Crowd defies Obama shutdown theater


Sunday, January 19, 2003:
--Q: Mr. Secretary, on Iraq, how much money do you think the Department of Defense would need to pay for a war with Iraq?
--A (Rumsfeld): Well, the Office of Management and Budget, has come up come up with a number that's something under $50 billion for the cost. How much of that would be the U.S. burden, and how much would be other countries, is an open question. I think the way to put it into perspective is that the estimates as to what September 11th cost the United States of America ranges high up into the hundreds of billions of dollars. Now, another event in the United States that was like September 11th, and which cost thousands of lives, but one that involved a -- for example, a biological weapon, would be -- have a cost in human life, as well as in billions, hundreds of billions of dollars, that would be vastly greater.
3/27/03 testimony before a Senate Appropriations Hearing
a. Rumsfeld:

I don't believe that the United States has the responsibility for reconstruction, in a sense...[Reconstruction] funds can come from those various sources I mentioned: frozen assets, oil revenues and a variety of other things, including the Oil for Food, which has a very substantial number of billions of dollars in it.

b. Wolfowitz:

We're dealing with a country that can really finance its own reconstruction, and relatively soon.
3/27/03 testimony before a Senate Appropriations Hearing
a. Rumsfeld:

I don't believe that the United States has the responsibility for reconstruction, in a sense...[Reconstruction] funds can come from those various sources I mentioned: frozen assets, oil revenues and a variety of other things, including the Oil for Food, which has a very substantial number of billions of dollars in it.

b. Wolfowitz:

We're dealing with a country that can really finance its own reconstruction, and relatively soon.

here they are claiming that the war will pay for its self

Following up on a tip sent in by a vigilant Blaze reader, I made a quick call to San Francisco’s Presidio Golf Club, this morning. I can confirm that the public golf course, clubhouse and café are cheerfully open for business — all sit on the same national park land as the privately owned and operated, and currently shuttered, Cliff House restaurant.

Like the Cliff House, the golf club operates as a private vendor on national park land. Unlike the Cliff House, however, it is a member of the nationally renowned Arnold Palmer Golf Management empire which oversees 74 golf clubs, public and private, across the country, including the posh private Hoakalei Country Club on the island of Oahu.

And unlike the Cliff House, and many other private concessions on park land, the Presidio Golf Club has not been threatened, patrolled, barricaded, put under armed guard, or otherwise harassed by park service goons. You can call the golf club and set up your tee time, hassel-free. The young man on the phone is very helpful.

To review:

The National Park Service is cancelling this weekend’s kiddie sandcastle contest on San Francisco’s Ocean Beach. The slice of sand normally has no lifeguards or rangers, is permanently open to the public, and requires no funds for day-to-day operations.

Dan and Mary Hountalas, owners of Cliff House, valiantly fought their shutdown, and lost on orders straight from Washington DC. The historic eatery expects to lose $10,000 a day and 170 employees are losing their livelihoods.

Park goers across the country are being fined and barred from even glimpsing Mother Nature’s wonders.

The lesson of the shutdown showdown?

Oil and gas on federal land: Drive, baby, drive.

Playing a round of golf at an elite, national green: It’s all aces.
Its wasn't the House Republicans that said, "I will not negotiate".... and I can't believe it wasn't reported on other news networks...but you never know....

If you refuse to negotiate, you are the problem.
That's right. Only a freaken weak assed moron negotiates when some asshole has a gun to their head. Ya'll need to get that shit straight you simple minded fools.
The executive is required by law to shutdown non-essential services when a budget isn't passed. Would you have Obama ignore the law and keep these services open anyway? Why do you hate the constitution?

No reason to 'close' 24/7 sites, that without shutdown are only manned from 8-7. It's silly and just for inconvenience.
This gov't shut down is getting the best of me. I don't know what to do. Everything is going to crap!
Did you hear about the EBT spending limit SNAFU that happened in Louisiana this weekend?

The Dude was actually ecstatic.
It's all crazy. Print more money. Spend more money. Tax more money.

I must admit, this is the best month of making $ I've had in a long time.

Keep the shut down going.
Its wasn't the House Republicans that said, "I will not negotiate".... and I can't believe it wasn't reported on other news networks...but you never know....

If you refuse to negotiate, you are the problem.

Defund the ACA or we will shut down the government. What's to negotiate?