecture about the Constitution from a Communist. I'm quite certain you wouldn't comprehend the Constition if it walked and slapped you on your empty red leftist head.

In order to implement the proletariat revolution, one must understand the preceding bourgeois revolution.
The executive is required by law to shutdown non-essential services when a budget isn't passed. Would you have Obama ignore the law and keep these services open anyway? Why do you hate the constitution?

Is the Presidio Golf Club "essential"?

Obama found a way to send 400,000 civilians back to work during the "shutdown", didn't he?

But the families of the fallen...not essential.

Why do Democrats loathe the military?

(Left to right) Pfc. Cody J. Patterson, Sgt. Patrick C. Hawkins, 1st Lt. Jennifer M. Moreno and Special Agent Joseph M. Peters​