Cult movies

Did anyone say "Night of the Living Dead"? Is that the one with the pods that burst and clones of existing townspeople take over their bodies?

I remember an old, old horror movie called "Ingston Towers" only because at about age 12 I was babysitting my younger sisters while my parents were out and spent the evening literally backed into a chair in the corner, almost rigid with dread, until they came home, because that movie had been aired. All these years later I still remember the name of it.

I mentioned Night of the Living Dead. It's so campy it's funny.

Another good one (this IS from the 60s) The Blob! They remade it, but the original is the best!
Did anyone say "Night of the Living Dead"? Is that the one with the pods that burst and clones of existing townspeople take over their bodies?

I remember an old, old horror movie called "Ingston Towers" only because at about age 12 I was babysitting my younger sisters while my parents were out and spent the evening literally backed into a chair in the corner, almost rigid with dread, until they came home, because that movie had been aired. All these years later I still remember the name of it.

I had a movie like that when I was really young too. It was called The Screaming Skull...came out in the early 60's. I was 5 maybe and remember it scared me so bad I had nightmares for weeks. I can still see one specific scene where this cackling, ghostly skull floats toward the damsel in distress...scared me silly!
The Lovecraft part sold it.

Absolutely. I have a Lovecraft anthology that I re-read every few years.

Also Daphne du Maurier. One of her short stories (well, probably more than one) was made into a film. I can't recall the name offhand but it was about a couple who were visiting Venice. The man went walking, tried to help someone he thought was a child in trouble ...
Fantastic Planet

I need some good suggestions for cult movies. I currently have Donnie Darko, Tank Girl, Heavy Metal 2000. The original Heavy Metal is also on my list, but finding a copy is currently impossible.

[ame=""]YouTube- Fantastic Planet part 1 (english)[/ame]

Pretty deep for 1973!
Original Blob! was 50s.

Yes, you are right and I am wrong, you anal retentive fuckwit! Did you hear that people? 3D was RIGHT... and Dixie was WRONG! Three totally PWND Dixie right here in this very important and crucial thread of great significance about something vitally important to mankind, and we need to make sure that he is given proper credit for his monumental victory in finally proving Dixie wrong on something! Can someone please start a new thread to congratulate him, and Grind, please bestow 3D with some of your Grind Points for the remarkable achievement! Everyone else, please give 3D positive rep for this, it should be recognized by the world for the wonderful contribution to humanity!

The film was released in 1958, not in the 60s as I stated, and I am hanging my head in shame for being such a moron as to think it might have been released in the 1960s. I guess the fact that I saw the movie when I was 7 (1966), and it was the first scary movie I remember seeing, was why I made the terrible mistake of thinking it was released then, and not in 1958. That's really no excuse though, I should be drawn and quartered for making such a boneheaded incorrect statement, and 3D should be praised relentlessly from this point forward for demonstrating his profound intelligence in this area! I humble myself in your greatness O' Wise One!

Now, go the fuck away, troll!
Yes, you are right and I am wrong, you anal retentive fuckwit! Did you hear that people? 3D was RIGHT... and Dixie was WRONG! Three totally PWND Dixie right here in this very important and crucial thread of great significance about something vitally important to mankind, and we need to make sure that he is given proper credit for his monumental victory in finally proving Dixie wrong on something! Can someone please start a new thread to congratulate him, and Grind, please bestow 3D with some of your Grind Points for the remarkable achievement! Everyone else, please give 3D positive rep for this, it should be recognized by the world for the wonderful contribution to humanity!

The film was released in 1958, not in the 60s as I stated, and I am hanging my head in shame for being such a moron as to think it might have been released in the 1960s. I guess the fact that I saw the movie when I was 7 (1966), and it was the first scary movie I remember seeing, was why I made the terrible mistake of thinking it was released then, and not in 1958. That's really no excuse though, I should be drawn and quartered for making such a boneheaded incorrect statement, and 3D should be praised relentlessly from this point forward for demonstrating his profound intelligence in this area! I humble myself in your greatness O' Wise One!

Now, go the fuck away, troll!

Uh, considering that I just admitted to Thorn earlier that I was way off when The Pod People was released, I really don't see what this ridiculous display of behavior is all about...
Uh, considering that I just admitted to Thorn earlier that I was way off when The Pod People was released, I really don't see what this ridiculous display of behavior is all about...

It's all about Dix proving he's the bigget douche on these boards no matter what the subject is.

I've been here over a year and this is the FIRST time I've seen Dix admit he was wrong.
He's finally starting to come around to the fact that Northerners are superior to Southerners. We're also 1-0 on the battlefield.
Wars. There 1-0 in wars. The south won most of the battles in the Civil War, due to them being fought in their back yards, but lost the war.