Culinary Disasters

Moot wasn't aware that Tilapia farming is part of wastewater processing? Now that's a hoot on moot....

I loathe that stuff. The other farmed fish that is disgusting is that swai. Some sort of catfish. Both have a faint odor and taste like poop smells.
Tell me about Tilapia.

It's a farmed fish and like many of their kind is kept in small man-made containers or ponds, and fed allegedly-purified sewage. Or as someone said, "waste water." It's inexpensive, has little "fishy" odor if fresh, and is easily (and preferably!!!) covered up with strong sauces. Its texture is rather squishy like all farmed fish. To me it has a faint odor of sewage/poo and I do not like it a bit. Swai fish is even worse. I won't eat any fish that comes from China or Asia; their fish farming practices are suspect.
It's a farmed fish and like many of their kind is kept in small man-made containers or ponds, and fed allegedly-purified sewage. Or as someone said, "waste water." It's inexpensive, has little "fishy" odor if fresh, and is easily (and preferably!!!) covered up with strong sauces. Its texture is rather squishy like all farmed fish. To me it has a faint odor of sewage/poo and I do not like it a bit. Swai fish is even worse. I won't eat any fish that comes from China or Asia; their fish farming practices are suspect.
Okay, I'm going to vomit now.

I made this just a couple of weeks ago.
It's a farmed fish and like many of their kind is kept in small man-made containers or ponds, and fed allegedly-purified sewage. Or as someone said, "waste water." It's inexpensive, has little "fishy" odor if fresh, and is easily (and preferably!!!) covered up with strong sauces. Its texture is rather squishy like all farmed fish. To me it has a faint odor of sewage/poo and I do not like it a bit. Swai fish is even worse. I won't eat any fish that comes from China or Asia; their fish farming practices are suspect.

I can't say what they do in China but in the US it's not fed or swimming in sewage. That is, if you define sewage in the usual manner as waste water from domestic or industrial sources. Here the waste water is the outlet from an upper pond or ponds that are used to farm fish that need clean, cool water to thrive. The "clean water" fish require a high concentration of dissolved oxygen, and DO goes down as the water becomes contaminated with organic debris (uneaten food and poo) and heat.

Tilapia, carp and your favorite Swai (never heard of it before) thrive in warm water with low DO concentration. Maybe it's because of their habit of gulping air (I don't know). And like all fish they eat just about anything that is floating in the water. So they are farmed in ponds that are downstream of the trout and salmon.
Chickens are fed a certain percentage of their own shit as well.

The organic food movement, how do you think plants are fertilized? Shit is a great fertilizer. So all those vegan types are literally full of shit, lol.

Shit is good fertilizer!
That explains Trumps Rallies!