Culinary Disasters

I bet your wife is a good cook. You can be honest here. Amma right?
She wasn’t when we first got married. She made a lot of one pot wonders that were kinda meh. She still makes a lot of one pot wonders but has upped her game. About a year ago she subscribed to a YouTube channel with some Asian American lady and has really stepped up her game.
Ummm, yes. Obviously. I had no idea about Tilapia.

I do stay away from farm raised Salmon but the wild is only in season a couple of times a year.

Yeah, living inland is a problem. Michigan is pretty cool and allows the sale of game fish caught by commercial fishermen so we can get whitefish, perch, walleye, and northern pike all year round. In the winter though it comes in frozen form, but is still pretty fresh even so.
I can't say what they do in China but in the US it's not fed or swimming in sewage. That is, if you define sewage in the usual manner as waste water from domestic or industrial sources. Here the waste water is the outlet from an upper pond or ponds that are used to farm fish that need clean, cool water to thrive. The "clean water" fish require a high concentration of dissolved oxygen, and DO goes down as the water becomes contaminated with organic debris (uneaten food and poo) and heat.

Tilapia, carp and your favorite Swai (never heard of it before) thrive in warm water with low DO concentration. Maybe it's because of their habit of gulping air (I don't know). And like all fish they eat just about anything that is floating in the water. So they are farmed in ponds that are downstream of the trout and salmon.

Gack and yuck. I have never seen Swai in the stores here but they used to sell it in groceries in the STL area. I've noticed that a lot of fish available at the seafood dept. at Meijer and SuperOne say "China" or "Vietnam" as countries of origin.
Yeah, living inland is a problem. Michigan is pretty cool and allows the sale of game fish caught by commercial fishermen so we can get whitefish, perch, walleye, and northern pike all year round. In the winter though it comes in frozen form, but is still pretty fresh even so.
Nice. That must be great.

Do you even need air conditioners up there? Wish I lived in Canada or Alaska right now. It's supposed to be 99 degrees from Sat. all through next week.
Nice. That must be great.

Do you even need air conditioners up there? Wish I lived in Canada or Alaska right now. It's supposed to be 99 degrees from Sat. all through next week.

Oh good lord, that's horrible. I saw on the news tonight that someone left a child in a daycare van in FL and she died. :~(

Most ppl don't have a/c here but stores and other businesses do. People inland often have room air conditioners. We have a small room a/c in the basement but not in the rest of the house. Sometimes it gets in the 80s here but usually not for more than a few days at a time.
Oh good lord, that's horrible. I saw on the news tonight that someone left a child in a daycare van in FL and she died. :~(

Most ppl don't have a/c here but stores and other businesses do. People inland often have room air conditioners. We have a small room a/c in the basement but not in the rest of the house. Sometimes it gets in the 80s here but usually not for more than a few days at a time.
Yes -- that happened here! She was 4 months old and left in a daycare van for 5 hours. The place is being shut down and the owner and manager were arrested. Just horrible.

You are so lucky. Must be heavenly to have mild temps year round.
Nice. That must be great.

Do you even need air conditioners up there? Wish I lived in Canada or Alaska right now. It's supposed to be 99 degrees from Sat. all through next week.

Florida is too damn hot. Yesterday it was a perfect 80 degrees, perfect blue sky. Today cool and lightly raining.
Yes -- that happened here! She was 4 months old and left in a daycare van for 5 hours. The place is being shut down and the owner and manager were arrested. Just horrible.
You are so lucky. Must be heavenly to have mild temps year round.

Poor baby. I just can't imagine her parents' nightmare.

Well, it's mild in the spring/summer/fall. Winter, not so much. Here by the Lake we have some below zero days; away from the Lake though it can be brutal. We're in a narrow band of USDA climate zone 5(b). But just a few miles inland they are Zone 3 and 4!
Oh good lord, that's horrible. I saw on the news tonight that someone left a child in a daycare van in FL and she died. :~(

Most ppl don't have a/c here but stores and other businesses do. People inland often have room air conditioners. We have a small room a/c in the basement but not in the rest of the house. Sometimes it gets in the 80s here but usually not for more than a few days at a time.
I hate those stories, rips my gut out. A horrible way to die.