
You know, I could go to the old bush board, or wot board (i think the bb might be more defunct than the wot one, I'd have to check) and post it for him, but, I hesitate to do that and draw attention to myself there. They know about this board, as you and I know from the angl incident that happened here, but I still hesitate. I might just do it, and the hell with it though. Screw em.

Caveat: borning stuff, don't read if you're not Darla. It won't mean anything to you

Darn, I was denied.

I just checked my old aol account, and I must have deleted wackos address. Is he even on the BB anymore? You know, I wouldn't even mess with the BB anymore. I was very judicious in how I handled that ;) Cawacko had his chance. We were all on fp - you, ornot, Gene, I, and froggie - but it wasn't good enough for him.
Caveat: borning stuff, don't read if you're not Darla. It won't mean anything to you

Darn, I was denied.

I just checked my old aol account, and I must have deleted wackos address. Is he even on the BB anymore? You know, I wouldn't even mess with the BB anymore. I was very judicious in how I handled that ;) Cawacko had his chance. We were all on fp - you, ornot, Gene, I, and froggie - but it wasn't good enough for him.

I just checked. Looks like he mainly hangs at the wot board now. Do you think it would be a bad idea to say something to him there about it?
What Angle incident?

My screename at my old board was <removed by request>. A couple of weeks ago, something happened at that old board between the guy I talked to you about in PM? and them. They came here to get back at him, via me. They registered under the name <removedbyrequest>, and they know a lot about me, all personal info, name, where I live, you name it. I knew they were going to post it. I PM"d Damo, and he took care of it.

He was more than cool about it, I have to say. He was really, really great.
LOL! They'd hate us!

It was hilariouis! I was pissing my pants.

They took my George W Chimp screen name VERY personally. I asked them, "why are YOU offended?...it's not even directed towards YOU?"

But, they were too deep in the depths of Bush worship, to be able to separate an insult on the president, from an insult on them personally.
Well, I'd post it on the board that you think SE was talking about, it was sold very soon after SE was on this board for a bit. But I promised the dude that owns that site that I wouldn't do that. So, it 'taint happening. Some of them are members here, you just won't recognize them and they don't post as heavily here.
I just checked. Looks like he mainly hangs at the wot board now. Do you think it would be a bad idea to say something to him there about it?

Will you let me do it? Instead of you? Are you cool with that? I'd hate to see you set yourself up for abuse.
It was hilariouis! I was pissing my pants.

They took my George W Chimp screen name VERY personally. I asked them, "why are YOU offended?...it's not even directed towards YOU?"

But, they were too deep in the depths of Bush worship, to be able to separate an insult on the president, from an insult on them personally.

I can't imagine ever worshipping any politician to that extent. I think it's a mental illness.
My screename at my old board was <removed by request>. A couple of weeks ago, something happened at that old board between the guy I talked to you about in PM? and them. They came here to get back at him, via me. They registered under the name <removed by request>, and they know a lot about me, all personal info, name, where I live, you name it. I knew they were going to post it. I PM"d Damo, and he took care of it.

He was more than cool about it, I have to say. He was really, really great.

Do you know them in real life? How did they get all of that stuff?
It was hilariouis! I was pissing my pants.

They took my George W Chimp screen name VERY personally. I asked them, "why are YOU offended?...it's not even directed towards YOU?"

But, they were too deep in the depths of Bush worship, to be able to separate an insult on the president, from an insult on them personally.

What site is this? I may want to start some trouble tonight.
Do you know them in real life? How did they get all of that stuff?

I really am a writer. Mostly copywriting, but I do get published from time to time. One day, years ago, I made the stupid mistake of saying, hey I have a piece in Newsday today. They got my name and hometown that way, got the rest from one of those people search engines, Intellius or something like that.
Well, I'd post it on the board that you think SE was talking about, it was sold very soon after SE was on this board for a bit. But I promised the dude that owns that site that I wouldn't do that. So, it 'taint happening. Some of them are members here, you just won't recognize them and they don't post as heavily here.

whatever happened to him?
Believe it or not AHZ used to be a huge Bush supporter until he started learning about the NWO and believes that Bush is the main dude for them now. He and I have spent many happy hours exchanging about the Freemasons and why they are not even close to powerful enough to be part of this grand conspiracy.
whatever happened to him?
Well, he owns a different sort of board and he began to fear that people here might make trouble for him on there. He was mostly on here to egg y'all on, and he did a good job of it, he is a righty though for sho'.
I really am a writer. Mostly copywriting, but I do get published from time to time. One day, years ago, I made the stupid mistake of saying, hey I have a piece in Newsday today. They got my name and hometown that way, got the rest from one of those people search engines, Intellius or something like that.

That sucks that they did that. I guess you really upset their reality as chimp ass lickers.

But on the otherhand l, now I know why you're so eloquent. And truthfull, that's not fair! You're a writer! :p
I really am a writer. Mostly copywriting, but I do get published from time to time. One day, years ago, I made the stupid mistake of saying, hey I have a piece in Newsday today. They got my name and hometown that way, got the rest from one of those people search engines, Intellius or something like that.
I've published poetry. My best accomplishment was one that got in the New Yorker. I was very proud, bought several copies and gave them to my friends. But I'd never tell people which one it was or when because some people are just psycho.